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Stiff Arm

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Everything posted by Stiff Arm

  1. Vapes. Let's get the whole club on vapes. They're legal, right???
  2. So you're claiming Richo said that "Kossie deserves 650-700k" and that "May, Lever and Gawn are on north of that" in 2024? And he said we may not be able to re-sign Kossie because of the Tracc, Clarrie and Gus deals??? Wow, if true he should be sacked immediately
  3. Mate, everything you've written here is conjecture. It's not opinion, its not fact, it's complete guesswork. Perhaps Max or Lever are on heavily front loaded contracts, so their amounts for 2023/24/25 could be smaller than before. Maybe Gus took less than we think to stay with his premiership mates. Any number of possibilities could be true, but I reckon if Kossie wants to stay the club will find a way to do it.
  4. I so hope that doesn't result in more BT and his insufferable ilk. That's enough to make me brick the TV
  5. Whilst their experience and feelings are valid, the decision for limited legalization should be made using the advice of medical professionals backed up by data. It's the same reason that jail terms are not not set by victims of crime. If we replace that phrase 'the war on drugs' (good band, btw) with 'harm minimisation', we might make some progress
  6. Interesting that we don't look twice at people having a few social drinks, smoking a dart or popping a couple of painkillers yet recreational use of drugs is still a divisive topic. We'd be better off having a balanced and reasonable conversation at state and federal govt level (which is unlikely) about the pros and cons of decriminalization and how it could be implemented in a controlled, transparent and medically supervised way. Presumably one of the reasons that that ciggies and alcohol are taxed heavily is because of the high cost to society caused by their damage. Most hospitals would be half empty if there was no alcohol or tobacco in society. My understanding is that in countries where coke, heroin, meth etc are legal, their sales are controlled and monitored by govt, and they are available through pharmacies, not supermarkets, corner stores or the like. It's available, but more open and less attractive to do. Personally I'd like to see vapes heavily restricted in Australia. Packaging and flavors aimed at young people, particularly teens. In my burb there's a shop specialising in confectionery and energy drinks that also sells vapes, full of teens after school. This will be a medical time bomb in the years to come. But that's a side topic
  7. Except that it has happened in some countries, Portugal in particular, and the data largely supports decriminalization. That other countries are considering some form of decriminalization indicates it's a direction worth considering
  8. I think you missed the humour part of Monbon's post
  9. Legalizing has had good results in Portugal https://www.theguardian.com/news/2017/dec/05/portugals-radical-drugs-policy-is-working-why-hasnt-the-world-copied-it
  10. Would you be yelling the same thing if he was a young Melbourne player with known mental health problems? Careful what you wish for Picket, professional footballers are fallible too I hate Collingwood as much as anyone, however what is arguably minor drug use is better dealt with through counsel and support rather than public shame by media and anonymous internet heroes like us. The carrot is often better than the stick
  11. Like it. He's a good decision maker and a good kick with a decent turn of speed. Gives us options, especially if we get an injury or two (touch wood not)
  12. I agree. IMO this romantic notion that we must be near the G doesn't hold water. We play there and we are attached to the MCC, but I'd rather us have best practice training and admin facilities away from the MCG precinct than put up with this endless wait to be hopefully squashed in to a car park space next to AAMI park and still train on public parkland. It's a matter of being pragmatic and ensuring that our players, men and women, have the best facilities soon, not in 15 or 20 years time. If we are offered a twin oval, brand new development with indoor training and pool facilities at Caufield, we should jump at it. And I reckon a supporters social club as part of it would be a waste of money. Would be unused or severely under used
  13. Maybe they are referring to the ball's (its) highest point of intersection with the outreached arms of the player? Either way, its splitting hairs
  14. https://www.sen.com.au/news/2023/02/04/top-draftee-reveals-rival-clubs-late-poaching-effort-on-draft-night/ Was it our pick 15 and a future 1st we offered the Bombers?
  15. Can't seem to find anything online about this, Red 🤔
  16. Help a ludite, please: Does a fire stick require additional monthly payments beyond the initial purchase? Does it have access to Kayo without Kayo subscription? Fire stick OK to use with a smart tv? Seems too good to be true if there's only the initial purchase and it give wide access to paid platforms TIA
  17. Much the same way 'Robbo' writes his stories. Has anyone seen 'Robbo' and 58er in the same room? Just saying...
  18. So too is Haselby allowed an opinion. In fact, he's paid to have opinions, even if we consider them biased
  19. According to the Pommy papers, Andy Murray is a Brit when he wins, but a Scot when he loses
  20. You should be able to get a park easily on Alexandra Ave near Punt Rd if you arrive by 9am. Then walk over Morell pedestrian Bridge to Goschs. That's where I parked on Wed of last week
  21. Oliver's right hand or left hand today? The broken thumb last year was right. During the wet training session last Wednesday he copped a nasty whack to his left hand but seemed to recover enough to do the match sim Anyone got any info about Lever's injury and timeline to recovery? Thank for the reports fellas 🙏
  22. Yes. Didn't see a drone on Wed, probably not up because of rain. But have seen vision from it in the past I noticed that as well, Dazzle. Given he's not overly quick, I wonder if this is wise. I'm no sports physio, though. ANB also looking super fit with zero fat on him, like a greyhound
  23. Yes, spots in the forward 50 will be tightly contested if all those you mention are fit. I believe thats what you meant. Last year we suffered without TMac and Brown for much of the year and Dogga largely out of form. I'll have a stab and predict JvR will play about half the season, as will BBB. Fingers crossed Tmac stays fit, he's looked cherry ripe at training However, for me it's not that we don't have players inside the 50 who are capable, it's the delivery into 50 that we need to get right. I reckon we could add around 6 goals per game if we improve that connection
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