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Everything posted by Kent

  1. Mate I would trust this lot to get a result in a chook raffle let alone a forensic analysis. Just more and more of the same. You may be happy with the Preses' platitudes and BS there are plenty who are not that happy and are entirely sick of it.
  2. Yes The only thing he didnt say was the board has full confidence in the coach! The rest was Carp. Only two weeks ago there was no need for a review just some tinkering. Club and the board still look weak and out of touch. The club needs another external review. Move on all the assistant coaches and rebuild the footy department as a matter of urgency. Why wait till round 10 next year.
  3. Again Look at Viney Jones and Brayshaw What is going on with these guys? Have the given up? Are there issues between players? Something is not right>
  4. And we are stuck with Oscar again
  5. Was Hore dropped or is he mystery injury of the week?
  6. Yep just when you think you are around the corner with a great season to look forward to, they fall over the cliff. I have learned like you to be a little contained in my enthusiasm
  7. Other than speed and unpredictability Frost also competes with his direct opponent.There are many, many examples of his second and third efforts and scrounging ground balls to advantage, Compared to Oscars insipid contests give me Frosty everytime. Show him the money Please.
  8. ANB out Hard to believe and he was going so well what with so much running and great professional training anddddddd everything else.
  9. Club deserves a few shots in my view but understand that there are only two camps on here !
  10. Thanks Chaser Excellent summary really apprecciate as I am sure others on here also
  11. so who is available and looking like picks 3 to 7 if Anderson and Rowell are stand outs
  12. I also Red, a missed opportunity in my opinion. But you know the MFC hardly proactive and this could also be seen as a consequence of overrating the list which seems an emdemic problem of our club
  13. Seven years high impact footy mate Body is shot. in my opinion but I still hope you are right
  14. Yes Lord Goody's choices some weeks are mystifying seeming to be unrelated to performance or need.
  15. I don't believe in Santa Penn What I do believe is the evidence of my own eyes that the Coaching group, having had sufficient time to repair the glaring deficiencies in the game plan, have done nothing. It's alright for Goodwin to say he is focussed on the future mate, but we are living his deluded future now. Can I say, not an acceptable outcome. But ok, if you think his focus on the future has improved the team and our game good for you. I dont agree.
  16. I might say and his! I have long held the view that the dees habitually play a game largely based on NJ's skill set. It appears to be a hard habit to break. He leads the pack in calling for the ball when under pressure and either is tackled( HTB ),hand passes to a person in worse position, kicks it to the opposition or roosts it long without finesse. Thanks Nathan for the effort but your performances have really been mirrored by the team over a considerable period. All of which doesn't take away from his passion and desire and stoic demon heart. Time to move on in my opinion.
  17. Yes Daisy I agree There is still an odour about the place. Never,ever explained satisfactorily by the club. There are still a few rumours hanging around. A number of players bugged out in my opinion. but then like all on here its just an opinion.
  18. How can you tweak the plan when you don't do in depth full reviews of Prelim final We have a coaching staff that has spent the entire season in denial No wonder they look like stunned mullets in the coaching box when, at last, the reality of their incompetence finally hits home.
  19. "would Melbourne let Goodwin go? i'd think unlikely." Give me a minute to think about that ahhhhhhhh where is the signing pen?
  20. Got to look at Viney Brayshaw and Jones WTF is going on. Maybe the coach has lost them! A cliff like fall in stats. Got to be a rational explaination
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