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forever demons

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Posts posted by forever demons

  1. I wont miss Eddie ,but it seems this all about racism, there are different ways to look at it.Maybe the Goodes reference to king kong was a complement.King kong was strong and much loved and champion as was Goodes,i think that is what he was trying to infer rather than being racist.D ont howl me down for this thought.Darren Lehman was over heard after getting out calling a bowler black c%$# copped a fine and went on to coach australia.Eddie has lost a lot more than a fine.But would still like him locked a in room with Rob Muir for half an hour and let him explain what racism is all about

  2. On 2/7/2021 at 11:58 AM, daisycutter said:

    ian stewart must be grateful there was no social media in the '60s

    The stories I could tell you about him,amazing how a bloke could train on the [censored] and still be a champion in my best team of all time I put him straight in the centre nobody is better then him

  3. 5 hours ago, Pates said:

    Was before my time so I never actually knew it got ripped off. Pathetic from those blokes. Just as pathetic was Robert Walls (Brisbane coach) comments after he found out one of the players (Matthew Kennedy) ripped it in half, "Did he really tear it in half? I wish I'd seen it, it would have been the highlight of the match". [censored]

    I think this subject is going to far ,lets not take the fun out of life,taking the micky out of someone is not racism tearing up a hat is not racism .i am sure Jim would have said his fair share out on the ground as well.Walls would have been joking because it was funny ,not racist

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  4. 39 minutes ago, don't make me angry said:

    He don't understand and  your reply makes him and me and everyone else still not understand.

    im think he means rort the system,but understanding why he is postlng like that is beyond me

  5. 13 minutes ago, bingers said:

    Legend of the club for sure.

    But I'm sure how many games he will play in 2021. His tendency to lead with the head was a worrying trend in 2020 and a real sign of significantly slowing down. 

    once the pace goes in the legs its very hard to use your ability alone to play ,I know from my experience its hard to hide when they others past you

  6. 27 minutes ago, Doug Reemer said:

    I love how Jetta resurrected his career and became a solid Back pocket. 

    But if he isn't getting squeezed out of  the side this year by a younger player. We are going backwards, 

    Sad but true the end  had to come one day for Nev ,I still hope he can get back to his best ,

    • Like 1
  7. 43 minutes ago, willmoy said:

    I can remember that they gave/threw Polly Farmer the Stadium when he moved to the Cats, sad Bobby

    They must be paying the rest,  other  than the mouse, cos he loves a quid, peanuts, which they would like though.....

    dont understand that post willy

    • Like 2
  8. 5 hours ago, forever demons said:

    While not being a victim of racism myself i witnessed it many times at school,a German kid bought a brought a soccer ball to school training teacher in charge of training kicked it away and said we dont play that wog stuff here.The kid was reduced to tears he just wanted to fit in IT had a major effect on me,i got the ball and walked him home,ended up staying for tea had great time , english wasnt their strong suite hah ha the kid ended up my best friend and familys became close.Not sure why am posting this on here but i understand where you and Dieter are coming from.I was only 8 at the time ,changed my life .PS if this has bored you

    I think i need a proof reader,just read my post good grief that was shocking

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  9. 10 hours ago, nosoupforme said:

    I understand where you are coming from dieter  because i bear my own mental scars from racial abuse almost the same period into the very early 60s and from people who should have protected many of us at school instead they were not any better. I won't say any further than that..

    While not being a victim of racism myself i witnessed it many times at school,a German kid bought a brought a soccer ball to school training teacher in charge of training kicked it away and said we dont play that wog stuff here.The kid was reduced to tears he just wanted to fit in IT had a major effect on me,i got the ball and walked him home,ended up staying for tea had great time , english wasnt their strong suite hah ha the kid ended up my best friend and familys became close.Not sure why am posting this on here but i understand where you and Dieter are coming from.I was only 8 at the time ,changed my life .PS if this has bored you

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  10. Dont care what cornes thinks.For a long time us supporters have been in to big a hurry for success,justifiable so,but now we have group of players who are reaching the age of 25/26 for afl maturity plus older mature players and some younger blokes with ability to drive us to the success we want.Dont forget players like Jones who is at the end of his time as an afl player,who strive to go out with the reward he/they deserve.BB is not the great white god of footy .So Cornes really has no relevance to our great club just another dud scribe

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  11. Even though i think Eddie should go I dont think sacking him is the way to go he should resign under his own steam and show he is at fault for allowing this culture to continue to fester at the club.Giving a nick name to a player is fine as long as its not done with malice ,example bob Skilton was nick named chimp because of his appearance but with no malice intended.Its not just racism at collingwood its their supporters , members and admin who have no respect for anyone outside of collingwood ,a law unto themselves.My wife and I were guests in the members in 80s ,we took the abuse for awhile mainly aimed at my wife (apparently you are not allowed to be good looking girl) totally lost it when a toothless wonder grabbed her bum,my collingwood mates were big blokes and fought our way back into the bar wasnt much better in there .Its the culture all round the club that has been built up over many years of no respect for anything or anyone,thats why they are hated by  every other club across the afl

    • Like 2
  12. 12 hours ago, binman said:

    C'mon DS there seems little doubt racism is hard wired into the Collingwood football club. Rhe whole culture is embedded with it.

