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forever demons

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Posts posted by forever demons

  1. 29 minutes ago, Pates said:

    I know he has been quiet in recent weeks but I’m genuinely miffed at the suggestions of dropping Weid. This is our last chance dance, he’s clearly made a positive impact on the team this year and a key forward target, and people want to drop him to bring in TMac who has shown exactly sweet FA?

    I don’t get it at all. 


  2. 1 hour ago, Lord Nev said:

    Ok, so going by 64%, which was our winning percentage in 2018, we would have to be 11-6 this year to equal that. So yeah, 2 more wins, but also 2 less losses, if you get what I'm saying? If this year was a normal amount of games our record would be 11.6-10.4... My brain is wrecked too now!

    Also, our percentage is telling:

    2018 - 131.4

    Currently - 106.2

    tried to do that and now going for a ly down

    • Haha 1
  3. 12 minutes ago, bing181 said:

    a) Tom McDonald. We've lost his 2-3 goals/7 odd marks/15 odd possessions per game

    b) Jordan Lewis. Hard, ruthless, experienced. Just having him out there made a difference and the players walk taller.

    c) Bernie Vince. See Lewis (though to a lesser extent.)

    d) Nathan Jones. See Vince

    Great post spot on bing

    • Like 1
  4. 3 hours ago, waynewussell said:

    Hard to fathom the disrespect shown to AVB. Some posters just don't watch closely or take the time to review their pompous opinion pieces without first watching a replay. To those posters I say, watch the first half of the third quarter for verification that No 22 plays an important role... I won't tax your flagging concentration skills by asking you to watch a full replay.

    As for Smith in the back 6... master stroke by the coaching panel (given who else is available) and quite clearly a case of make it work or we will pass you by. He is making important shut-down efforts that the lazy watcher just doesn't notice!

    thought smith did a great lock down job AVB put in the hard yards when it was needed

  5. 6 minutes ago, pineapple dee said:

    I'm torn about tonight's game folks. In my original plan for today, at game time I'd pencilled in 30 minutes of whacking myself about the head with a teapot. Can I still do that and watch the game as well ?? 

    Will watching the dees improve my mental state or tip me over the edge ??  I'm at the crossroads. One path leads to utter disappointment the other to total annihilation. Which one do I choose ?? 

    I'd appreciate some suggestions from demonlanders with psychiatric experience please ( as a doctor, not as a patient)


    stay away from anything sharper than a rubber(eraser that is)

  6. 9 hours ago, Whispering_Jack said:

    It's been put to me that tonight's game is all about whether Melbourne’s players can positively put into effect the learnings that have been pumped into them since they bowed out of season 2018.


    Did you have use that word turned me right off this thread

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