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Posts posted by YesitwasaWin4theAges

  1. On 23/01/2018 at 4:21 PM, fndee said:

    I’m as bullish as anyone about our chances this year but that list doesn’t scream midfield dominance  over too many sides.

    Jones, Oliver and Viney are a good starting group but after that young blokes with potential who are yet to prove themselves as full time mids (Petracca, Brayshaw and Salem), old blokes who are past their prime (Lewis and Vince), a few who are unlikely to be anymore than midfield pinch hitters (Hogan, Bugg, Baker, Maynard, Stretch, Melksham and Hannan). Then there is Tyson who can get the ball fine but would have to be one of the worst left foot kicks in the game. 

    Across the 3 groups (backs, fwds, mids) it is the midfielders that concern me the most. 

    Your definitely on drugs if you dont think we bat deep especially this year 12-14 can go through the guts.

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  2. 20 hours ago, Delusional demon 82 said:

    Ok now that we’re in the back end of January , the disarster of round 23 2017 and associated torture is becoming more and more distant each week. Rather than lamenting and self loathing in past failures , like a true demon supporter , I thought best to channel the vitriol to thinking of endeavours that the football club  (or more accurately the players and football department) can now control , that being ....  how they respond in 2018. As supporters we are at the mercy of the how the players and coaches choose to respond , apart from coughing up our hard earned and signing on again in 2018. Accordingly we can only dare to dream and  I’m interest to hear everyone’s wish list to avenge in 2018 

    So apart from making finals, clarry winning the Brownlow or the dees doing a bulldogs or Richmond in September  I thought of my top 3 . 

    1. Dees finally beat north in Rd 3 with a goal after the siren , brad Scott looses his [censored] in the box , despite north again getting a helping hand from the umps. Dees go 3-0

    2. Queens birthday , the dees smash collingwood by 12 goals adding to a 4 game loosing streak for the pies. Bucks under severe pressure again and Taylor Adams is added to the jack viney made me cry thread 

    3. A red hot Melbourne side anilhilate west coast by 80 points in rd 22 severely eroding their % and ending their finals aspirations. 

    Go dees ! 



    Good wish list but beat north by a kick after the siren please i want those [censored] on toast 60 pts plus please.

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  3. 19 hours ago, Demon77 said:

    Without being in the inner sanctum it's difficult to ascertain how much damage the camp caused last year.

    Most of us were peeved with the gruelling mid season fixturing of four games in 18 days when players were dropping like flies. Maybe we should have gone to the AFLPA about the fixture.

    I don't profess to know anything about the camp but from what I have read the club assured the players better safety implementations than last year.

    I find both sides of the argument interesting but the lack of trust toward the FD is a little unsettling IMO.

    If you really think about it the gruelling 4 games in 18 days mixed in with this boot camp at the start of pre season tipped us over the edge. We didnt give a yep after R15. Let all these clowns talk about it in the media i reckon the boys made the right call. Very sceptical of Misson with these camps and what not behind the players on this one.

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