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Everything posted by 58er

  1. Why sell at all Lets be real Ww are in no position to sell any inside Mids awe need to get rid of unskilled and ineffectual players under pressure that fail in every gsme. sadly effort and skill are two different things but AFL is based on skill as it is a given that the effort is contributed by all participants. Therefore ANB Stretchy 2 Wagners JKH Oscar and A couple of Casey boys should make way for new recruits from the PS draft,from trading and from strong and selective and audacious bartering on FA or the like. Ten new players comprised of small forwards nippy and good goal sneaks, swift and pacy outside mids snd at least ONE big forward to bolster our scoring capacity should be out targets in the FD. And his help any one who comes back on the first day of training overweight or injured (unless from pre season surgery). Get Ready Burgo your time is near to get Trac a tank that ensures his last quarter is as good as his first and if needed in the middle he is fit and able to respond. NoMore talking if trading stars let's trade out the cloggers and unskilled of our 2019 class and before!
  2. Wasn't this best exemplified in the last 2 mins vs Hawks Frosty would not relent and threw himself at the ball to save the day agreed his determination is team lifting!
  3. Ingersen was also nothing like Frost was a fairly dour defender who stuck on his man with very few risks. He did kick 50m plus on his trusty Left boot!
  4. Really Flemo56 you have been drinking some red wine that's far too good for your palette. Why is it that about 20% of Demons fans want to try snd make Frosty a winger or a forward and now your suggestion that he is some sort of latent talent of the The Bont variety! The Bont is everything Frosty isn't! He's good in close, handballs in and out side superbly, turns on a small circle, kicks to his teammates relentlessly, scores clutch goals and also leads his team from the front! What Frosty brings is on a good day is the run of a run away train with no driver and no idea of any result! Occasional good high mark under pressure also! On a bad day it's just all a train wreck and no one able to clean up! in saying this Frosty has improved this year as an individual and team player and especially since Stephen May and Jakey Lever have enabled him to play with more freedom mostly as the Third Tall. Yes def offer him a new contract about $300/350,000 for the next 2 years and he will be even better for another 2 years with a $50/100,000 salary rise. BUT don't turn him into something he ain't Roos trued him as a forward and it was a disaster No one knew what he did and his kicking for goal was even worse than most this year!!
  5. Yes I am still alive but on a well deserved sojourn in Europe. Have been away since July 20 and not won since! I would also look at May Lever and MacDonald (Tom) as leadership group options. Rule nothing in snd rule nothing out but yes our leadership has been appalling this year And the players support virtually non-existent. But Macy has been our sole leader in a nightmare year.
  6. That's the problem Dr we LOST BY 8 POINTS no cigar !! Us vs Eagles Crows Pies and Dogs these errors and disposals and other minor errors have cost us these games The coaches have not improved us one iota really this year Name other than Salem who really is playing better footy this year than last ?
  7. I love Trac but to ignore his woeful set shot record for goal from about 40 metres out or closer is unacceptable. The opinion is spot on and the Coaches and Trac are in delegation of duty on this one. After Maroochydore I asked ( very wrongly) after training when Trac was high fiving and signing autographs how his kicking for goal was going. He abruptly said "how do you think it's going" so clearly he has a phobia or is well aware. But the fact is it has not improved this season so when is it going to?
  8. He cannot turn The Queen Mary turns in less arc than Frosty and we already have enough wasteful players in the mids and forwards at goal kicking! Petty to go forward please and May a possibility in desperation. 13 goals wins this game !!
  9. Really what you are saying SPC has great merit. Its all about intensity and physical aggression to make himself the best footballer mentally as well. Once all these skills kick in he will as you say go to another level. Really impressive game last Sat and he didn't make the errors of pre bye rounds.Looked confident mature and kicked that goal fully in control of his task. Along with the re set of the team, very necessary tweaks to our game plan the team looked more assured and performed at times accordingly. Any one who says that the Final 9 rounds do not matter and that the season is over does not know anything about competitive sport. 2019 will not be a wasted year if we can salvage say an 11/11 result and get more games into Baker Lockhart Petty Hore Dunkley Lever May Preuss Maynard Weideman And Tim Smith. Sparrow won't get time due to injury disappointingly. One last observation Take a look at Frosty's last quarter especially Remind you of any one ? You bet Jeremy McGovern! Before you laugh look at his mark and play on through the centre which resulted in Tommy Macs last goal and line it up in style with the Eagles match winning style in the GF. Not that much difference eh? Well the recruitment of Stephen May and fitness of Jake Lever will enable a freed up Frost to play that gunshot style which will break lines and get our forwards moving with daring moves. Ill be very surprised if our defence (which since the Richmond game has been pretty frugal but still brittle won't be a significant factor in our long term revival over 2019 and beyond. Watch this space!!!
