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forever demons

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Everything posted by forever demons

  1. how good is the fritter ,closest thing i have ever seen to bobby
  2. hogan,just a another sylvia,god rest his soul
  3. spot on,get on the [censored] ,party party party,oh no caught out,play the mental health card
  4. anybody else looking forward to seeiing watts pants pulled down
  5. in my opinion may should have never got charged for standing his ground,some responsibilty must go to the other player to be aware of whats around him, he clearly wasnt watching what he was about to run into.In my playing days you knew you were going to be belted so you stayed aware and protected yourself or took avasive action.I cant remember too many concussions back in the hard days of afl/vfl the players played hard but fair tough footy,with occasional exception,like Mathews whak on bruns,the players knew to be aware of what could happen on the ground[what happens on the ground stays on the ground]would love to hear jeff crouch opinion of todays players.he umpired some of toughest players of all time
  6. you dud been a supporter since 1954 and member for many years [censored] wit
  7. without max today it would have been 20 goal hiding
  8. nothing has changed ,same as 2017 good grief ,these players drink there own bath water
  9. how can may get a game round 1 on that display,always thought he was well over rated
  10. a few egos deflated in that qtr playing like a bunch of prima donnas and shirt lifters
  11. 1964 the best victory of all time for mfc.also early 1980s at waverly against dogs never forget Ginter going full bore at their bloke at chf knock him over kicks the goal wins the game,great courage
  12. So sad ,good bloke who got on the wrong tram sometimes (we all do)saw him play at the start and reminded me of RDB bursting through packs and players ,he would fit in to our current team and give that spark when needed.Different enviorment at mfc now may have made a difference.R.I.P COLIN
  13. its a fact we played better without him,kick it to me i am not chasing that someone else get and then kick it to me
  14. since hogan arrived at this club he has been a problem waiting to erupt ,sorry about his personal probs,but injurys of field issuses etc on field attitude (kick it me) sulk.Arrives hi i am the new jack watts ,get rid of wattys so i can be a star,the team is bigger and better than you jesse boy so just [censored] off
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