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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Hope your life insurance policy is paid-up and your Will is up-to-date. This should help you decide who to go for… NOT [censored] COLLINGWOOD!!!
  2. He’s spot on with his appraisal of the fixture in general. The only thing he got wrong is his use of fair dinkum as one word. 😝
  3. True. What’s interesting is 3-letter surnames seem to be the ones that commentators don’t feel the need to include their first names. Eg: Cox, Ash, Yeo, Day. Unrelated: it’s gonna be a looooong six days. 😁
  4. They did this with Easton Wood. They never called him ‘Wood,’ It was always ‘Easton Wood.’
  5. Annoyed is an understatement. Richmond has given us a paltry allocation and any hope of them giving us more is gone now that they’ve sold the rest of the bay. Our ticketing team has been royally stuffed around, and now the unenviable task of telling many DA members they won’t be able to sit with us. I hate Collingwood as much as the next person but at least they give us a decent allocation when it’s their home game, and they let us use M3.
  6. Some media peeps reckon our match is more poignant and captivating than the ANZAC Day match, given it’s a night match. I was lucky enough to be out on the ground last year (only half our banner crew got to participate since it’s a shared banner therefore half the banner crew are Richmond), and it’s an experience rivalled only by being out there on KB. That said, I’ve a feeling the crowd will be smaller this year than it’s been of late.
  7. Richmond announced it was to be a fully ticketed game. The AFL and MCC weren’t having any of that and so now it’s been decided it’s not fully ticketed.
  8. Yep. Ticket sales aren’t nearly where they should be.
  9. That’s what was announced. It’s since changed (as of this afternoon) and is no longer fully ticketed.
  10. Every year we have a shared banner with Richmond for ANZAC eve. We also make the banner with them. Last year we made it at our location, but because it’s their home game this year, they’re hosting us at Punt Rd (tonight). The Richmond folk hand-paint their banners. (Bless them 🥹) Apparently this can take (and has taken) up to eight hours. EIGHT HOURS. 😳 I expect to leave banner-making covered in paint (coz clumsy) but it sure as hell won’t be at 1am! Both MFC and RFC agree on the content, with AFL approval, but the ‘home’ banner-makers choose the design and construction methods. Not bragging (except bragging so much it legit hurts) but it won’t be nearly as impressive as last year’s. 😉
  11. Putting it mildly, Richmond isn’t the easiest club to work with when it comes to their home games at the ‘G. While it currently says tickets for all areas bar the nosebleeds are exhausted, this isn’t necessarily so. At this point in time, even the MFC isn’t sure of what the RFC is doing re ticketing.
  12. Thank you!!! She’s due in August, just in time for finals. In years to come she can tell everyone how she was born in a Dees premiership year ❤️💙
  13. To celebrate Rooey re-signing, the Club is offering junior memberships for $29 for a limited time. At midnight last night I bought my unborn granddaughter membership for $65. Could’ve saved $36. Oh well, the money goes to the Club so it’s all good. *opens tonight’s packet of 2-minute noodles*
  14. It’s his 21st birthday today! 🥳🍻🍰💥🥳 Instead of receiving a gift, he’s given us a gift. Atta boy, Rooey!
  15. Yep. A closed session at Gosch’s isn’t possible but this is as close to a closed session as they can get. They clearly didn’t really want spectators and definitely didn’t want supporter/player engagement. This is totally understandable imo. So, it’s gotta be said, DD… see you next Tuesday 🤭
  16. I rang the Club yesterday and asked if they were training at Gosch’s this morning, and while she didn’t say they’re not training, she also didn’t say they were. She told me “the next open training session at Gosch’s will be next Tuesday” (Captain’s Run). Emphasis on ‘open.’ Idk about @Demon Dynasty, but @kev martinwasn’t able to attend anyways. I’m guessing no one from DL attended. 🤷‍♀️
  17. He went further than that, too. He asked if the AFL is protecting the head, or the Brownlow. https://7news.com.au/sport/afl/david-king-launches-at-afl-with-inflammatory-brownlow-claim-after-zak-butters-cleared-by-mro-c-14314901.amp
  18. Ugh the cheek. Welcome to our world, Vossy While he can’t publicly bag the review system or the umpires, Voss is clearly spewing about the Owies (deemed touched) goal in the third quarter… You didn’t have the benefit of seeing what happened, huh Vossy. Well, try having the benefit of seeing what happened and still getting stiffed. That’s so much worse. Everyone behind the goals at last year’s semi had the benefit of seeing what happened when Caleb Marchbank didn’t touch the ball. Hurts when the shoe’s on the other foot, doesn’t it?!
  19. If it was still Hardwick and not Ooze this would be more enjoyable
  20. This is the only reason I’m still watching this. But I expect I’ll have to endure the start of Bounce in order to see it.
  21. West Coast’s accuracy is great. 11 goals, zero behinds up until a few minutes ago.
  22. North wearing black armbands in memory of the mum who died yesterday in the Bondi stabbing attack, Ashlee Good, who was the daughter of former North player, Kerry Good. Tragic.
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