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Everything posted by KLV

  1. Lockdown chic
  2. Malvern rd. East Malvern?
  3. Grand final day in Melbourne forecast 14 degrees, early showers and windy. Not a good day for our fully vaxxed picnics. Still, our extended demon supporting family will meet at a park for a couple of hours for beers and whatever food we can keep down, to help kill those peak anxiety pre game hours. Dress warmly
  4. I feel that way too, but more about Carlton and Essendon, whose arrogance from success permeated my formative years. As the Covid damage became clear I consoled myself that it was ok if we didn’t win, because we couldn’t be there. But now we’re so close, I desperately want it (like everyone), they are SO hard to win. The cruelest part is that we’re not allowed to be with our demon friends and family. That part really hurts.
  5. I spoke with the Bannerlady.com.au, thanks to Andy for the supplier. He said (banner man) they will have some more product on website on Monday. Basically the original banner in thirds, Clarrie, max and the Dees emblem all available separately. Good if you need something smaller. also he’s going to make me a new flag, current one worn out from flying so much in 2021 ❤️💙❤️💙❤️
  6. I love this thread
  7. I agree dr G. please send links, I’ve got PayPal ready to go
  8. Brilliant idea
  9. The umpiring fraternity
  10. Try some original thinking Kellie (and checking your facts)
  11. It’s hard to know what I’ll do to kill the time before the game. Probably some form of Mazer’s day. I really wish Dan would allow some big screens in parks etc or at the G for the fully vaccinated to watch together. It could be managed in a Covid safe way, and be such a great thing for us long locked down Melbournians . if the govt think that people, particularly dees supporters won’t get together with family and friends to watch, they are seriously dreaming. I totally get why we need lockdowns etc, etc, as much as I loathe them, but I really don’t understand why we can’t allow things that can be done safely. I know it’s not fair for the unvaccinated, or those that haven’t had the opportunity yet, but what is fair about Covid? Instead I think we’ll get a big fat lecture and threats next week about not getting together for the GF.
  12. I still can’t quite believe we’re in it!
  13. I had no idea this existed, thanks!
  14. And at my house (albeit not today)
  15. Cafe Toorak road
  16. Time for change of socks
  17. Demonland Cass, we’re all feeling the same
  18. Scott says some pretty dumb things for an intelligent person. So reactive. Just ignore Chris. Deep breath, aah, that’s better isn’t it?
  19. I’d forgotten. Wow! Good on them, at least they went down screaming
  20. You are all so hip, I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed, but loving reading and lots to try on Spotify Husband’s prepared a late 70s/early 80s playlist for his 40th year high school reunion (omg), which he’s unleashing tonight. So it’s Wednesday night, on our second bottle of red, listening to nostalgia. bit of dancing happening 🕺 Work tomorrow, but whatever, it’s lockdown and every day feels the same.
  21. Great article, thanks for sharing
  22. Unsurprisingly a storm in a tiny teacup sorry to cause any discomfort 😀
  23. Channel 7 “news” is a contradiction in terms.
  24. Jayden hunt fractured finger the west Australian
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