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Everything posted by Grr-owl

  1. Snap 'I'm up. He killed us the other week.
  2. Bad news on this front, I'm afraid. It is considered a given that Burgo is off to Adelaide. But leaving a top team behind him at the Dees should soften the blow.
  3. This is [censored].
  4. Weirderman’s last game until round 17, at least, thanks. BBB can’t possibly be worse than this.
  5. Lots oaf articles lately discussing a new economic era. BBC, Prospect and others…. Talking about the failures of neo-liberalism etc… Then there’s some agreement on an international corporate tax and what’s up at the G7. The pandemic seems to have galvanised opinion in some respect…..
  6. They all married females named Michelle??? Bit of a Hail Mary, I admit....
  7. Personally, I hope we pound them into the SCG turf and then the AUS cricket team can land short balls on the dust of their faces for years to come. Have no mercy. One for the ages, please.
  8. Can't see that. Instead, I took it from his comments that he finds it interesting that those who rattle on about snowflakes, cancel culture, and freedom of speech are the most thin skinned and defensive and have the largest persecution complex when something is mentioned that remotely and vaguely threatens their world view.? I also took it that he thinks it's a novel idea, he knows, but perhaps those doubting @theacademic's motives could actually take the survey. Additionally, he thinks that without biasing the results, it actually does give one the chance to outline one's beliefs about racism and whether it exists or not among football fans. ? Just a thought. Not much about freedom of speech or supporting cancel culture, though....
  9. Who has approved this study? This study has been approved by the Business School ethics committee at the University of South Australia. If you have any ethical concerns about the project or questions about your rights as a participant please contact: [email protected] Informed consent By submitting a completed survey you will be giving your informed consent to take part in this study. This will signify that you have read and understood the information above, and that you provide permission for the data collected during this study to be analysed for the sole purpose of advancing academic research on this subject area. Researchers This research has received no external funding - it is being completed purely for academic purposes by the four researchers listed below: Chief Investigator: Dr Jamie Cleland (UniSA Business, University of South Australia) Email: [email protected] Co-Researchers: Professor Ian O’Boyle (UniSA Business, University of South Australia); Associate Professor Daryl Adair (University of Technology Sydney) and Dr Keith Parry (Bournemouth University, UK) Just Google them. Kill the paranoia.
  10. Who knows, it could be a graduate student on their first paper.....though it's not, as it clearly states in the Participation Information Sheet. You would need to understand survey design to come to your conclusion, and survey design is supremely complicated, better thought of as a science in itself. To devise questions that allow reliable conclusions to be drawn is a mighty achievement.
  11. 'Cause we can be reasonably categorized as "AFL supporters" given that our participation in this forum constitutes solid evidence of support for an AFL team, and as such may well have gone to the footy where it is possible that we have observed racist behavior. 'Set up' for what? You think a SWAT team is gonna bundle you into the back of a black SUV? This ain't the Middle East.... well, maybe not for you....
  12. Well some questions were aimed at discovering if there's been change over time... Also asking for assessments of ideas and approaches and then about the future and other stuff... And the written portions allowed scope for explanations. This kind of detail can be very important; leaves space for information that Yes/No answers can't address. I thought it was fairly pointed and nuanced. In any case, it need not be groundbreaking comprehensive research to be of value. I do about five of these a week. It is the hardest thing for researchers to get honest and representative results, so it helps everyone to do surveys and contribute to research that might just pay off. The worst thing is to have bad (unrepresentative) research from which poor decisions are made.....
  13. Yep. What does it need to be scientific, a bloke in a lab coat and silver frizzy hair? They ask questions and analyze the results according to tried and trusted methods. Respected people in the same field then review any ensuing papers and if they pass mustard they get published for the wider community to scrutinize, attempt to replicate, and discuss. The method has served people very well, with exceptions (especially in some social sciences), ever since some people began questioning if divining the future from tea-leaves actually worked or not. Guess what? It didn't, and still doesn't. Science can be simply summarized as finding out what works.
  14. But you do need a survey if you want to investigate that phenomenon academically, and the scientific method is the only way humans have developed which systematically removes bias. Otherwise we fall back on belief, on assumptions, the 'it's as plain as the nose on your face' arguments or pseudo-science (that is belief disguised as science) which don't hold up in the cold light of reality.
  15. Wouldn't be academic is this were true.
  16. Nice one. Brownie looks like getting a game after the bye, I'd bet.
  17. Half an [censored] is better than none, especially if you're at an [censored]-kicking party.
  18. Dubai is open, but there are thousands of cases per day..... Don't touch anything on the way thru.
  19. Yeah, I'm not surprised. Good to hear. I remember a shot of them together in the box. Richo in Goody's ear. Next week Richo wasn't at the game, and it was spoken about as if they were connected. Can't be sure about that, but it clicked for the conspirators....
  20. Remember when it was discussed that Goody didn't like others speaking in the box? Seems he's matured.
  21. Hang one on your face under the chin. Slip it up when you need it. Easy peasy. Where I am, we get out of the car with mask on and walk into my local place of leisure. Once in, where everyone congregates, we take them off or slip em under the chin. Bizarre. But these days I'm not complaining about anything. I've had an overwhelmingly positive experience during COVID. And another year to go..... Average length of major pandemics is 2.5 years. I guess it comes with a feeling of defiance that some mistake for something meaningful.
  22. I was going to start a thread like this way back when we were.... oh, 5-0.... which seemed outlandish at the time. I'd noticed I wasn't quite as interested in things, given all the positivity, and was experiencing an entirely different realm of imaginative outcomes and associated emotions: lossless seasons and massive GF slaughterings, etc. Yeah, it was balanced with guarded optimism, for sure, but nevertheless such things appeared tatalisingly reachable, like a Tatts win. But then I thought better of it and let the opportunity slide, and now I'm glad of it. I've settled into this positive thing quite nicely. It turns out that winning is interesting too, with fascinating twists and frustrations. It's nuanced. It's kinda like a really good bed: sure, you can't stay comfy in one position the whole night, and you still have to get up to pee, but on the whole its a great place to spend a third of your life. In other words, there's ups and downs, but there's support underneath that keeps things in a good place. And let's not forget that we're nowhere. If we don't make it to the final four, the season will be remembered as the one when the wheels fell off. If we don't make it to the final two, it will be a disappointment. I'm not expecting our still young and GF inexperienced side to win the cup this year, but making it seems about par. But we ain't anywhere near that yet.
  23. A bloke near my folk's refuses to wear a mask.
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