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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Sometimes earmarking the status of it all is part of the Cats'-psyche, regardless of fans, crowds, spectators and members. It is a wanton display of supreme importance that seems to appease the folks down the coastal highway and a final in Geelong would address these needs - hence, the rest of the Viccy clubs can go jump in the lake; the Cats become their own leading hierarchy of football prestige. It is akin to being the destination of choice for some. With the next pre-finals games and respective distribution of ladder positions, I firmly believe that this frontal arrogance of the Cats is about to implode - thanks to the mighty Dees. The bargaining powers of a losing team (Geelong) severely limits their kitty of credibility in the clamour of possible opportunity to 'host' a finals game. It is also grossly unconventional, in the first instance.
  2. Scott may well allocate a watch or two on Dogga - problem for him is that no two (let alone one) player/s at his disposal will be able to compete and stay with him without massive gaps elsewhere on the ground.
  3. Rivers plays well, down back. Rivers could play absolute opposition havoc if allocated a few minutes each game in the midfield.
  4. He is valuable depth as a backman. He is far more than depth when playing forward - and a run in the fwd line for a few weeks is no longer opportune with the finals bearing down on us. Another example of the expense and nil returns from playing Weed for so long, so unnecessarily. I am sure that had Smith been given a recent, past month in the team, for example, he would have somewhere between 10 and 20 goals in his account by now. As a forward, he runs, finds space, leads to those spaces - and we have all seen how apt he is with marking - and he kicks straight, well.
  5. Oscar must be champing at the bit to get into the wing position. I am tempted to think that is OK if Gus goes into the centre, his best pozzie.
  6. Gawny moved well quite often snatching the ball and using it (most times) somewhat beneficially. His across-the-body hook kick goes a long way and he seems to direct it fairly well - although it gains metres and metres, it is next to impossible to interpret, predict and even for him to direct accurately. Maybe he will get this right in a cuppla weeks? He certainly looked the Captain against the Crows, with a stern and determined expression and very little happy chat with the opposition.
  7. Obsessed Geelong supporters such as most of the umpires, the match review committee and Channel 7 commentators. That would be a good start.
  8. I think he was being serious as hell, for a change although I did notice a black cloud hovering over his head on a few occasions.
  9. ABC Radio on, for commentary and Ch7 sound off, vision on. Great Sunday afternoon.
  10. Great memories! He was good at that in the redn'blue.
  11. Against all precedents and justices, he'll get off - the recipient player shouldn't have been there to receive an injurious, late impact - Match Review guys will strongly declare it was his own fault. Case dismissed.
  12. And so it continues from the AFL (umpires have become the fall-guy messengers at maximum carriage).
  13. Critical lot are we! Part of footy, I guess. I'd give Joel a forward line role - even a run on a wing for his endurance qualities that include penetrating the forward line regularly. He has been injured, long-term, and this has been a great disadvantage. For me, he is a better forward than the Weed. The Coach is hesitant - he does not wish to raise the fact that he 'tolerated' the Weed for so long for very little apparent advantage; possibly, Joel Smith is one of those alleged 'depth' players to be contained/handicapped by that fact. It is late in the season and a very critical time for the MFC. Perhaps, signing JS into 2022 as a rung in a 'depth' ladders is all that is intended but it would be opportunistic - early next season - for a clearer judgment on his aptitudes as a forward by a series of placements in the forward line. Like Picket Fence, I too have strong interpretations (for some time, now) of JS' abilities in the forward line and have found his hiatus from the field due to injury and recovery completely frustrating in this regard. What do people expect? JS has not yet had the opportunities in the forward line to prepare, orientate nor experience some development of his capabilities outside of 'gap' filling for others who have enjoyed such priveledges. IMO he is going to be a surprise package. '
  14. Hopefully, injury-free, he will add another dimension (and a valuable one) to the team. We just have to play him in the forward line to reap such benefits.
  15. Used to work the bar at the 'Boundary, when I was at Monash studying - it paid the rent, so to speak.
  16. Don't overlook Petty in front of goals ... time will come.
  17. Two greats to come amongst a couple of others (whose names I cannot instantly remember) to strengthen how we are going to look in 2022.
  18. Agreed, almost in full. However, I still cannot fully align Goodwin to the improved execution that we have displayed this year with all of its hurdles and barriers. He has previously had the correct amount of time to achieve these benchmarks prior to 2021. Like the onfield team/s, the coaching infrastructure and level of expertise and experience have been an integrated, mutually enriching combination this year - alone. I put greater faith in the likes of Yze, Chocko (and even the smaller inputs of Jordan Lewis) taking the levels of expertise, smarts and innovation to a position nearing that mastery for which a team will strive and eventually achieve.
  19. Once Port is out of the way, Adelaide Oval would be a good place to stage the GF, if necessary.
  20. I'd like to play the Tigers in finals ... an opportunity to bury them now that their form is not in the upper echelon. We have a few young ones ideally suited to run them out of further contention and many senior players are coming back to form.
  21. Didn't he stop the Coach from patting him on the bum when coming back to bench? That's pretty good reason ...
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