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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Update: Adam is in hospital but is expected to be discharged today. No serious injuries. 👍🏽
  2. Yeah that was terrible. He was standing on his seat and fell forward, over the seat in front of him, his head hitting the ground in front of that seat. Because it was the row in front it meant a longer drop. They put screens up around him while paramedics worked on him. We were ordered to vacate the bay immediately. We’ll know tomorrow how he is. 🤞🏼
  3. Bummer about last night, No. 31. I’ve spent half my waking hours since last night’s result consoling my fam and friends. They’re like you… genuinely wanna see us do well. #ThereIsSuchAthingAsANiceBluesSupporter
  4. HUUUGE night for a certain 17yo girl who’ll be sitting in the cheer squad in between Pauline Fritsch and me at tonight’s game. Jade has cerebral palsy, she communicates by typing on her iPad, has a feeding tube, walks in a slow, laboured way, and is a massive Dees fan, absolutely adores 31, as she refers to him. We’ve taken her to AFLW matches without incident but until now we weren’t sure if she was ready for a men’s match. Pauline and I have been planning for the perfect opportunity since early last year and tonight’s the night! She doesn’t know she’s going. We’re not telling her until just before the match. She will absolutely lose her mind! 🥰 So if you see a diminutive girl with an away jumper with 31 on the back in the cheer squad… that’s Jade. ❤️💙 PS: Jade was told she needed braces. She got them last week and what colour braces did she choose? Red and blue (of course)!
  5. I’m not even slightly worried about tonight. We’ll kick ‘em into the middle of next week! My irrepressible confidence is partly attributed to Goody’s presser (5%) but largely because I’m delusional (95%). GO YOU MIGHTY [censored] DEES! 💙❤️💙🥳💙❤️💙
  6. Two words: replacement [censored] buses. Yep, it’s our train line’s lucky weekend. 🤬 Allow plenty of extra time and a truckload of patience, coz you’re gonna need it. Same for going home afterwards. Heads up, @Rab D Nesbitt!
  7. Doesn’t mean I have to eat it.
  8. 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
  9. Who’ll kick a handy point? 😁
  10. Collingwood’s debutants look Collingwood-ish already.
  11. In that case, please feel free to be dishonest.
  12. Ugh it had to be that filthy POS who kicked the first goal, didn’t it. 🤮
  13. I didn’t think to ask that, I just assume he will 😝 Speaking of sons of guns, little Pup Brown told me he’s been a Demons fan forever and when he first came to the club he was “fan-girling big-time” over Vines. I said, “It must feel unreal to know you’ll probably play alongside him, considering you used to fan-girl over him.” He said, “Used to? I STILL DO!” 🥹 Bless
  14. Yep, Dingo never shuts up. I couldn’t get a word in edgeways. 🤣
  15. Ben’s very invested in our W team. He’s not going anywhere anytime soon. We are blessed to have him around the club in any capacity. If my 18yo was a rookie with us I’d be delighted to know he’s benefiting just by being in BBB’s presence.
  16. Gave him a big hug as soon as I saw him this morning. I didn’t say much, I didn’t have to. I only said, “Ben, your Insta post” and he knew. I said “Thank you” and again, no elaboration was necessary.
  17. Hey Kev, on occasion I’ve decided to ditch DL permanently for whatever reason. But I was given valuable advice from some beautiful souls here, that being to not sever ties completely, rather take a break of indefinite length. Come back when you feel you’re ready. It would be a crying shame to lose you for good. Please consider this. 💕 BTW, (Rare) credit to the AFL for shining a light this round on the ever-growing scourge that is violence against women. Clubs have been issued a directive to bring attention to the cause. Our banner tomorrow night will address this in no uncertain terms. Also, just when you think you can’t possibly love BBB any more than you already do, he posts this on instagram… I’m not going off topic since I thanked BBB for his post and told him I’d share it with as many people as possible, for which he was sincerely grateful. This was at training so I’m also not derailing the (training) thread.
  18. Beanpole alert: Idk what his height is listed as but for Kalani White “very [censored] tall” will suffice. He’s 16yo, outrageously tall and still has a few more years to grow.
  19. Oops I forgot about Andy 🤭 I guess he’ll just have to do 🙄 PS: Happy anniversary!
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