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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. I’m seriously starting to worry about you, Bingers.
  2. Carlton won the premiership
  3. Still-shots are welcome but only if accompanied by a video. Any short vid platform will suffice, TikTok probs being the best. Thanks in advance. 😉
  4. Thinking of organising an intervention for you, Bingers. 😅
  5. Yes, that error was forgiven when the others realised the reason behind it. PS: you have a killer memory, Layz. 💕
  6. Disco’s third goal was largely due to the skill and professionalism of the person in the cheer squad holding the target. 😁 Redemption for her dreadful error in last year’s round 22 match vs Carlton where she held the target up between the goal and behind posts. She thought she’d never again be asked to hold up the target. But her comrades backed her in and she didn’t let them down. Now to work towards getting her giant flag licence back, which should be soon. I mean, it’s not like she took anyone’s eye out.
  7. Holmes lost me last year when she interviewed that filthy thug Maynard after our QF and began by asking him in a very sympathetic and caring way how he was feeling. She was concerned about HIS feelings. Get [censored].
  8. Any chance to bash Schache, huh.
  9. “If we play like that next week vs (whomever), we’re done.” ”Had we been playing against a half-decent side we would’ve been flogged.” Same old, same old. 🙄 We’re not even a third of the way through the season, and the season is long. There’s gonna be ups and downs and even sideways. Nothing is decided in April. Take the win ffs. Moreover, ENJOY the win. Enjoy each and every win, even if only for 24 hours. Please and thanks. 👍🏽😃
  10. Shane not playing last quarter. Running around the boundary warming down. Not injured. Big smile on his dial. I’m no expert but I think they’ve seen enough and he’ll be DEBUTING NEXT WEEK!!! 🥳
  11. Up n at ‘em McAdam!!! Thank you for posting this! I’m here but on the opposite side of the ground and I missed seeing that. Bloody awesome!!!
  12. What is this ‘ironing’ of which you speak? I actually do own an iron but I’m only hanging onto it because I figure it’ll be a museum piece one day. 😁
  13. Whoa! I just noticed something I’ve never noticed before and I think it’s a sign! Wearing a huge hoodie that belongs to my son and look what’s on the sleeve! 🤯
  14. Going full-nuffie today. Gonna go to both matches. The amount of Red Bull and coffee required would drop a horse, but I’m all across it. 🥳 Unrelated: can a person die from guarana overdose? Asking for a friend who may or may not have already had two Vs. Also, this… Forgotten? Forgotten by whom, exactly?
  15. Shame you can’t be at the game, DP. We’ll cheer extra loud for you! Hope to see you at the ‘G sometime soon. ❤️💙 CARNA MIGHTY DEES!!!
  16. Kozzie did look happy and relieved today, as you said… a big load off his shoulders. Incidentally, it’s interesting that generally these days men don’t become dads at such a young age. But in the footy world it’s not out of the ordinary for players to become fathers in their early to mid 20s. I’m guessing being financially stable factors into this 🤷‍♀️
  17. That’s all well n good. Now for the important stuff 😁 Ardu and Kozzie are the proud parents of a healthy baby girl, as yet unnamed. Born last Thursday. Kozzie described the feeling as “unreal” 🥹 Ollie Sestán’s nickname at the Club is Sesto. His surname is pronounced Chestahn. He’s Croatian/Italian. His parents are (in his own words) Aussie AF. Melksy’s little boy, Teddy, barracks for the Demons and his favourite player is… Fritta. 😅 According to Chocco, Bowsa is closer to being right to go than we think. He was practicing tackling with one of the trainers and was not holding back. He was going in hard. You wouldn’t know he’d broken his collarbone relatively recently. Chocco was watching on, very pleased. Clarrie was in a serious frame of mind today. Not unhappy or angry, but super immersed in everything be did. His concentration and focus was unwavering and really impressive. Back to nicknames… Knuckles McVee LOVES his nickname so it’s here to stay. I unwittingly changed JB14’s nickname from ‘Jubba’ to ‘Jibba’ 🤭 (long story). And while Shane Mc said he doesn’t mind ‘Smacka’’ his demeanour said ‘You know where you can stick your Smacka’ 😁 He’s pumped to be playing tomorrow. This I know for sure because when I said, “Hey how’re ya going, Shane!” He replied, “I’m playing tomorrow!” Then he said, “Great! How are you?” 😂
  18. The post to which you refer is NOT the post with which I take issue. ⬇️THIS IS. This and this alone ⬇️
  19. Kev, I’m guessing they’re not having a break after Wednesday’s match, rather they don’t wanna advertise training because they want certain sessions to be ‘closed’ sessions, as in, no fans attending. 🤷‍♀️ Anyways, Seeya there! 👍🏽
  20. I, being one of the laughing galahs to whom you allude, was going to put you on ignore. But it’s way too much fun watching you scramble in a vain attempt to cover up your derision of our own players. 😁
  21. ⬆️ This is the post to which I replied, and this post ONLY. It had NOTHING to do with your opinion of Verrall, who you mention in your indignant response… Why then are you bringing up Verrall? Do you think a complimentary comment about Verrall negates a derogatory comment about Fullarton? If so (it doesn’t btw, but if you believe it does), include both opinions in the one post. The point is… how about giving the guy a go? Why start with bagging him? He’s one of us now. It would be nice if you could wish him well and reserve your judgment for such time as he’s played an AFL game WITH US. You do want him to be successful right?
  22. Read my post properly. I said wait until he’s played an AFL game FOR US.
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