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Everything posted by Kent

  1. So any news regarding this trade? I hear cicardas
  2. what prevented him from having a crack this year?
  3. Yes Proper Chance needs a modifier to mean anything right?
  4. what midfield dream would that be? the one that has an ongoing disconnect with its forwardline?
  5. I would have thought the Club has made it very clear to Tom that He is not required It may be his choice to hang around money is the problem but I'm sure the club see it very clearly and dont think he can be rehabilitated So if Casey is it then Casey it will be!
  6. Has Petty done any training this year at all I wouldn't be relying on him too much just yet
  7. Yes Ron The scars go really deep still cannot believe the incompetence without opening old wounds
  8. Understand your view But oppo clubs would be wary and probably look at him as a defender Hard to see where we would use him once we have BB
  9. If it were up to you LH would you take him on?Looks busted to me and oppo clubs would be wary
  10. Too right poita!!!Watch this space, almost killed by the coach Let us hope that better heads make these decisions next year
  11. our biggest midfields' problem is Viney and Oliver fighting each other for the ball Our midfield sets up like schoolboy footy Must be fixed
  12. DIdnt say he wasn't brave! He must kick goals when given the opportunity is all i said. I did see his last two games. I also saw many games when he would kick 1. 3 or 1. 4 All gettable, And don't start me on Goodwins' playing him out of position It was a disgrace
  13. Well I guess if Goodwin doesn't perform then Pert will also depart Very brave call in my opinion Perform surely must mean top 4 and deep into finals
  14. Wow great to see some quality in the assistants Chaplin yawn Stafford yawn This is so ruthless from the club
  15. MUST KICK GOALS If he continues missing shots I fear he might be missing Works hard to get opportunities but also work on his defensive game
  16. Hard runner and worker can fault that Would be more in favour if he kicked goals early in the game when he gets a few opportunities seems to miss about 2 goals a geme Unreliable goal sence Maybe there are currently few better small forward options Needs consistency
  17. T Mac no where the class or skill of DS Very difficult to understand the strategy of loading up injured joints
  18. I Am 189cm and 100kh and you? T Mac certainly didn't look like he needed to put on weight So you are suggesting the weight gain was a good idea
  19. Why would they do that? I HAVE MET TOM AND STOOD BESIDE HIM AT THE airport in Bali in 2018 He was a seriously huge being and very nice. My view would be if I were Tom I would have resisted the order to gain weight. More dumb decisions from the FD
  20. Yes GC I understand the potential that Ben is a significant upgrade on Tom
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