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Graeme Yeats' Mullet

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Everything posted by Graeme Yeats' Mullet

  1. As soon as Hogan says he's decided he wants to go home to Freo we'll be in the same position as you describe here for May and GCS
  2. I do feel we're being softened up to accept unders for Jesse... If we don't get 2 x First Rounders, I'll be dissappointed But, we're going to have plenty of late 2nd / 3rd ish round picks you'd think in return for Kent, Tyson amd AvB (if he goes). Perhaps we get pick 4 + Brayshaw, for Hogan and pick XX (e.g. Kent return) Then, pick 4 to GCS get us May plus a discount on KK. So 4 plus pick YY (e.g. late 3rd round) for May and KK
  3. Doubt it I think he'd prefer one of picks 4&5 staying at Freo and passing him the ball
  4. Given the club has already publicly stated we're awaiting his decision on where he wants to be, then finding out that answer is logically next. Might not be through him, but I expect it'll be publicly stated. The journo's airport ambush on Ch10 earlier showed the line of questioning that'll persist for Jesse until that question is answered
  5. Jesse flying to Perth tonight Ch 10 just showed an airport ambush by a journo and cameraman on Jesse
  6. We won't get these 2 picks If Jesse publicly states he wants to leave, then his value is diminished - we won't make him stay for 2019, imagine the impact the press coverage would have particularly if he has a few bad games I think we'd get 5 + a player at best
  7. Freo have picks 5 & 77, they'll probably get pick 4 for Neale They don't have currency in each draft round to horse trade picks
  8. Agree, so I'm kinda surprised then that this is playing out publicly
  9. If Jesse comes back to the club and says he wants to go, is our position then severely diminished? I think it must be. It would be much harder to keep him on the list having told us he'd prefer not to be there... Mahoney coming out publicly and saying this seems to me to dent our bargaining position - unless the deal has been done in principal already. Does this explain Bell seemingly moving the goal posts? If so it's a pretty good negotiating ploy, get all the cards laid bare and then drop offer.
  10. Agree with this and others above - 1 x First Rounder (even plus scraps) is way unders I just find it interesting that the sentiment is so far progressed to him being gone, even from Mahoney saying ball is completely in Jesse's court. Couple this with Freo having limited draft pick currency and aspirations for Lobb and/or others this year. I feel I'm missing something, or the deal is not all that feasible givem Freo's position. If I'm missing something, what is it?
  11. I have a feeling we might do this deal for 1 x First Rounder This is unders IMHO, but Dal Santo on Trade Radio also discussing this as unders however Maclure suggesting our bargaining position is diluted by: - Hogan 1 year remaining - Inevitable he'll go home sometime - May in play now I presume also a Navicular injury adds some doubt... Even so, if we do for 1 x First Rounder I'll be disappointed. Is there something we don't know about Hogan that the club does that is diminishing his value...?
  12. Jayden Hunt: “He’s the type of player we need. We certainly won’t be entertaining anything with Jayden – we think he’s got a lot of upside and look forward to him having a full pre-season and getting back to the form he was in a couple of years ago.” - Josh Mahoney
  13. That was my read too, and no murmurs as yet tends to support that given how much is out in public domain now
  14. Barrett and Wallis about to reflect on the Mahoney interview now. Saying was most honest IV ever on trade radio. Nothing really new to this forum.
  15. These words - - Link is can't afford May with Jesse on list - is my paraphrase, can't recall exact wording, could have referred to picks or dollars
  16. Josh Mahoney on Trade Radio just now - Jesse has some thinking to do over the next few days - Jesse having a few conversions and will come back to us over next few days - Will support his decision whatever that is, he mau choose to leave or stay - Have an idea of value, but didn't advise - Given situation with Jesse, have thought through options, including May if he wants to leave GCS - This year chance to balance list further, still need to bolster defence, have met with May twice - Link is can't afford May with Jesse on list - Will develop over the week, will know much more before next Monday
  17. Completely agree The club and the media trainers have just tightened up the messaging which was a little raw/loose (or honest) over the weekend Nothing to suggest an outcome one way or the other OR a change in position Here are the two key IVs that have spurred the media reporting today Check out @9NewsMelb’s Tweet: Check out @7NewsMelbourne’s Tweet:
  18. For anyone that missed it, Maxy's acceptance speech is up on the website I highly recommend you watch it, it's fantastic ?
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