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forever demons

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Posts posted by forever demons

  1. 11 hours ago, rjay said:

    What a strange comment...and post by the way.

    Talk about Trumpism...you've made some very odd accusations.

    If you read my first post you would see that I said I was disappointed with the result but we move on.

    Dear Donald had to be moved on kicking a screaming.

    Maybe not but it's always good to have a different set of eyes...I would have preferred that but it didn't fall the way I would have liked, no big deal, we move on.

    I wasn't alluding to any significant influence by the way...

    It would have been good to have another stable presence that wasn't hand picked by the current board.

    You have stirred up a bit of a hornets nest here rjay,but lets move on

    • Like 1
  2. 6 minutes ago, Little Goffy said:


    Surely noticed as in 'noted'.

    In the Shakespearean sense. As, "I looked upon her, but I did not note her." 

    Which is much the same point as made by the second half of the law excerpt that Faulty quoted above and which many seem to not have noticed. (In the Shakespearean sense, again, to be clear)

    "...which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of any human right or..."

    Skin gets decided thinner no matter who you are when that part of the equation is introduced.


    I got a headache reading that,good grief

    • Haha 1
  3. Pickets heyday. practice match at the g Tas johnson drop kicks to the centre great mark by big Bob Johnson Handball to Hassa Mann stab pass to John Lord quick handball to the running Picket gives RDB the dont argue streaming towards goal snaps from pocket on his left foot with 3 players scraging him.GOAL. He is a keeper should play round one



    • Haha 2
  4. 15 hours ago, dazzledavey36 said:

    Anyone else concerned about the whole kozzy Pickett situation? I know he's been home in SA for for whatever reasons, but hasn't trained for 2 whole weeks, and now Victoria shutting down as a whole, I don't see him returning anytime soon.

    He would be doing some sort training iwould hope

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    • Thanks 1
  5. On 2/11/2021 at 10:44 AM, Neil Crompton said:

    Luci, I would think that based on public knowledge of events past, the vast majority of people would say that Eddie had to go - that the Club would now be better off without him. And the realization of that fact, given the size of his ego, must be such a humiliating, devastating and earth shattering awakening for Eddie, you have got to wonder how this will affect his mental health. I hope he has close friends and family supporting him in this regard.

    Given that we have all got what we had hoped for - and we have had our say on the matter - perhaps its now time to be more considerate of his state of mind - there is no honour in kicking a man when he is down. 

    You are so correct,kicking a bloke when he is down  a great statment and true .We all make mistakes in life and he has like all of us.But i am he sure meant no malice to any of the people he vilified

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Deemania since 56 said:

    Jonesy in his prime did just that - and had to develop the 'long bomb' to get these teams up into the forward line, and that quantum leap to be in two places at once just cannot be done. With a slightly stronger team array, Jones could have been 'something particularly special' back then and into the 'now' at his sunset, rather than be seen as a mere 'special' player across the past couple of seasons. Jones' sacrifices have been enormous for the MFC.

    I realy hope they get him to 300 games if ever a player deserves the honour its him

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  7. 31 minutes ago, Deemania since 56 said:

    Interesting and valid array, RJ. I'd add Greg Wells and Hassa Mann to this list of Demon midfielders - both displayed exceptional skills over long intervals for the mighty Dees. Denis Clarke was another-ee who showed great talent.

    Wells and Hassa were fantastic ,will never get denis clarke bursting from centre and drop kicking goals at the G

  8. 2 minutes ago, ManDee said:

    If you can't understand what the fuss is about if an aboriginal is called a monkey, a chimp or a gorilla the point is you don't get it.  You just don't get it. That's ok but commenting simply reinforces your lack of understanding. Eddie may have thought likening Goodes to King Kong was a compliment (unlikely) but that just shows how out of touch he is. It is an insult, greater than any insult most of us could understand.

    I do understand it all a lot better than you.You are one of many who dont get it and jump on the ''you dont get it" band wagon.Try and understand and form an opinion of you own rather follow like a sheep.Iunderstand more about racism than you will ever know

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