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Gawndy the Great

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Everything posted by Gawndy the Great

  1. The scary things is (for our opposition) is I don’t think we have hit the ceiling either. I think we saw in the second half how easily we can switch gears and decimate the opposition. Our forward line is probably the only thing that hasn’t fully come to bare. Our set shot kicking , leading patterns and our structure needs a bit more work (still great) and we will be a truly scary proposition.
  2. Great response we have all the momentum. Lions look flat. Out of legs? Need to come out firing in the 4th with immense pressure in the contest and stoppages. How does Kozzy miss that set shot. His routine looks out of whack.
  3. There is a real hunger in the Lions - similar to the crows like the week before and we are just lethargic. I’d be really surprised if we win this - very hard to switch on and reset half way through the game. Can see it blowing out to an 8+ goal loss. Hope I’m wrong.
  4. Game lacks a sort of energy. We haven’t turned up today. No real intensity & lethargic. Can’t fault the Lions - they are a side playing like a top 4 team.
  5. I knew we had travelling issues in 2020 but to get to the ground 1 hour before the Sydney game whilst they were there for a few days is diabolical. The fact that this hasn't been highlighted and discussed at length in the media is really surprising. Yes it was a tough year for everybody and i know its in the past, but this game potentially cost us a tilt at the finals.?
  6. Well he got a lot of touches but didn’t do much damage.
  7. there were 2-3 HTB that were not paid. I think one resulted in a goal. There were a few that went out way too (Lever in the goal square)
  8. If we can’t play in Alice play it at the G and move another game of ours there later on in the year.
  9. Cool heads. Doggies will be taking some risks this quarter. Got to hurt them on the rebound. If we kick 2 goals early the game is over.
  10. Great start Dees. I’d expect the Dogs to respond but we have to equal it and I reckon we burry the game in the next quarter if we do.
  11. Oh how the tides have turned. This disruption so close to game time is not great. Given they have had the main run, what else is usually done around the club between main training session and game day? At least Doggies will be in the same position as us.
  12. Is the mcg booked? It’s our home game is it not?
  13. Our initial approach to COVID is the envy of all countries (with exception to NZ) It has saved countless lives of those that are most vulnerable in our society. Plus we have had the ability to live a relatively normal life for the best part of 6 months now, whilst most other countries are jumping from lockdown to lockdown still with hundreds if not thousands of deaths per day. For this we must applaud the state governments, which were left high and dry by the federal government. If we should be embarrassed about anything it is the vaccination program, which was in the hands of the feds. But even that was due to some bad luck relating to the side effects of the AZ vaccine. We really had no other choice but to put our (vaccine) eggs in that particular basket given the complexities associated with supply chain and manufacturing capability onshore of mRNA vaccines.
  14. I dont think its incompetence - i think it may be related to whether it is lawful.
  15. 9 cases now. Surely there are no crowds at this point.
  16. I don’t think we will get into the long lasting lockdown situation again. Snap lockdowns are more likely and I think we will have one by end of the week I’m afraid. But I’m just an armchair expert so take it with a grain of salt :)
  17. If the prior games this year that were COVID impacted are any indication I think it is more likely to be no crowds than less crowds this weekend.
  18. I meant that more in the sense that they won’t be able to sustain the same level of performance rather than saying the Tigers will give them a serve. Nevertheless I agree with the sentiment
  19. I was think about this the other day as well. But I think it should be extended to be the trio of Gawn, Trac and Oliver. If they can all fire at the same time it is quite a potent combination.
  20. If a trade was possible , would you take De Goey for Weid + 2nd rounder?
  21. Said to a few that the Crows played a very high risk game style. Couple that with high DE is why they were able to look so smooth and transition the ball well and at the end of the day how they got over the line. Can they do that week in / week out? I highly doubt it. They will get a reality check this week against the Tigers.
  22. I think so as well. Why didn’t the umpire ask the boundary umpire for his opinion? This needs to be looked at as a short term change.
  23. Just heard on SEN that the AFL has confirmed the blunder. Not seen an official report yet though.
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