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Everything posted by BW511

  1. Speaking of Lockhart, anyone with inside information on where the hell he disappeared too? Few people on here got upset with him laughing within games - maybe the FD wanted to make him a scapegoat?
  2. And Merrett is a very neat kick
  3. It’s an interesting point and probably reiterates the way the team plays from week to week. I am sure plenty of teams have [censored] off guys running around each week, but the best teams are able to continue to perform around it. It wouldn’t be the first time in history that a coach is chummy with a few guys and pretty nonchalant about the rest of the group. I’m sure anyone who has played a bit has experienced it first hand. You’d just expect better from a bloke at the highest level
  4. Rohan plays as a hit up link man, exactly what Jacko will be doing this year. No thanks
  5. He’s been shunted to HFF and rotating ruck, I’d leave too. He is a gun onballer, not a makeshift ruckman
  6. As mentioned, the issue with Tom is he won't fit in the 22, even if he does get fit and lean. Very expensive backup player to have on the books
  7. The whole trade period is such a snoozefest. Every fan wants miracles, the clubs all want to sell high and buy low. I still get sucked in every year, but there is never much movement between teams
  8. I have seen the Richo role mentioned a few times regarding T-Mac, there's no chance that happens. T-Mac is an aerobic beast, but he isn't running away from a mid, or taking hangers and creating opportunities like Richo did.
  9. Wasn't it discussed elsewhere that Smith was enticing because he did not cost anything? Makes sense if the eggs are in another basket with limited currency, but I don't have a lot of faith in Baker holding down the wing for a whole season and consistently contributing
  10. Bradtke seems to have been described as 'raw' for years. Will he ever shake that moniker?
  11. If I was Dunkley, I'd happily take unders to not play ruck
  12. Not bad for a bloke that has played about half a dozen mediocre games in 2 years
  13. I agree with what you are saying, but our inability to develop players from within is why everyone gets so frustrated. No one will be able to convince me our depth is good when we regularly have 6-8 blokes in our 22 who contribute so little. We need to bring others in because what we have just is not good enough
  14. It's quite interesting that the pro T-Mac crew on here all gush about his performance in 2018 yet the sides looking to bring him in all seem to want him for defense. Opposition opinion on players is always a little more realistic
  15. I meant push him out of the side, would rather a genuine crumber to come in to give us Weid, Brown, Jacko, Kossie, rotating mid and a new nippy HFF. I’ve mentioned it before, it’s nothing personal, just the balance I would prefer to see
  16. Reckon Brown for Coleman is worth a few dollars when the betting opens up
  17. Brown & Stephenson vs Brown & Melksham/Fritsch is much closer and on potential would be favourable.
  18. Would think Fritta might get a few more look ins within a 45 degree angle of goal with the space Brown creates. He's been the classic swingman that can't quite nail down a spot, because he can play multiple spots. Having said all that, I'm hoping there is still some room to grab a nippy HFF that may push him out with Melksham
  19. Let it rain goals. We have been bereft of genuine big forwards for way too long
  20. The thing about this is it’s actually a chance of happening, so we are already better placed than 2020. You can say what you like about Browns image, his run up or his flopping for free kicks, but he knows how to do the very thing our side can’t, kick goals.
  21. Damo mentioned Caddy could be looking for a 4th club in his Sliding Doors segment. Would take him as an upgrade on Melksham, AVB, ANB, Hannan etc. He’s similar to AVB, but can get 20 touches and snag a goal instead of 10 and a couple of faux tough guy moments. He would be filthy about missing a flag. He’s not someone I would be directly targeting, but if he’s still around late in the trade period, worth a conversation
  22. If Melksham is in our side for more than a handful of games next year, we may as well start planning for 2022
  23. Clark played almost every game in his first year and a half before injury. He’s very good. Have read there could be attitude problems, but he might just need a change of scenery
  24. If I was offered a couple of years guaranteed wages to live in Torquay or similar, I wouldn’t be able to sign fast enough. Even more so with what’s happened this year with lockdown and hubs. Also pairs up beautifully with Menegola who has been sensational this year. The extra year was clearly not enough when weighed against driving to Casey every week
  25. Think Eddie and Jones are in very different leagues regarding their standing in the game. No disrespect to Jones
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