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Everything posted by Superunknown

  1. I’d be inclined to go dale Kerrigan on GWS and everyone else here
  2. Aaaaanyway thanks Frosty! Best of luck!
  3. So they match it how ? By giving up an equivalent range of picks to meet the points so they’d have to surrender pick 6 and something else to nab him? Is that how it works? And they could pay overs? So we’d be boning them. Seems a [censored] move to do that (not to a team we dislike it wouldn’t be)
  4. I confess my total ignorance what are the permutations here so we bid they match then what (I take it he’s in their academy or something ?)
  5. It’s why I prefer dan murphys - I am always paying through the nose with that bws mob
  6. Is it correct to say we’re getting him for nothing though? We’re swapping out pick 3
  7. Remove Elliot Cox hoskin-elliot, lynch Daniher Riewoldt I think too still a lot of herbaceous forwards left
  8. I reckon Gunston definitely thread of the trade period especially lace out’s contribution . Champagne comedy
  9. Can I ask a seemingly simples question (I do not purport to being a Subject Matter Expert on trading etc) - why can't we bid on Green? What is his provenance that GWS would want him so much.
  10. And backwardly updating this, in contract it seems. This is the best thread of the period yet.
  11. tongue in cheek, sorry for poor sentence construction, up for 2 hrs with sick child I mean if we get him cheap enough, he's essentially a revenue stream rather than a cost centre. Tongue in cheek
  12. So the secret Yokozuna hint is Gunston then innit?
  13. Again I say (I think this was moderated?) if they pay most of his salary or all of it, he's basically a revenue cost centre
  14. Spot on. Jenkins, Butler, Langdon - all reflects what is on here/ HAS BUCKENARA BEEN READING DL?
  15. There’s nothing preventing a team being stuck in a Range for decades so the clock is pretty pointless over time
  16. What’s Jeremy Cameron’s status end of next season
  17. This sounds very generous if he kicks 1-2 a game and helps us to a flag I will swear black and blue he is worth 3x more
  18. I have here a commercial quantity of Bex and some very comfy beds and doonas and hot water bottles. I have some nursery rhymes queued. I think we all need a little Bex, a lie down and a warm sleep.
  19. Prithee, what is the origin of this magnificent turn of phrase?
  20. Is the yo-yo the beep test? For some reason I have a vision of all these youths haphazardly spinning yo yos around. How can we get Bergman if we use ?21 on Langdon?
  21. Is it easier to make someone faster or a better kick Ryan Flaherty says hi
  22. Grrreat I’ll be refreshing demonland all Friday for the news because it’s ahead of the news
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