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Everything posted by WalkingCivilWar

  1. Not to wish ill on anyone but Jack Crisp needs to miss a game someway or another sometime soon. He’s creeping closer to Jimmy’s record. 😡
  2. THANK YOU I’ve screenshot this post and I’m gonna read it each and every time I get to wondering why on earth I am voluntarily leaving myself open to reading such vicious, disrespectful insults aimed at our own players and coach FROM OUR OWN FANS FFS.
  3. This is so true, Layz. I know there’s some who think pfft it’s only a banner, it’s not so important etc. but it does make a difference, even if it’s a small difference. Interestingly, earlier in the season, Brodie told us that he always makes a point of reading the banner as they run out. Collingwood make banners every week too so we wondered why he’d make a point of telling us that. He’s such a diplomatic (and very nice) person so he didn’t bag the Magpie Army. But he said a lot of thought clearly goes into our banners and they’re different from week to week. He said the boys love coming up and out of the race to the sight of our “magnificent” banners. That’s enough for us! ♥️💙
  4. I wasn’t at that match but another member of the DA was. She didn’t sit (stand) with the DA (where you can’t hear much from the middle because of the ever-present noise), instead she stood with her family members at a quieter part of the boundary. She said she could hear the GWS players constantly yelling encouragement to each other, pumping each other up, instructing each other etc. Our players? Crickets chirping. She heard nothing from our boys. Not even the usually-vocal Ricky Lever was making a noise.
  5. All good. 🙂 If this insult was posted by someone with even a microscopic shred of decency I might have registered a one, maybe a two, on the care-factor scale. But considering who did post it, zero is about as high as it will get. The ignore feature is great. Only bummer is that I still see the belligerent chest-thumping whenever someone quotes a belligerent chest-thumper, whomever that may be. 😉
  6. Some clubs only have banners at home games, some only have them for milestone games and some have them at every game. Then there’s the Eagles: never have a banner but instead have a blue and yellow inflatable tunnel through which the players run. Bless their silly little hearts. 😁 Brisbane are interesting in that they don’t have one at the Gabba yet they do at the ‘G. They also have many Melb-based fans which might be the reason for that.
  7. Neale Bulldust? How old are you, four? apologies to any four-year-olds out there.
  8. Lack of experience shouldn’t be a thing. They’ve been in the league for long enough. You’ve been to banner making, DP. It’s a lot of work but it’s not rocket science. 🙂 I also think the game being played in Alice might be the reason. They didn’t have a cheer squad there and maybe they didn’t have enough ppl to raise a banner. 🤷‍♀️
  9. I don’t know the reason but yeah, it’s pretty disgraceful. I can’t imagine any of them would come from Sydney to Melbourne just to make the banner which means their Melbourne-based fans would have to come. Cue the jokes about them not having any Melb-based fans, amirite! 😁 Or they could’ve had their own banner content made in Sydney then mailed to us. This is how we transport banners around the country. Maybe a lack of enthusiasm? 🤷‍♀️
  10. Thank you, Brownie! Next to the graphic are the words “Christian Salem 150 Games” then his personalised line is: “MASTER OF PRECISION” So apt for him. Incidentally, last week was Toby Greene’s 150th game. There was no acknowledgement on their banner because there WAS no banner. GWS wanted to acknowledge it so they asked us if we could have a shared banner, to which we agreed. Only problem was they weren’t prepared to share in the making of it nor supply any materials. Therefore, no shared banner. #anyOpportunityToBlowTheDeeArmyTrumpet 🤩
  11. We’ve got this stunning graphic for Salo’s 150th… Looks perfect, huh. Now look at his signature…
  12. Agreed. It would give the Saints a headache, too. Hard to match up on an anonymous rando sitting behind a keyboard. 😁
  13. I was fighting an uphill battle. I can’t realistically expect an end to the bagging of our players, nor the suffocating abject negativity. It just won’t happen. So instead of letting it upset me or allowing it to keep me away, I’ve now made ignore button my friend.🙂 I love DL. I learn SO much on here, and there’s some AMAZING people here. I’ve become solid friends with some who I met on DL. As in, lifelong friends. I’ll just leave the drips to wallow in their misery. 👍🏽
  14. CHRISTIAN SALEM PLAYS HIS 150th THIS WEEKEND!!! I’m confident the result of his 150th will be cause for celebration (unlike last weekend’s double milestone match). GO SALO! ♥️💙
  15. It didn’t sit well with me either, NC. But nor does a mankad. Not without a couple of warnings anyways. The thing is though, can you imagine the brouhaha had Bairstow been recalled and they ended up with the win? Besides, he’s their wicket keeper… he should know better than to leave his crease prematurely. Moreover, he’s attempted this dismissal before with either Usman or Marnus, I can’t remember who.
  16. What annoyed me the most was Broad doing that silly exaggerated grounding of his bat until the over was called. Once was bad enough, but he did it repeatedly and was asking Carey if it was ok, as in, can I now leave my crease? He was picked up on the stump mic saying to Carey “you know this is all you’ll be remembered for, right?” Per-leeeez. 🙄
  17. Demon Army OG digging through our storage facility for this sign as we speak ♥️💙
  18. Pointless trying to engage in a mature fashion with someone like this, Dw. They don’t realise there’s ways of getting the attention they clearly crave, other than to imply our coach smokes drugs. I take pity on them. So happy for Taj. Love that he calls his dad “Ledge.” This is welcome news in what’s been a sh!ttty week thus far.
  19. The way I see it, the rumours of illicit drug use swirling around are not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, the more outrageous the rumours, the better. Everyone (who matters) knows it’s a complete lie and therefore ought not be brought down by it. Let them wallow in their nastiness and leave our people to work on whatever real issues there are.
  20. My point is Clarrie would absolutely say he was fine, you could put the farm on it. Therefore his estimation of his return date counts for zero. Maybe because of the class of player he is, it’s easy to forget he’s human. Just as they all are. No player is happy to be ruled not fit to play, but some take it harder than others. From what I know I’d say we have the top two players on the list of Players who don’t do being on the sidelines well currently on the sidelines. Whereas one of them is reticent about his plight, the other is an open book.
  21. I’ll have you know DZ, I back against us every single week but I don’t brag about it. Except maybe round five when I cleaned up vs Essendon but that wasn’t bragging, that was simply rejoicing in the glory of being able to feed my bottomless pit of a teenager something other than 2-minute noodles. 😁
  22. With respect, Clarrie is the last person who should have a say in it. If it was up to him he wouldn’t have missed a single game.
  23. Morons will be morons regardless of what is or isn’t disclosed. Personally, I’m happy (as well as amazed) that the Club manages to successfully keep things under wraps. Quite often family and friends aren’t given full details and oftentimes the player in question isn’t told everything. While this frustrates supporters the benefits of secrecy far outweigh anything else.
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