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Demons 32

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Everything posted by Demons 32

  1. I believe I'll put myself on the Jaded band wagon
  2. You would think number 2 would be passed on to get Judd anyway. No offence to Mclean but I know who I would rather.
  3. This is one guy who does sit in on meetings. Not just some mate, he is a family friend. The way im looking at it is that the Tigers want him, and they ASSUME Brock will want to come back to his club with family ties. However what they assume is most likely not true and Brock wants to stay, in my opinion.
  4. Id assume he is but that won't really make a difference. If he would happy to go like ive been told, and we want Judd, then it would all happen no worries.
  5. I have a good family friend who is on the Richmonds top caterie (if thats how you spell) group. He sits in on team meetings about the club, potential off-season moves, and contract decisions. He says Richmond are extremely keen on getting Mclean to the club, and they believe he wants to go there. This came as a shock to me because I believed Brock loved our club to much, and I still think he does love us, and is grateful for his oppurtunities. However according to this family friend Brock has said a few times to his family that he would like to play for Richmond, being that his family ties are there with his uncle. I am not 100% on this and while it may never ever happen, as I assume it won't, I will still prop up when I hear such an in formed Richmond man say the Tigers have been considering him since about round 12 this year. I don't know if I would like the idea of Mclean being out of our club, but if we could somehow get draft pick number 2 for him, I would be very happy.
  6. Nice read Key Deefender. I agree with you on all counts. Sadly I don't think we will get Judda
  7. Ok the Hawks definately have bargaining power with that incredibly young list. We do seem to have a chance but really.... will he think we have a strong future, I mean we did come second bottom..... We do in my opinion seem to be in a great position, he barracked for us, his family might, we have pick 4, we have had recent retirements which will have given us some cap space. Lets just hope, and pray, and threaten. Lets just get Judd!!!!
  8. God I wanna watch the press conference live on nine msn but nooooo my boss won't [censored] off for 30 seconds!!!! And yes the boss is [censored] enough to whinge about that!!!
  9. It doesn't particulary always matter, look at Nick Stevens. Port were happy to let Stevens go because Collingwood were offering [censored]. Although I do believe it was very stupid letting him go for nothing but hey, look at port now, they are ok. I just dont see us as the club with Judd next year..... but please, please, please, please Melbourne, prove me wrong.
  10. Yes we have cleared a ton of cap room, but with all those players gone we still have to put more on. Yes they will not command contracts of Pickett and so forth but still. But im more in the we cannot get him with trade. But I do not see Carlton giving up pick 1 (why would the eagles settle for 3) I don't see Collingwood as having anything to get Judd unless they traded their 1st rounder with Travis Cloke and Dale Thomas (won't happen) Essendon don't look to me to have anything of a chance either with just a 1st round pick..... but then who? Believe me I want Judd, I really really really do. But we have never been the sort of club who goes after the big gun. My ideal trade week is some sort of 3 year deal that sends Robbo and our pick 21 for the doggies first rounder and Farren Ray. Then our first rounder (pick 4), and Farren Ray plus a 3rd round pick for Judd. Hell id give off pick 4, Doggies first and Ray for him. However I believe it is unlikely that we will try this.
  11. There is a better chance that we could get Wells than Judd. We cannot afford JUDD!!!
  12. I know it probably won't. Said I want him to come to the Demons. I think he would leave if given the oppurtunity. Last year when people thought we were trying to get him he was asked and said it would be good to play alongside Aaron. They are cousins after all. Im just saying I would rather Melbourne go after him, because he is more realistic, than Judd.
  13. I know this may cause a stir but....... Judd won't come to Melbourne. Therefore im right on the get DANIEL WELLS plan. He is what I want, he is a superstar waititng to get out of a blue collar team and shine brighter than all the AFL stars. Wells to Melbourne in 08!!!
  14. Don't knock Mahoney as a receiver who didn't work. That bloke worked his arse off. Ive got a mate who played for Williamstown for a few years and was very good mates with Mahoney so I got told the whole story when we were watching the Port Grand Final. It was a tough road for him and ive heard it is a testimant to his attitude and toughness that he even got there.
