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Everything posted by Kick_It_To_Pickett

  1. I didn’t say he brings nothing to the club. That is not what I said at all. I questioned whether he is a genuine leader. Your example is pleasing to hear, but I reckon he should be going over his own tapes before instructing others. He has plenty of deficiencies he needs to be working on. Leave tht stuff to the coaches.
  2. Jack Viney isn’t a leader though! He doesn’t get around teammates, plays selfish football and because of his name and title we all assume he is a leader. I think he is gone and believe the club has seen that it’s a win/win
  3. I’m sorry, but I have no problem with losing Viney, provided we are bringing in an A grade Star in return. How that happens is up to recruiters, but it would not sit well with me if we used compo on a compromised draft selection. We have plenty of deficiencies that need addressing.
  4. those that are saying that Brayshaw is an adequate replacement for Viney, do we know anything on the seriousness of his foot injury? Are we confident he is playing Rd 1? I’m sceptical about blokes with foot injuries.
  5. It’s not a matter of trading for him though is it? He is a Restricted Free Agent. We can match whatever Geelong offers him and then get picks as compensation, which is a real lottery, so don’t expect a first rounder. We will get a 2nd rounder and be bent over. That’s how I understand the RFA, but happy to be corrected. Geelong won’t be giving us anything in return.
  6. Tom Morris suggesting TMac is looking at a move to Norf. Could we do a straight swap. McDonald for Brown. I’d take it.
  7. Hopefully that leaves Saad to us then. They’ve been linked to him too. I can’t see them fitting him in, but it is Carlton, he can get a role promoting cardboard for a million on the side
  8. If anyone wants Hogan back after watching him tonight, you’d have to have rocks in ya head.
  9. He is very immature at times. I think he has ADD. He owes Goodwin an apology.
  10. Very poor. It’ll now be the media controversy of the week too. I’m disappointed
  11. There is some very odd footage of Hunt ‘fingering’ Tracca at 3/4 time doing the rounds on Twitter. Ala Richmond a few weeks ago. Mark Robinson has re-tweeted. Shocking way to finish the season, as this will now be the focus. Silly by Jayden.
  12. Amazing that Caro has not had a word to say about Melbourne tonight on Classified. Not a thing. A week after her article. In fact they haven’t even discussed the fact we won. She must be waiting for the off-season before she starts stirring the pot again.
  13. I think we should rookie him. Allow him to work with the kids in the 2s next year and he is a good insurance policy. If we can get him 7 games plugging holes next year, I’m all for it. He is definitely past his best, well past, but I wouldn’t be tossing him on the scrap heap if he isn’t ready to give it away. If Collingwood can find a rookie spot for Dunn, can’t see why we can’t do the same. This is what separates us from other clubs sometimes. I agree with the article. Don’t disrespect those that have given immense service
  14. As I said, from the outside, I’m unsure if there has been a buy in. Yes it’s an opinion, isn’t what people offer on this site? You reckon there are others out there that perhaps share it? If you read Wilson’s article, evidently so. Do you feel as though Mahoney and others, including the coach, have connected with members and supporters,?
  15. I’m really looking forward to Charlie Spargo continually providing an option as a lead up forward and our players kicking it long down the line to him, in the hope that at a whopping 5’6” he will pluck one against his 6 foot opponent. It’s one of Goodwin’s masterstrokes. I am also looking forward to see how many quarters ANB will keep his mouth continuously open for. I swear to God, after football is done, he should get a job as one of those clowns tht you put the ping pong ball in the mouth of at Moomba.
  16. Peter Jackson is a great example. From the moment the walked in he was a Melbourne person. Referred to “we” and “us” a lot. Not Goodwin. Not Mahoney. It’s all “this club” “the club” the Melbourne football club”. Might seem small to you, but none of those in the key posts have a true interest and passion for the MFC in my opinion. It’s just a job to most. They see themselves as distinct from supporters and members. I am not really interested in pursuing an argument, but that’s how I have read it for a few years.
  17. It matters if the outsiders don’t really believe in our club and its supporters. It’s all about buying in and I’d argue none of the above mentioned have ever endeared themselves to the members of this club. It’s plastic and manufactured.
  18. Bout time a few genuine Melbourne people did stand up and take some ownership of the club and where it is headed. It often feels plastic. Not us. We are all rusted on, but very few have taken fondly to those running all aspects of the club.
  19. Simon Goodwin said in his presser not to expect wholesale changes and the would be making a few tweaks only. I expect that means no more than 3. Based on his comments, I’d be very surprised if anyone was happy tonight when the teams come through.
  20. Thanks Demonland. I was able to find mine. So to those I may have worried, it seems I made the error in not looking hard enough. I guess I should apologise for slagging the club ahhah
  21. I’ll have a better look when I get home. Wife sent a photo through, similar to one you posted. Haven’t been able to find it. Are there names on the back of the jumper.?
  22. My last name starts with B, and while there is plenty of names in alphabetical order, the Bs seem to be dudded around the arms and the sponsors logo. I am guessing mine may be under the Zurich patch. Amazing to see that Don McLardy has his name in amongst the Bs conveniently above the Zurich logo. Coincidence, methinks not. Another example of loyal fans being shafted by the club. They can refund me the additional 200 bucks. I’m livid. Have a family of full memberships, even though I’m MCC and could easily have just bought the 80 buck associate ones.
  23. We are desperate if we are getting excited and rushing Tom Sparrow back in. I think he has been fairly disappointing in every game he has played this year. I don’t think he has contributed anything to the side this year. Very young kid, with a potentially bright future, not going to make a difference this week.
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