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Everything posted by deebug

  1. You should have heard triple M they were just about willing geelong to win. it was that bad i turned it off.
  2. Fingers crossed Viney & Hib are back for the Sydney game ? ?
  3. To me Mr Norm Smith was the greatest coach ever, we should never forget the great man. Who ever sacked the great man hang your head in shame.
  4. Happy 21st Clarry?
  5. I have been in the s*&#$ all day and maybe all week?
  6. Sorry but no thanks. My laptop almost went through the wall last night, so i will be leaving that one for some one else.
  7. Ten years, more like 100 years.
  8. We sure are cursed. ?
  9. Blood rule, Max was taken off by the umpires
  10. The bloody time when they just needed to slow the F#&^%# game down and he bombs i to the forward line, i want to rip them apart.?
  11. Gus knows how much he means too us, we love ya Gus Try as you might kangas his heart beats true for the red and the blue.?
  12. Congrats, milk shake?
  13. Maybe the club needs to look at the boots the players are wearing? Not in Hib's case as that could happen at any time, how ever in the case of Viney, T-mac and Vanders the boots maybe be the reason for the players having so much trouble with their feet?
  14. Goodwin said that Vanders is 2-3 before he can play in the side.?
  15. Yes, the paper bag days they were called, because they used to throw money at young guys and get them on their list. This is a story some one told me about the bummers, this person told me that his brother work for ess at the time, and said that sheedy and co went to lloyd parents house when he was 16 years of age; and told them they wanted him to be at the bummers. They said they would start paying him straight away if they agreed, but to keep hush,hush; and well we know the rest. I was gobbed smacked, i said your pulling my leg, he looked me in the eye and said no i'm not, this guy was a demon supporter who owned a shop i used to go to back in the day.
  16. BLOODY HELL? We can't take a trick.
  17. With Viney out, bug can go to duckwood, would also love Vanders in, if not this week then next week.
  18. deebug


    Could be a family member who lives in NSW, or a T-mac fan??
  19. People, please do not even waste your time on the bias media of ours, they are full of s*#@ and only spout dribble.
  20. Matthews has always hated Melbourne. He was an a#@ hole when played for the urine side, and too this is still an a#@ hole. This is Aussie rules football and not soccer, he and any one else who tries to bring this red card c#*@ can go back in the hole where they crawled out from. The day they start to do such rubbish is the day they lose a lot of people from the sport, just leave the game alone, and stop bringing all these stupid things into our game for goodness sake.? SFebey i agree with what you said 100%?
  21. Thanks for that.
  22. speaking of 87, does any body know where John Northey is? Would love to welcome him back to the club. Loved him as our coach , done our club proud.
  23. Love this kid. My friends and i love him, he is a little rippa?
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