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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. At training last Wednesday I heard him tell a group of indigenous kids visiting from Alice that he feels 100% ready but he’s been told he’s still “a week or two away.” Bad timing for these kids who were really looking forward to watching Kozzie play, and were hoping to watch Smacca play, too. But I don’t feel bad for them coming to watch this particular game since none of them are Dees fans. Moreover, several of them are Lions fans 😅
  2. Same here. I don’t watch any of the footy programs either. It frees up a ton of time for other things, such as sulking.
  3. Never mind the Blues losing to Adelaide… you have friends who plan a wedding in footy season? Harsh.
  4. I don’t understand this. Are they saying the scoreline 79-80 has happened 14 times, making it the scoreline that has the highest rate of occurence? If so, that’s incredible because any one-point difference result is rarer than a wider margin result, right? Or do I have absolutely nfi what I’m talking about. 😃
  5. I see (or hear) Port have a drum in their cheer squad. We’ve discussed the possibility of applying to the AFL for permission to have a drum. Seems it wasn’t a popular idea. Nek minnit… 😅 The Club requested it. We weren’t aware of it until we arrived at the ‘G on Thursday. It’s a shame it was debuted at such a dismal match though.
  6. I’m going for Freo because I can’t stand seeing Hinkley’s resting smug face go to next level smug after a win.
  7. I still walk on eggshells with my Carlton-loving family because there’s unresolved issues which are never spoken of but pertain to me being a deceitful, unfeeling defector. There’s a lot of them and only one of me. Best I don’t poke the bear. 😁
  8. My entire family is Carlton, immediate and extended… Carlton, every last one of ‘em. I always exercise sensitivity when Carlton loses so I just messaged a few of them saying wow that was a close one, too bad for the baggers. Not one of them has replied. Not one! I think I’ll go out and find me a new family. 😂
  9. That was just amazing! What a finish, and finally Carlton is on the wrong side of a nail-biter. YAY 🥳 Soz @No. 31! Except sooooo not soz it hurts 😂
  10. THEY’VE DONE IT!!!!!! 🎶 we’re the pride of South Australia… 🎶 I’m singing that song with gusto and now my son is so confused. 😅
  12. Not the most captivating match I’ve ever seen. The interesting thing is the song choices of Giants players after goals. Would never have picked Toby Greene as a fan of Macarena 😁
  13. I understand this, but no team would end up with both ‘Marra and Bont, least of all us.
  14. Same as NottaMelbourne. 🙃 Megalo! Megalo! Megalo!
  15. Yeah and I’ll take world peace and a cure for cancer. Hashtag dream on 😁
  16. I have a Doggies friend in the know who is supremely confident ‘Marra is not going anywhere, he’s a Bulldog for keeps.
  17. aaaand TV switched off. I’d sooner stick toothpicks through my eyeballs than watch those disgusting fans celebrating their just as disgusting team’s win. 🤮🤮🤮 We lose and Essendon win. Great start to the weekend.
  18. Whenever ‘Marra has a good game this thread gets trotted out. It’s never gonna happen! 😅
  19. By “good” you mean “frustrating” right? Bulldogs are fighting an uphill battle.
  20. Omfg. This is bs. No ambiguity… he played on.
  21. What the hell was that 50 for???!!!
  22. What will he have left for his ANZAC Day prematch intro? He’s using up all his tickets on matches such as this: 8th vs 13th, and at Marvel (could it be any more uninteresting?)
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