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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. I will check it out next year at Casey training - he should do well there, like his Dad.
  2. Max is the best of all time, I'd reckon. Tomlinson and Tom McD both played well today - we must credit their performances with Lever currently restricted. Agree. Hunter is a bit of a waste, compared to Woey who needs the game to hone his offerings.
  3. My preference would also be to run Windsor off the HFFlk as a utility, centreing the ball, using pace to set up deeper forwards, creating wider, open spaces ahead, beside, behind and central to his lines or otherwise of attack and game play.
  4. I have what are perhaps, illusions, but I see a good serviceable game from Woey interacting really effectively with either Hunter and/or Langdon from HBF, by foot, by hand and by opportunity creations.
  5. If he plays loose, continuously, leading and following the two-step space invaders game (first to a large space with defender chasing, second to the nearby 'made' space where the midfielder/flanker has aimed - ball on the way) he could do alright! The Swans do it well, and did so very effectively against the Doggies last night, almost continuously. There may be the limitations of physical mass with Jeffo but consider that he has the leading skills, the hands and can surprise on a break. There have been tons of 'good' forward footballers lightly built, few with his height and reach. Hawthorn had a few years ago (eg: Twiggy Dunn ) and Geelong has a couple right now. Check out Cameron, for example. He does the space invaders game well. Anyway, if we blood Jeffo, good luck, son; it will be a steep curve into someone's 'learnings'.
  6. Reliable stylisation, on really good days, inspiring the whole forward line.
  7. It is a shambles, with mixed points of foci, limited teamwork and support, less run and carry, no heads/eyes up to hit targets, no space makers nor cleared forward line. Timing and anticipation is off with the pixies. Williams, in this regime, needs to have far greater inputs both in number and extent. Our reliance on too few for so much is ridiculous.
  8. ANB has limited opportunities, but he delivers when well-catered with time and space, plus the occasional set shot. On his heels, in my humble opinion, Chandler can be an amazing 'outside, inside, set shot' wizard. Of course, Sparrow has kicked a few from varied distances outside 50, but Goody does not seem to see his value in this attribute ...
  9. When discussing Nev, the word 'class' is spelled 'Class'. Onyer, Nev.
  10. Really like this enforced fwdline idea - mids must not long-bomb but instead, lower eyes to individual leaders for the receives ... if Clarrie's kicking has been our main offender, in this regard. He wins tons of the ball for breaks into forward line opportunities, then bombs it on a wing & a prayer to no-one specifically - clearance seems his only intent. Mids and midfielders must have urgent plans for diversity in attack.
  11. With all of our conjecture about who should be in the team against StKilda and who should be dropped to make way for others rightfully entitled, I feel that there is only one certainty: Goodwin will ignore all that is said by Demonlanders and brew his own cocktail of those clad in Demon colours for the day - just to reinforce the negativities he endorsed in his post-match media interview against the Weagles.
  12. Of course, this is most probably spot on. Max has enough on his plate - I think we all agree on this - but it does give rise to enabling some form of further bonding and stakeholder association between Kalani and the Mighty Dees, almost in concrete. It would be wonderful if a good Melbourne family took up the cudgel, wouldn't it?
  13. Very little to disagree with in this item. WC game plan was executed to perfection with rally after rally as the Dees looked on, impotently. We must make something positive out of this season - perhaps making and forging more of our youth to take up the cudgel - invoking more wisdom from Williams or outside to develop and steer our youth, the game plan, the whole modus operandi of winning football. Demon supporters are currently tired of living on a prayer.
  14. Time for his Daddy, Jeff, to speak with the outstanding gentleman called Max Gawn; Gawny and family could make a semi-permanent room at their home for young Kalani (with Jeff's encouragement) whilst starting training with the Dees' blessing at Casey combined with regular Demon coaching and contact from Jeff himself, so that the father-and-son considerations are even stronger. If Kalani is really keen, one-eyed and committed to the Dees, the door is open under such arrangements, surely?
  15. Again, and again, almost continuously every time and then once again, I think I also am made severely unwell and psychologically maladjusted by what Badloss does at press conferences, post-game. Sorry, folks, but it is true.
  16. I was waiting for game methods and position changes to take place halfway through the first quarter. Stagnant, lie down and be trampled, by-passed, helpless. Big changes overdue, coaches included. Long bombs got us into early troubles and turnovers, foot passing is horrendous. By half-time, there were at least 20 poor delivery selections when those working to make the game ours were ignored, particularly out of the centre. Toughen up the young 'uns; clubs that have had zero choice have done so - happily reaping the rewards. What a shambles were are presenting.
  17. Max is up to the task, he is still a legend. Our smalls need to work from the Eagles' ruck tap-outs as fodder for clearances further afield.
  18. Golly, these blokes were phantastique in Demon colours - all four of 'em. Wish we had a few more of them, now!
  19. That posits a problem we see each week, very succinctly. For the glamour teams, 'holding the ball' certainly never applies.
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