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Half forward flank

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Everything posted by Half forward flank

  1. Looks like there is a little team of the cool kids within the team.
  2. I pointed that out last week. Stunned he didnt do it again even if it was just to stop Jines sulking on the bench and showing a terrible example to the younger players.
  3. Sounds like all the demonland topic chickens coming home to roost Re Discussion on Jones, ANB, Oscar, Goody, Richardson and the Club itself.
  4. Not watching live. Jordan lewis makes good observations. Hows lever playing
  5. Success this year will be a big factor in whether a few are enticed away. Lets say Sparrow Jordan Petty miss being part of funals sucess this year, injuries, they will likely be hellbent on staying for future success. When you say SA we are really just talking the Crows. Dont see players bursting down the door to go there for now.
  6. He deserved his Brownlow in the fact he had a number of sensatation games as opposed to being the best player week in week out. That is my memory of his year.
  7. I have never viewed the game quite the same since the events of the 2000 Grand Final. There remains a massive loophole that players can run amok in the biggest game of the year with a penalty delayed until the following season.
  8. I do not think your are derailing things dee. My view it is forwards we come to watch and score goals, and a few mids. Defenders we admire more than anything else. Forwards should be free to go for the ball in a test of some strength but more so speed and agility. Too much defence training and yes the AFL have made defenders jobs too easy, yes better than the bash merchants days but not enough done yet. Silvani was the example, all he did was scrag and hold and yet some say full back of the century ahead of brilliant and dashing players like Southby, Dench and our own Tassie Johnson.
  9. Interesting and sad story regarding the coroners report on head knocks Danny received and potential side effects including anger, anxiety and depression. a comment was made by a family member alluding to a possible connection. It is entirely possible it was a contributing factor however depression is a very complicated beast and should not be thought of as having one possible cause. Danny was brave in his fight and courageous in bringing about public awarnesess but it could be said he was poorly advised to be so public about it when he did not have his own situation under control. It sort of gave the impression he was on top of things to many of his collegues and the general public. Footy knocks very likely played a park and I have to say for the first time in nearly 60 years of playing and watching footy that I cringed when Brown took a courageous mark on the weekend running with the flight of the ball. commentators praised the bravery and inspiration to team mates of the act. But at what cost. One mark v permanent brain damage. i will leave that to the AFL and others to debate and think about. However remember whatever the paid athletes do children and junior coaches will try amd emulate.
  10. I think your suggestion of giving the job and a few $$ to a youtuber is a model an astute Club could use in a number of areas. Not suggesting going back to the friendly volunteer days but some astute fanning out of jobs we otherwise pay big $$$ for.
  11. That is really good to hear LN, I hpoed that was the case, and yes should be the end of the discussion
  12. Sam Newman became a laughing stock for being nursed to 300 and he was a better player than Jones. We are fighting for relevance and a finals birth. Games on merit. As for 2021, you jest, Mr Manager?
  13. Didnt see the first half. Just assumed there was no box.
  14. Been my thought for a long time. The 15-30 bracket would play if it was $100,000
  15. I am not convinced anyone would jump at Preuss as a first ruck although understand it is his role.
  16. Bradtkes dad was a tough basketballer at International standard. Mum a top tennis player. I would give him two more years to physically develop.
  17. Anyone else think the fact Goody had to coach from the boundary was a blessing in disguise. he really engaged with the players on interchnge and directed players on the field as well. Great work. Credit where due.
  18. Could not be scripted better for the Coach the players and the Club. Slender lead, opposition ascendancy and a season defining game on the line. I, an average footballer would take that as a challenge and would welcome that position as a coach.
  19. One of the best pieces of sporting commentary ever. Ali has thrown big right hands as a lead, knock out punch which he had never done.The analogy with a footy tea, Melbourne is spot on. Who is gonna dig deep. So far no one has appropriately for many many years. Jones and Viney do but misdirect it all at the ball and spol with their disposal.
  20. Yep, agree on Lever but gave him the benefit of further time and did not feel like getting howled down here today. I infered Tomlinson was a failure for the role he was recruited for and again have debated his worth enough already. I think Langdon has been a good pick up but that is through my Demon rose coloured glasses so Nick might be correct. Kolodjashnij was a bewildering pick. Preuss was a wait and hope.
  21. May is proving to be a success but that was at the expense of Hogan Langdon is close to being a success and I would go after his brother at the Pies. Lever is not at this stage but could prove to be over a longer time frame on a reduced contract Tomlinnson is not yet and unlikely to be the promised player to run up the wings at the G as spruiked by the Club Score B overall when it needed to be A
  22. He might be ok but is not a young man anymore and has nothing to prove. bad memories of Melbourne and not a chance Goody and Richardson would want him around. Just will not happen.
  23. I well remember a Supporter crisis meeting years ago at the Bentleigh Club. The sentiment was that of all the problems the Club faced geting Bates into the senior team was the most pressing. It was with the forgettable president who didnt go to the first match of the sason as his son had a school camp/family occasion? He was loudly applauded for being a good family man on that count. The second the public meeting broke up he surrounded himself at the bar with a few stamp lickers so no one could get near him. I cannot remember if Bate came in the next week or not.
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