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Everything posted by fattysback

  1. Steven May is lying on the ground - the ball is down around his knees. He's expecting players to pile on top of him to force a stoppage. So he brings his arm up to protect himself and his head. So he's getting fined for protecting his head? AFL is rigged.
  2. The statement on the club website says: For those who can't make the trip to Casey Fields, the match will be be broadcast live on Fox Footy, available on Kayo Sports and Foxtel. WatchAFL also gives you access to Fox Footy so am assuming you can watch it (although their TV Guide seems to be broken at the moment!!).
  3. Peter McLean is the James Jordon of the 64 premiership team
  4. Okay - understand now. MCC members with a reserved seat can't enter until 12pm because presumably all unreserved seats would be taken by then. Very tricky. Thanks
  5. Sorry FTB - am getting confused. If an MCC member gets a seat in the GF ballot or not, they can come in when the gates open at say 10am, right? Why would the club deactivate their barcode?
  6. What do you mean by "double-dipping"? MCC members turn up to the game but don't use the seat they bought on Tiketek coz they go straight to the bar or stand somewhere else?
  7. AMW stayed on the park after training today and was doing some extra work with ANB and a trainer. Not sure it means anything and if it does think we're clutching at straws.
  8. Fair enough - but it used to infuriate me how he would always turn back into play once he got the ball - it didn't seem to be dependent on whether he was trying to get on his right side or not. Someone has obviously picked this up and taught him to keep pushing forward - hence I think its been coached out of him. Agree - he has also worked hard to be an integral part of the team - so much that he now fronts media conferences etc; Not convinced he's very good at that but!!
  9. As others have pointed out, he doesn’t fumble any more and has very clean hands. He also doesn’t turn back into play once he gets it. He now runs in straight lines. He has been coached very well.
  10. Ha! I grew up in Beaver St. In a pink house.
  11. For the love of god, can someone please explain the priorities? Cannot find any info on this anywhere!! I have an international membership so am assuming this is priority 3 or maybe zero priority?
  12. Surely, the match committee needs to look at the most stable backline that has played all season: Lever/May/Petty/Salem/Rivers/Hunt/Hibberd. Both Bowey & Smith got a look-in late in the season but I reckon only for that reason – Bowey has certainly changed the dynamic. For mine its Hunt/Hibberd for Smith/Bowey. The only other player you’d be looking at is TMac. Melksham is plugnplay but I’d still stick with Tom. So that’s two unforced changes from a winning QF team. Medi-Sub goes to either Jordon or Melksham. Opposition will come at us hard in the PF and if a player goes down early the above provide the most versality. Would probably prefer Melksham. Jones misses out. This current team has a hardness that I’ve never seen before – am confident either way. If we lose the PF, then ignore all of the above.
  13. Thanks - think I’ll park this and go back to the postgame thread; pages 1 - 20!!
  14. I really have no idea what this thread is about.
  15. Relax - We’ve got this.
  16. Leaps and Bounds. Quintessentially Melbourne although think Paul Kelly is a Crow.
  17. Demonology had so much character so I tended to post more there whereas here seemed to be more of a fanfest. Demonology had just some of the wittiest and funniest posters: Burnzo and Knackers etc; Hard fought battles between Rono and Baghdad Bob, Trav20 etc; It all kind of went weird when IRW started an obsession with RobbieF and politics and then the takeover. Congrats to the people that revived it as its still hardcore Dees fans wanting to talk about hardcore Dees. Am still posting there. Is now quite niche.
  18. Anyone in Hong Kong? I just view at home on WatchAFL these days?
  19. I wasn’t really concerned about that game for the reasons you say but Gawn also mentioned it in his post-match interview last night so wondering what kind of impact or adjustment they felt they needed to make.
  20. It was James Kelly from Geelong. He was trying to be funny but he made himself look like a [censored].
  21. Someone on Demonland pointed this out a few years ago and ever since then I can't stop hearing it. Drives me bonkers!! As an aside, I actually don't mind BT so long as there's no "Lloooyd" playing. The pronunciation is insufferable.
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