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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Take your pick. I was considering a triad of players forming a pre-finals bond onfield for a specific role and this appeared to my eye to be a strengthening of best available quality for the gap that has emerged across the season we have just observed.
  2. After such a long run in the team, I still doubt whether Spargo has had his role carefully defined; he just does not get the opportunities to excel with his skillset terribly often. He is one of our best feeders; he does not lack courage, he will tackle when necessary - but he runs around in circles looking for a receive himself, often landing with a much larger opponent at which point his role is abruptly impossible.
  3. Looks a little like Roman concrete - tough enough, readying and settling for the weeks ahead. Get ya game plans ready boys, we are depending on you in so many ways.
  4. Yep, do not want to see his knowledge, communications and skills lost to the Dees. There are many underpinning reasons why this might well occur; similarly, there are many underpinning reasons why he could/should be retained with the Dees - albeit at some personal sacrifice.
  5. After all his input, hard work, effort, widespread player encouragement and other desirable features in his career with the Dees, who could deny him the sunset reward of some success at the Filth? He was a sturdy rock in our defence and that, from a player who was no champion - just a hard-working and battling team member - his performances over time were highly commendable.
  6. We cannot play Weid. He is not going to assist our forward line workrate, either defensively or in attack. When one talks of 'efficiency', Weid must surely be the last player in so many teams we have fielded to make a desirable contribution. Joel Smith had a good experimental run up forward with Casey last weekend, getting his sensories together and attacking out front, and in deep; for the Club, this was ideal and provided exposure and thinking to assist get it all together across the forward line. With Bowser coming in, most likely, there could be some synergies from these two to really assist the '...our forward line is not working that well, currently...' scenario. An aggressive competitor with speed and agility and goal nouse and a 'dead-eye Dick' delivering the pill to those who make ground to receive. It could all end up being icing on the cake for the Melk, for BBB, for Fritta and the resting ruckman. With Tracca nearby, it is all very achievable.
  7. Oh, be fair. The poor things cannot help it.
  8. Absolutely NO, NO, NO! Weid leaves us short a key player in every contest - and does not make the contest a mobile one. Prefers to be brushed aside for a free kick or peripheral spectator positionl
  9. BBB, Joel Smith, Melksham and Kozzi - with a resting ruckman - time for some real synergy with Tracca at the ready shallow forward and midfield.
  10. Really good quarter - great drive and connection. He's coming back to form.
  11. just maybe it will give us some confidence that will rub off into better performances. Team changes do need to take place.
  12. It's a big possibility that the umpires will help celebrate the 'return' of Cripps across the field of play - at the Demons' expense.
  13. ...leaving the entertainment obsessed general public and footy fans across the board totally at odds on the integrity of the AFL, its poor selection of the first tribunal panel who now appear to have made the wrong decision (most unlikely) and confidence in the the whole process of rule scrutiny at its nadir. The whole process has been proven to be totally arbitrary and indicates that preferential treatments of rule violators will be tolerated in the interests of AFL gate receipts, where necessary.
  14. It does not auger well, I am afraid; still, who are we to consider alternatives?
  15. Wouldn't matter if he did read Demonland, '64, he's already had thousands of treatises, reports, theses, intense and widespread analysis including measured advice and fault correcting suggestions (ad nauseum) from the foundation of the football club - US! Such extensive contributions to his onfield well-being have so far been wilfully ignored or 'placed into the too-hard basket'.
  16. Surely Goodwin is not that foolish? In the eyes of so many supporters and members, he'd lose his job.
  17. He'd probably do a very good job at that task. He's not the sort of bloke to mess around with - very serious, almost intent and he's as big as Barry Round - except meaner. Heaven help those who fail to learn under such tutelage.
  18. History of injuries, age, doubt that we'll get 5 years from him. Handy, at best, now and in the future. Nothing more. We'd do better elsewhere, particularly if we could find a young forward or two who might also lend a rucking hand. We have developing talent at Casey and that is some bright future (across the ground) to relish and blood into the big time. Grundy just won't improve any more, but it is conceded that he has been a great footballer. We'd get 40 more more goals per season if we could teach Max to kick - and develop a leading forward line from the talent already there.
  19. Bennet was a perfect, goal-kicking example. With almost no lateral force exerted, he also gained incredible distances, straight as an arrow. He was a really big bloke, too - but made a consistent effect to contact the ball as low as possible - the start of a straight kick, following through with the regulatory knee/thigh and then the extension of the lower leg in line. A perfect model for Gawn - whose stylised approach and delivery throws him off-centre, out of target line; often, sky-scraping the elevation of the ball in its trajectory. If he'd kicked the ones he has missed this season, we'd still be top of the ladder and headed for the Premiership.
  20. Referring to 'Hail Mary', I guess even footy has its moments of faith.
  21. Joel Smith - about time he came in against a weakened Carlscum. We need the movement, agility, marking and a straight set shot or two, plus his backline experience with us will have served him well in combating (with movement) the opposition allocated to him. He'd also give our midfield a target or two across the game not fixed like a pillar of self-gratified granite in the hot zone, counting the mounting numbers of opposition clearances. Joel in deep forward, for mine.
  22. Someone mentioned it is a 'kangaroo court', and in its practices and variations in outcomes, that would be an extremely generous assessment. It was one event, well exemplified, so what 'fresh vision' could be so imperative as to take over two hours to arrive at a decision - unless some stroker wanted Cripps found innocent against the evidence?
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