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Everything posted by Kent

  1. me to La Dee Drives me crazy
  2. Thanks LH always appreciate your efforts Your dedication to this task is always welcomed
  3. 9 Melbourne Sam Weideman 10 Carlton Harry McKay 11 Adelaide Wayne Milera 12 Carlton Charlie Curnow
  4. Yes deliberately I could see it from the stands Umps couldnt
  5. he has had plenty of opportunities and has failed at most of them Mitch Brown at least has a go!
  6. So on that metric Bulldogs are underperforming and Freo are over performing
  7. Collingwood will test us and probably be our first loss Any body got odds?
  8. yes and he knocked us back
  9. (d) using boot studs in a manner likely to cause injury. You mean like Trent Cochin??
  10. Took his boots off as soon as the game finished on the field waa walking a lil ginger
  11. Lets be honest here the place is a [censored] Right?
  12. yes he lifted him off the ground and slammed him in to the turf . Great tackle but if compared he should be rubbed out in my opinion
  13. why is Ed out?? I thought it was bruised ribs
  14. He is getting Killed Put him on the ball pleaase!!!!!!!
  15. Have our guys got a bit of the $29 available on North?
  16. put Brayshaw on the ball pls JV we miss you!
  17. yep but plenty on here wanted him in the team No idea
  18. Me neither Mellks isn't anywhere near Harmes output enduance nor defense A very poor bewildering selection At least if he has a poor day that will be the end for him
  19. I also tried the same bet Couldnt get it placed for some reason
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