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Everything posted by Pickett2Jackson

  1. With all the picks we now have the Brown deal will surely get done today.
  2. Worked out very well for Preuss. A couple of seasons learning under Gawn and now the world is his oyster at GWS.
  3. I had him as a de-list, rapt to get a 3rd rounder for him.
  4. Bankrupting the state was his plan from the beginning. Whats the point of opening the borders if you have mandatory mask wearing? Nobody from interstate will want to go to Vic. Tourism will be dead.
  5. Endless wars and endless islamic terror are back on the menu now that the swamp might be back in charge. It was a beautiful 4 years of peace under President Trump. No new wars, troops pulled out of the middle east, peace deals galore. Some people just don't understand how great they have had it. Once ISIS is back in the news 24/7 they might wake up. And now China will have free reign to do as they please. You had all better pray the Supreme Court takes the mass voter fraud seriously and that Biden doesn't get anywhere near the White house.
  6. Cant say I am too thrilled by the best 22''s. Tomlinson at CHB is depressing. Need Harrison Petty to have a big summer. So much will come down to the improvement of Pickett and Luke Jackson. Also need to clone Travis Johnstone, he would be the icing on the cake for this team.
  7. Too bad Harley Bennell didn't work out, imagine him up and running on the wing for us next season. We needed to bring in a similar player and it looks like we wont, which would be a big fail for the club.
  8. Forget him, he is going to play for the Dockers. Makes no sense for him to pick the Demons if he grew up in Perth.
  9. Yes, and based on this we should be aiming for top 4. Going from 9th to just making it into the 8 will not be good enough.
  10. The democrats and mass voter fraud are like two peas in a pod. Biden, the worst candidate of all time (somehow even worse than Hillary), has the most votes ever? More than Obama? They aren't even trying to hide it. Trump warned for months about mail in voter fraud. He was right as always. Despite all this, Trump will win. Even if it needs to go all the way to the Supreme Court. He already won election night until the 6 democrat run states just stopped counting. And some people think thats ok. Wow.
  11. Needs to do the right thing by the club and take a massive pay cut. Hes worth about 70k a year at the most.
  12. I am filled with rage reading that. Joan of Arc weeps.
  13. No way we will move up to pick 14 using Mitch Hannan! The Bulldogs fans would burn that place down
  14. The prez is coming home strong in Arizona.... Georgia should already have been called for him but we know how the corrupt media/big tech work. Come on President Trump, bring it home big boy!
  15. The AFL trade period is so boring. A player has to consent to to being traded which means nothing surprising ever happens and we know all the moves weeks in advance anyway. And still they run this trade radio crap.
  16. Shouldn't your nickname be Sideshow Ben? ;)
  17. Top notch sarcasm. Both are terrible contracts.
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