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Everything posted by 58er

  1. No I don't think it's that simple Dr Their Etihad/Marvel Staduim deal has hamstrung them for years. (As has Bulldogs and Kangas) but it's o lot more difficult to get supporters to go in numbers to Their stadium than the G.But fair is fair and we have been at the G for a lifetime and when big Clubs play us or we are firing hosting bid Vic Clubs we can draw large numbers as 2016/17/18 showed. Plus we have I believe a more engaged supporter base. (2019 did not show that in attendance as most of the 52,000 stayed away (about 30,00 to be honest) in droves once we were in our malaise of losses and no longer looking like succeeding as expected. But Saints are a rare beast and seem to cobble together a team and Ability to survive irrespective of their teams results or ability. But when dies judgement day come to them!!! $12 million in debt!!
  2. So TGR you have researched the Cats and come up with 2 INS and 2OUTS. Remarkable Selwood and Hawkins in the draft and lost Kingsley and Riccardi Surely that is only a small summary of the movement in personnel. HOWEVER let's compare on this flimsy base !!! Dees IN Langdon Tomlinson Brown ( at least as good as Kingsley) and not even considering Harley!!! PLUS Jackson Kossie and Rivers PLUS Injured most or whole of season Vandenberg Sparrow and May OUT Lewis Frost Stretch Garlett. Reckon it's about Even (or we are ahead ) as long as you consider Selleood snd Hawkins as recruits in Year 1 and not the finished product of today. Further pluses for Dees Well documented Surgeries and near worst horrific injury list which resulted in lack of fitness and compatibility of team cohesion virtually all season. Pluses For Cats I Must add that many of their existing list was comprised of players that emerged that year as once in generation Geelong (And AFL ) greats. Improvement is necessary in nearly all our 21-26 year olds if we are to contend as in 2018 but most Demon fans would back Trac Angus Weid Jack V Lever Salem Harmesy Fritsch ANB and Clarry to all have better seasons in 2019 than 2020, based on fitness (and availability) alone. 2018 showed more than a glimpse of our potential if we are fit and have a good run of availability. FWIW I am confident we will improve considerably in 2020 but a Premiership yes it's a chance so let's go all out and get that 4 year Plan underway as successful as possible.
  3. Ridiculous ! Aims are Finals snd one Flag! 5-8 could be 14/15 wins for season ! better than 5???? bloody oath
  4. MD you are overlooking that it is ALL levels at that City End . Virtually all the Ponsford Stand other than the MCC members part . Also we do have our members area in the Northern Stand to the left of the MCC which we have had for years for members.Hopefully we will need more in future years.
  5. Would we be able to get Admin space in the new plan for the Great Southern Stand? Even Social Club area.Allocation ? Oh and train for closed sessions and special occasions on the G snd still use Goschs and Casey? And lastly Relocate the Demon Shop from its absurd almost underground hidden site! Now that's within walking distance of the G.
  6. Please provide your posts indicating your opinion last year in pre season Drysdale Demon that we would have a poor season. BTW prediction for 2020?
  7. This doesn't happen at all really unless it's basically a last year situation. Negotiations are held and the monetary side of the contract is worked out to both parties satisfaction.
  8. Really PD I would hate you to be a Judge if I was being tried. Seriously short of Swearing on a stack of bibles what Harley committed to he has in every way kept his part of the bargain. What more could he do ??? Hope you believed your teenagers as they traditionally answer off handedly and without a lot of conviction. Please it is irrelevant how he sounded as his actions are speaking louder than words, as the last 3 months and the Club giving him the Opportunity. Talk about a Doubting Improper Dee!!
  9. Bails was a scrubber good honest player better in heavy going as pace was his Achilles heal! Goodie would have loved him For his inside work in the packs.
  10. Absolutely Dee.eee OX was great especially in the games in 1994 prior and During finals We're Wayne Careyesque. Have no doubt we might have snagged a flag betw 1994 -2000 if Ox had been without injury. Yes he would have been a candidate to be in Our best 5 ever players up with RDB Robbie Ivor Warne Smith Don Cordner Smithy Beames Mueller Jimmy and Maxy and Clarry after they retire.
  11. Well it's already a fait accompli I reckon Brown and Harley have been offered list places for 2020. The injury rule for long term is another avenue which we will have to consider very soon I would think. A ruckman or Ben Sokol perhaps.
  12. Really this is a no brainer if all AFL players were to have 1% off their salary then it would be easily possible to run the AFLW at present and the next 2/3 expansion years for all 18 Clubs yes even Kennets Koalas and Swannies Snakes and Bombers Babies plus Kochies Kuties join and survive. In that time semi professionalism should have developed with SAlary Caps and budgets firmly regulated. None of the Clubs so far seem to have any problems getting sponsorship and the AFL should be prepared to put some coin in and reduce Gills toddlers in Gold Coasters and GWS easy handout packages. And any suggestions in future about the AFL and AFLW for Shanghai or Stewart Island (Sorry Kiwiland) or India pass on to Kevin Sheedy to put back his coinage from 50 years of accepting revenue from AFL and his 3 Clubs.!!! Easy fix isn't it Gil and Shocking !!!
  13. Finals with at least a win
  14. Would have nothing to do with it It's more relevant what OUR prices were last year if you wish to make Price comparison but this is nothing really. Numbers are best except for last season and if we start well I believe will spike quite well during early rounds.
  15. THats underestimating medical personal and cultural Procedures at the Club snd Pruess determination to succeed.
  16. Look forward not backwards Trust Jackson or Weid to second ruck If I hear another Pedersen or Garlett memory let's go back to Ivor Warne Smith or Don Cordner for the very best !!! In 2017 we survived and we will again!
  17. I have a feeling if we get off to a good start our membership no's will rise above North and nearer Or past Saints by season tally. That is some new and returning others from last season. watch this space !!!
  18. Will be a back pocket by seasons end or small HB flanker with the run and line break we need
  19. You obviously missed his game vs Kangas (North) when he kicked at least 3 I think with a couple in the last quarter to help us win. Sorry D Trump but your posts are very much like your namesake Either "fake news", inaccurate, very personal or don't add Humour to the debate
  20. Yes X factor plus s Kossy and Harley
  21. Sorry DD not you but Deementia
  22. Move on over Frosty Let's see st seasons end !!!
  23. Wrong wrong wrong Without the fans there is no Club really We are the reason for the players.
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