  15. Well, just like in the elimination final I borrowed a mates Sydney hat and cheered. I will now see Collingwood and cheer. Over 3 dollars for the odds. I'll cheer for the sake of a good bet. I hate the Collingwood fans though, which may cause a problem being that I won't agree with their constant cries for holding the ball before a tackle has even been laid, serious whinging and complaining. However the bet is stronger for the pies, so im getting on them.
  16. The problem is the gameplan. When they play a big bloke up forward it doesn't work. They do not kick it to a big bloke because they want to run and handball. It's rare they kick to a small player and there gameplan doesn't accomodate looking for a big option so it isn't a constant for them, we knowm kick it to Neitz, every player for Melbourne knows that. The doggies mind is run and short kicks. Not kick long to a big leading forward. It is there gameplan that perils alot of these big guys. The gameplan has been the big hoo-rah at the doggies. They wanted small running players, cause it is their plan. That is why they got Aker. They didn't have good big blokes last year yet they spent all there time getting Aker cause he fit the game plan. A big bloke, right now, with the run and carry style has no chance.
  17. Hahaha im a buyer....... For an electronics company.
  18. Oh and Mclean was a star this year? Did Carrol Dominate? Rivers didn't play.... No one has been delivering. Sylvia got in a rumored punch up with Mcphee. These three got in a fight with some randoms in another country. How do you know they werent drunk I bet they were. Im not anti fighting, I think every real bloke needs a few blues in his time, I just think its stupid that people get on Sylvias case for a previous record but you don't know how these boys were acting and you don't know what they have done in there lives. Fights happen I think its stupid when any footy players gets in [censored] for it. But worse still is having a go at one and letting another 3 off.
  19. Most improtant thing is the second chance, but second chance is useless without home final. In division 1 there are other advantages to that of a lower league. Not only do you get knowledge of pitch, but you are able to pick your final 22 on friday night. As an away side the team must be sent to officials ready at the home teams ground sat morning. This allows much more prep time. Plus, Often the away side in a finals game to avoid to many people may only have a limited number of supporters although this usually gets thrown out the window. However with the distance in travel home side always ends up with home crowd. Revenue to the club pays a big factor in getting the ticket price, food price, drink price. However yes, still most important is knowing how your ground should be played. For example, my junior gound was by far the largest in the comp, so we always knew to pick our best running side. My seniors ground was quite long but not wide at all. Therefore we knew to have long kicking and to pick tall forwards, be it even bringing backmen up forward. Home ground is incredibly important and I really believe teams that have earnt that throughout the season. deserve it.
  20. This would be my ultimate satisfaction from the off-season. Unless we could somehow get Cotchin in draft. Find a way using Robbo and pick 21 to get that extra top 10 pick.
  21. How can people say this isn't a big deal when everyone went off at Sylvia for his thing???? I couldn't care less if they got in punch ups all the time, there just blokes, I got in a fight 2 weeks ago. But why isn't everyone jumping on there case like they did sylvia? WEIRD. Anyway, go Rivers!!!!
  22. I have no issue with sporting competivness. I just know I would be livid if some one tried to take awat the one year we got the second chace. I don't know about all this junior rugby stuff or cricket and if they base it like they do in footy. But home field advantage in footy is massive and the right to the second chance is what, I personally, as well as my team played for.
  23. After over 10 seasons playing division 1 footy. 8 Years playing basketball. A few finals series and two grand final wins out of those combined 18 seasons. I would have been livid. Particually with footy. My team had finished top 2. But finished 3 and 4 a fair bit. So I understand that it's like if position 4 ended up with a bigger advantage than we got when finishing 2nd, I would be FURIOUS. In 10 seasons of footy we climbed ourselves to 2nd once, just trying to get that edge, and now 'Deanox'. You would want to have taken it away from us. Shocking idea.
  24. I agree, just whipe the slate clean and let Bailey bring in his own people.
  25. By the way, wiked about Jones and his 2 year deal. I would have given him a 10..... haha, ok maybe just a 3.
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