    I suspect you ate old enough to have attended games at Vic Park. Sure racist vitriol happened at all grounds but it was at a whole other level at Vic Park. That only happens when it is supported by culture and the leadership.

    It was only a few months ago the horrendous treatment of Robbie muir was being discussed. Bad everywhere but of course another level at Collingwood. Did they apologise? Of course not.

    This is the club thst has a a president who serves for more than two decades who is an out and out racist. Mcallister I'm talking about. He of the they're ok as long as they act like whites infamy. He only remains in power because of the support he receives from the board, powerful supporters and the general fan.

    Then not long after they install another president for another couple of decades. Not as overtly racist. But has done little to change the culture and famously, only a few days after tearfully addressing a pies fan's racism, makes a 'joke' about goodes promoting king Kong. And then comes out with yesterday's rubbish.

    It is ridiculous to suggest it is an individual issue. Again McGuire only stays in power with the support or the board and movers and shakers.

    If all of that doesn't point to it being a systematic issue I don't know does.

    So it comes as zero surprise that a review by two respected academics found the racism at the club to be systematic and endemic.


    I too remember the the abuse by the filth supporters not only at their ground,i was a kid there for the footy but learnt more swear words than anything about footy.The treatment of robby Muir (who i was a big fan of)was disgusting along with others before him like Berty Johnson from north melb.Racism was bred into collingwood and still is.Time to go Eddie

    • Like 2
  13. 26 minutes ago, 58er said:

    Have you answered your own questionFD? 
    $75,000 was he worth it 

    I don't think so.

    I watched  some MCG games up to 1965 then every week games in Melbourne to 1992 till I moved interstate to work. that's 27 years by about 18 games per season plus 30 other prior  totalling over 500 games !!!!

    I have no recollection of Tilly being a catalyst to the Dees improvement while he was playing for us. IOW we made a poor decision to pay him so much.

    We were not screwed by him we made that decision and Rjay has now admitted he didn't describe GWS decision correctly.
    What we paid Todd Viney  and Earl Spalding  in 1987 when they joined was more realistic for example and worth the money.

    you need a bex and a good lie down

  14. 4 minutes ago, 58er said:


    Do you really think that he performed up to the $$$ spent? Did he improve us much? Was the money worth it?

    I think NO is the answer to all of those questions. We were about a mid table team the year he joined I reckon and didn't improve IMO with Diamond Jim on board.

    My point is that we made the decision to offer big $$$ and you are not screwed if you make that decision. You are responsible for your own decisions and GWS was in the Scully scenario with his Dad also. 

    you could not have watched him play to often ,pretty sure we paid $75000 for him way back then ,lot of money back then and set a precident for the future

    • Like 1
  15. 28 minutes ago, 58er said:

    Rjay great That  you commented again.

    My point is why have Crocodile  tears for GWS who made a decision to overpay for Tom and his Dad. That's not being screwed that's making a bad business decision just the same as all Clubs make on certain players overpaying them eg.

    Carlton Mitch McGovern

    Melbourne John Tilbrook


    Tilly was a good get back in those days played some great games for us in a very ordinary team

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Cheesy D. Pun said:

    Works in a practice match with the larger interchange, but that forward line is probably too tall.

    We're still missing the small forwards we need to consistently win games. I know we drafted that way but until they're up and running, I reckon we could be looking at more of the same.

    At least one of TMc, Jackson, Weideman or BBrown had to miss out on a weekly basis.

    spargo and pickett another year and more mature should be improved and provide the small forward players you refer too

    • Like 2
  17. 1 hour ago, WERRIDEE said:

    B: Hibberd, May, Lever

    HB: Salem, Tomlinson, Rivers

    C : Langdon, Petracca, Baker

    HF: Melksham, McDonald, Fritsch

    F: Pickett, B.Brown, Weideman

    FOLL: Gawn, Oliver, Viney

    IC: Harmes, Hunt, Jackson, vandenBerg, Neal-Bullen, Spargo, Sparrow, Jordon


    Play the strongest team possible rest Brayshaw make sure he is right for round 1.

    Not sure about tmc at chf but hope gets back to form,imagine if that front 6 were all in form they would be very hard to beat.On paper thats a finals forward line

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