  10. Ring the Club Membership Dept. There are often 2 or 3 areas in the ground that visiting fans sit. Mostly it is at the Vulture St end ground level or in the top section at that end of the ground.
  11. Criminal No doubt that decision framed Joel's season. And you can understand his father being upset. Does not look like anyone has paid a price yet!
  12. Fourth tall defender Harry Petty
  13. No you shifted the goal posts Dockett!
  14. Just because you are lacking spirit don't deprive kry players a chance of playing snd contributing to a possible win in a marquee match!
  15. And repeat the Jack Watts performance!!! Ridiculous suggestion
  16. Thanks a lot Rusty seems a fair sort of ranking with the results you gave pretty realistic. My question re the Defensive Coach was tongue and cheek but the last 5 games since Richmond the defence has been pretty good considering injuries with today 5 first choice not available. Agree that other parts of our game ( and the game plan also) are well below par. Mids and forwards have no connection and most players are well behind 2018in form due to pre season ops fitness or feeling the pressure of expectation maybe. Hopefully the injured will mostly return so the last 10 games should be much improved. Much appreciated your kind response Rusty and Go Dees.
  17. Correction seems as though he is focusing on handball! We have enough of that already who overuse it and complicate a simple game plan!
  18. Prey Rusty can you tell us all what Oscar's 2018 and 2019 rankings are? Also our Defensive Coach how's he been going the last 2 years!!!
  19. Looks like NO expectations McQueen!!
  20. That's the problem we need something better and more exciting plus potential for the next decade!!
  21. FGS Pedo was getting old and time to move on Yes great servant but please our problems this year are many but missing Pedo has not had any effect on our 2019 performance!!!!
  22. Sorry for my ignorance but who is Sideshow Bob a mythical full forward?
  23. Sorry meant AVB not ANB and man on man not man in manMeant!!
  24. One of the best full forwards going around. Has his weaknesses as best man in man not in packs but it's all about getting good forwards in the six positions with the defenders taking the one two and if needed three talls. Brown is accurate, a good to very good mark, but is not good on the ground. Tommy Mac can still play his role and IMO Weid would still be able to play most games or Pruess swap to give Maxie some rest. Its all about options and depth and 3 quick smalls (crumbers and runners) to choose between (Like Tigers or Eagles) plus Trac Melk Hannan Lockhart and ABN if fit gives variety and depth. Would need to pay Brown $750,000 about to leave but for all of Jesses potential and fluster this would be a quick fix worth looking at plus a new forward Coach mandatory in this plan.
  25. I happen to think he is a very good coach. as we have had to endure the 17 consecutive losses from the Kangas mostly from his coaching I have thought his irganized he team was and hard to stop momentum when they played well. Really they ate up teams like our 2010 on versions till 2018 when we finally had too much ability and a game plan! Its as much as the Clubs admin and recruiting that this situation is reached.No superstars topping up a good average list since the four oldies were discarded. Maybe Brad should have gone with them! Would the Dees be any better under BRAD than Goody? I tend to think YES because he would have lost patience with the skill errors and lack of team acts plus our mental fragility would be a bit more bruised I think. I also think that the Kangas would be a whole lot more exciting with Goody as Coach than under Brad. Dream on Maybe he could be one of our Assistants next season handling the mids!!! Or forwards!! Or defence!!! Scott will no doubt gat another gig not sure it ircwill be as Senior Coach though. As I Live in BrisaVegas ( but never ever considered switching to Lions even in their 3 peat heroics) Brad And Chris would be night hand players fit the Dees I can say. Brad for his decade at Roos 7.5/10.!!!
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