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forever demons

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Everything posted by forever demons

  1. good grief,nothing changes everything remains the same.ground hog day.Wecome back neeldy
  2. What's the excuse this week only one player gawn
  3. check list ,tv on fox ,cheese platter done,scotchon coffee table ,broken foot in moon boot,pain killers for removed gallbladder.ALL done go dees
  4. why torment yourself,just do it anyway game days shouldnt count
  5. cant go stuck home recovering from gallbladder removal,so praying they win to cheer me up
  6. you all sound so negative, would you like it if the players did the same.COME ON DEES JUST WIN
  7. how true that is,went pies members one day, with the good wife of the day,they were utter ferals we won i sang the song in the lift,and got out alive
  8. does the mfc and afl realise the supporters would like to kmow there teams for tommorrows game
  9. great report much appreciated.whats your thoughts on baker making debut also fantastic news on vanders
  10. when will teams be announced
  11. we panic to often only calm player is nev and he going well
  12. cant go today spiral fracture in foot looks 4-6 looking forward to big win go dees
  13. he was that good he would have found a way,but you are right todays tactics are so negative there are so many champs from the past whoo made the game great to watch would not get a go today skilton,grieg,etc
  14. he was that good he would have found a way,but you are right todays tactics are so negative there are so many champs from the past whoo made the game great to watch would not get a go today skilton,grieg,etc
  15. was at that game ,you could get into the rooms in those days he was so thin compared to the rest of them.pretty sure that was shane fitzsimmons first game as well ,only 16 and 17 years old
  16. yes it did have a certien smell, i thought it was just me
  17. shame realy when men try as they can
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