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don cordner4

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Everything posted by don cordner4

  1. when Jud went back to Melbourne he chose Carltank, players go where they want
  2. Garry Lyon in my lifetime, born in 76
  3. very happy about this, he still has lots to give, onya Jonsey!!
  4. just found out his brother is Mitch Brown, haha
  5. free agency top ups wins finals
  6. bahahaha hope it's true
  7. YUP great example for kids, love to watch the local kids now, seeing young players shove there knees into other kids necks.. yeah that's fine isn't it AFL, while players get suspended for bumps in play
  8. do Freo need a ruck, swap for Preuess
  9. haha umpires missing that in the back to Langdon in front of goal
  10. free kicks 23 to 11.. twice as many hahahah
  11. free kick count, 17 to 8, been happening all year
  12. Gazza was twice the player of Neita, If Neita was the player some on here think he would of kicked 100 goals in a season..
  13. Hey Flip flops I went today, my 4th time down there in the last few weeks, on arrival walked past Todd Viney on the boundary, said hello then realised after who it was! watched the new draftees, pickett played one of the match sims, he got lots of it, and seemed to always have lots of time with the ball, made the right decision and always hit the taget beautifully, stating the obvious here but he is very skillful, Jackson, well im sure everyone has seen the video footage of him running out of the ruck contest with a blind turn, well today in the match sim jackson scooped up a ground ball on the wing in heavy traffic then did a blind turn and gave off quick hands, it seemed to confuse everyone lol, he also took a few nice marks and played pretty good,. Rivers running laps on the boundary with the weid and lever didnt looked dissimiliar in hight and build, he is a beast!! Jones was doing run throughs on the boundary, i heard him say hes had enough to one of the coaches, i wreckon he may be carrying a slight injury. bennel doing run throughs and having kick to kicks on the boundary seemed to be enjoying himself. Viney looked good today, hes an animal, very scary, another thing to note, he was jogging the boundary with sparrow and sparrow is a mini Viney only a bit taller, hes a beast too. Jordan Lewis was running with them too. the match sim was fun to watch and from what i could tell there seemed to be an emphisis on kicking as didnt see too many handballs, the last 30 minutes involved lots of running, with 2 groups, one group did 300 meter sprints for about ten sets the other group was running around the boundary hard with short 10 second walks before running again. the play of the day for me was frisk beautful kick in heavy traffic to hit up lead in forward 50 it was a thing of beauty!!
  14. yeah except for the easy set shot at goal he missed, sorry miss read, i thought u meant ANB, my bad,
  15. wow, Dylans highlights are by far the most impressove, reminds me of robbie flower
  16. nah just on the mobz
  17. now lets just sit back and watch us win last 2 games to lose pick two in the draft, Melbourne are so predictable! i know some posters will say we should aim to win, but im pretty sure Sydney will be tanking like theres no tomorrow!!!
  18. that single arm block, ist that dusty martins trade mark move?
  19. funny because i remember a similar situation a few weeks ago when a melbourne goal was touched, the umpires went out of there way to stop the game have the goal reviewd and took the goal off Melbourne, it was in compltete contrast to what happened to Essondon
  20. refer to umpires hate melbourne thread
  21. yeah, but we could chant, demons, demons, come out to play, that would be even more awesome!!!!
  22. yup, the umpires hate us, i think we are the only team in the afl who gets screwed by the umps on the mcg when its our home game!!! i loved the Perth game the umps would pay in the back when a melbourne player fell on the side yet not pay melb player when it was there!! happened more than once, i also loved how track hit up a player in the 50 in the last quarter and the umps called not 15, the list goes on, THE UMPS are Cheating for THE EAGLES
  23. Not to fussed on changes, please just drop ANB and never play him again
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