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Everything posted by BW511

  1. Just had a look through your post @Axis of Bob, terrific analysis and it’s hard to argue with such thorough research. I am sure it’s been mentioned by others, but do we value his body work around stoppages so highly that you’d pay him upwards of $600k a year to do it? Of all the things that can be easily taught, getting body position at a stoppage has to be the most simple. For all of Jack’s great blocks you point out, we were still absolutely smashed around the contest when it mattered. I’m of the belief we could find a better balance with a combination of players other than Trac, Viney and Clarry. If Viney was to walk to Geelong, we’d have a good stash of cash to target a mid who’s a little more rounded in general play but could still start with the body at stoppages. Unless your skills are really elite, it’s a liability being so one sided in today’s game. His game is also very kamikaze and it would be hard to ignore a longer contract with the potential of his body failing
  2. I think the state leagues are a big gamble this year, as none have played any football. The AFL blokes were lucky they could play and train, the others haven’t at all
  3. Understandable, but he doesn’t seem quite so invested in himself as Lewis was. Long and accurate kick with a bit of pace - hard to argue against?
  4. His Leadership will be more valuable than his output on the field, of which he will still offer a lot
  5. Speed endurance. Langdon may not be the quickest over a certain distance, but he can keep doing it over and over again. Repeat 100-200’s would be his bread and butter. But as we agreed on with my other post, he had the desire to do it, which I don’t believe the rest of our guys do consistently enough
  6. It’s funny how many Melbourne supporters are concerned with the image, rather than the result. If we can guarantee another 30+ from someone other than Fritta and Weid, we should be jumping at it. Weid gets the second best defender with Brown up there, that alone should net him another 10 goals for the year
  7. Would not imagine any of the those guys, aside from Kossie, burning away from people on the run. Intent and decision making speed are probably more important
  8. Understand all that, but when things are exactly on our terms, we can kick. Anything shy of that and we tend to be dumping it in long. Having said that, Kennedy can take big pack marks still, so it takes a lot of defending to contain him and Weid.
  9. He’s still more than capable, however the service will be nothing like he gets from the WC mids. Would much prefer him to Brown/Daniher as he would offer a lot more leadership and direction on field.
  10. If Trac continues on next year in similar form, he’d command enormous money. $10m over 6 is massive, lucky it didn’t come from a successful club or he’d be gone!
  11. Hope some of our big fellas can track down ‘turns’ and let him/her know it’s not on
  12. Seems very strange that North would want to get rid of Ben Brown, yet bring T-Mac in? Surely Brown is a better bet for guaranteed goals? Must be a reason
  13. I’m with you there. Fritsch and Weid have probably combined for the same amount of goals as Gunston this year. We still need to find another 30-40 goal forward to add onto what ever Fritsch and Weid contribute, here he is. He’s capable on the deck too, his roving goal on the weekend was a beauty for someone 193cm. Also, the additional contests created means more opportunities for Kossie to get involved. Above all else, he can be the general for the forward half and give our guys some on field directive for positioning, timing and technique
  14. I think Zach Merret would be a nice compliment to Trac and Oliver, he’s a very different player and could play that traditional centre man role, ala Craig Bradley.
  15. Agree, he would compete and it’s not like Max has given us any great advantage in 2020
  16. He’s definitely somewhere between a KPF and a flanker, just happens to have a big body to go with his incredible tank. If Fritsch could kick he’d be a 40+ and he’s not even close to a KPF, so goals don’t necessarily dictate position
  17. A significantly better version of Fritsch, who is better than Melksham. So we are upgrading Fritsch and Melksham by bringing him in, seems a no brainer
  18. Seems like it may end up being a parting of ways. From what posters have said, the coaches wanted him to find the extra 10% effort and trust his body but Harley just couldn’t do it. Not sure he will come back from here and it’s an easy out for the club
  19. I’m sure this decision of the McDonald’s didn’t come today, hence why we’ve seen little of them. Good result for both parties Would hope we can move to a more agile taller forward line. Gunston would be number one target for me and Mihocek close second. One of those two and a silky small would make us a very different team next year Would be great to see the back of Melksham
  20. He’ll also need to learn how to take pack marks and turn
  21. This is pretty bizarre coaching if true? North has a seemingly endless supply of bigger bodied mids, why on earth would having Polec run with him help anyone?
  22. Fairly brutal from North. At least they finally have the stones to start again properly
  23. I think this probably tells us more about why he should not be considered for leadership than anything else. It’s hard to watch a club champion’s career come to an end, but he has offered very little for the last 2 seasons and was probably given 2020 as a show of gratitude for his efforts. He’s been the leader of the club for a long time, but probably was never questioned because we didn’t have any challengers or there was bigger issues to solve. Already you can see that May and Lever are more proactive as leaders and it shows how behind we were as a club in this area. For what it’s worth, I think Max is probably behind those two also
  24. With all the reductions coming in list sizes and soft cap, I’m not sure there is a place for him next year, even off field.
  25. Except we don’t have the 4-5 classy experienced guys, which is what Gunston would be. He’s a serious upgrade on all those older blokes and keeps one of those listed above (Melksham) out of the side, so it’s win-win
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