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Everything posted by Deesprate

  1. Totally predictable so far. Got shouted down for pointing out the Saints win was no panacea. Evidently we need another 3-4 years of Goody because that what Hardwick and Thommo got. This is the Dogs all over again.
  2. Totally agree. Those dinky kicks in the last minutes of the game starve any excitement out. One day we will be on the receiving end of kicking backwards and let hope the umpires maintain consistency.
  3. No,Definitely Not and Not in this lifetime.
  4. OMG Kangas are dreadful remind of the Dees darkest days
  5. Blues win best. If we keep winning they can’t get past us
  6. Just when I doubted Richo had never added value to the Dees this bob up. Good onya Richo
  7. We will still be a mathematical chance. You know your in trouble when it get to that.
  8. I like your optimism glass half full. The days where I got enthused about Jonesy are well gone. Watching him run around in losing teams for 15 years does that to you. But Maxie on the other hand does enhance our chances.
  9. I know this sound critical but when we swing the team changes and we bring in Wagner it hardly instill confidence. We then drop our leading goal kicker for sleeping in. Seriously is it only me that this reason doesn’t stack up. Just fill mean with trepidation about today!
  10. Geez if where relying on rain in Alice where in trouble. Last time the Todd river ran in August was 1848
  11. The Saints had a pretty tough game last week whereas we played bruise free football against Dogs. With a week rest there is simply no excuse to drop this one. However the fact are a quarter of our team has been turned over plus other than a depleted Pies outfit we have beaten no one above us. Lose this and another season wasted win it and redemption is possible. I think where a 40/60 proposition. A loss confirm we are a 10/14 team a win put us in the 5-8 bracket. Big game for club and Goody. This site will meltdown if we lose.
  12. Meth coke are a class above. The only good thing about our predicament we don’t have to play them as they would slaughter us. Who need another 2018 prelim final. Evidently there is equalisation in the AFL. Can someone rationally explain how they got Kelly arguably the best player in the AFL last year. Salary cap my a**e
  13. Agree Tigers and Weagles In different league
  14. Brett Ratten what a class act so wish he coached us.
  15. You don’t need to know ground dimensions to do basic thing like man up. This game was lost in the third quarter when Goodwin (who has close to the worst winning % in the league) showed no game sense and failed to lock down the Dogs kicking with the wind. This was blindingly obvious and if we had stemmed them to say four goals we may have been a chance. This added to poor defensive kicking (exhibit A Hibberd) leading to the pocket (exhibit b Fritsch) lairising (exhibit c Petracca handballing over his head) and zero skills (exhibit D Viney) led to defeat. The only positive for mine was May leading the defence as zero midfield pressure should have seen this result blow out. Unless there are drastic step taken at year end we are on the highway to hell something we have all been used to for 50 years.
  16. Sitting at the ground today the least problem we had was May and Lever. By far was the complete lack of accountability to stop the Dogs running from defence. There were loose players everywhere plus their disposal skills put ours to shame. Add the way we butcher the ball the score flattered us. After seven years of rebuild we are such an average football club and the management and coaching group need to own that. Hate to be the voice of doom but I can’t see us being any better in the short term
  17. TMac does not disgrace the jumper has been a solid contributor but his time has come. One of many hard decisions the club has to make. The only positive about today it show where we are at and hopefully forces change
  18. The two biggest thing holding this club back are coaching and skills. Sitting on the outer wing today the Dogs repeatedly ran the ball down the wing unchecked. They kicked with skill and precision to the red zone around the forward line. Not to the pocket. At no time did our useless coach and the loser for St Kilda try to stop it. Time and again. When we got the ball we repeatedly butchered it and kicked sideway; backwards and constantly to the pocket. I will continue to buy a membership because I love the club but there has to be significant change. Goodwin; Richo and recruiting poorly skilled players can’t continue. We are not Richmond we cannot blindly continue with the current format and coach or we have years of mediocrity ahead
  19. Agree beat two crap teams and Pies who were cooked. Dogs have loose players everywhere. We are bottom 8 at best. Good team don’t have goalless qtrs
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