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drysdale demon

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Everything posted by drysdale demon

  1. I have that one as well, not signed though also got the ' 64 one.
  2. Yeah, I am a pensioner, sorry about that.
  3. I am just about to pm faultydet then, thanks for the reply.
  4. Ethan, do you know anybody that wants a barcode, I will give it to you if they follow the demons.
  5. He is just another sewer rat and I am being kind.
  6. We will never know how things would of played out but I suspect Barassi would of had the same issues with the MCC board and most likely left to coach elsewhere. At the time I just couldn't understand why Barassi would want to leave the MFC and Smith getting sacked just about ended me following the club anymore, as I said it was nearly 10 years before I resumed my allegiance to them but for a lot of those years my time was taken up with other matters.
  7. I was 14 when it happened and it [censored] me off that much I didn't follow them as much for quite a while, if I recall I started again when I left the army at about the age of 24. RDB leaving at the end of '64 didn't help as well.
  8. I have been told Nick Hind has visited a tier 2 site and has been refused entry to Tassie. He tested negative to a test. Just heard it on the news as well.
  9. Only if you were stupid and had no idea what you were doing.
  10. My son just text me a photo that the captain of the Newport Football Club put up today on facebook showing his kids playing at the local playground and thanking everyone as his kids had the playground to themselves today. With idiots like that around these lockdowns are going to keep going on.
  11. I Think Stiff Arm has been stiffed daisycutter
  12. Do you want them to walk around in thongs and shorts ? It is their current uniform and has been for a number of years just the same as it was jungle greens for a large period of time. They are accompanying a police officer so police numbers are not overstretched.
  13. Good to see that posters are heeding the administration requests and not posting political comments in this thread.
  14. Lockdown 6 will be announced around 3.00pm
  15. It tells me they know they got shafted last night and know they will get shafted again if they appeal.
  16. Jesus, some of the comments are just way over the top hysterical garbage as per usual, I have to agree with all your comments @Lord Nev
  17. You and others on here can always believe you know more if it makes you happy, often those on the periphery just whinge and whine, throw little tantrums because things aren't going the way they hoped for. You have a good day.
  18. You are both correct, it is every hard to pick out a person who has depression as it is so easy to hide it from others, some people may become depressed over a single incident which has affected their lives and in others it may build up over many years and all of a sudden it hits you.
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