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drysdale demon

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Everything posted by drysdale demon

  1. This is about to turn into a tearjerker thread by all the negative and pessimistic members.
  2. Didn't you know that most supporters can glean more from these highlight reels than the recruiters who spend years watching them play live.
  3. Of course they will, wouldn't be able to get thru life if they couldn't complain.
  4. I think saty mentioned in another thread that he had gone in to have the screws removed.
  5. Face to Face conversations { or confrontations} are the only way to really get your point across.
  6. They can put it up even more , I don't care. As someone else said if you can't get 20 or more people to back your nomination it most likely is a waste of time. I have never just gone along with whatever the board put up, from 1983 until 2014, I have many heated talks with various board members, just because I don't bag the coaches or footy department on here do not make the mistake that I have happily accepted the plight of the club since 1964. I get to the games a couple of hours before game time and seek out board members especially, to voice my concerns face to face.
  7. Not at all, to me it is just the way he is going about it to get on the board, it is though his ego is a bit damaged i due to past unsuccessful attempts. That is my opinion and nothing will change that.
  8. Exactly my thoughts as well, we don't need liniment sniffers on the board ever again
  9. I don't give a rat's how insular they as long as it never returns to the pathetic, useless , embarrassing and destabilized boards prior to 2013.
  10. I gave another email address a couple of hours ago but the mods on here zapped it.
  11. I couldn't imagine any poster on here freely giving their email account to other posters to discuss any board matters.
  12. It doesn't bother me that I received an email from him, I am more concerned that his actions could have a destabilizing effect on the current board and the club itself.
  13. I sent him an email this morning, not a very polite one and yes I don't expect any response . I will just have to track him down in person and convey my feelings directly to him.
  14. If any members disapprove of the way Lawrence has handled this they can always email him to strongly put their views across.
  15. Jordan isn't an unrestricted free agent.
  16. So is that pessimistically optimism or optimistically pessimistic if he left?
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