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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. By this stage of proceedings since recruitment, one might think that if Weideman was working well at his craft and its obligations, he might be ready now to relieve TMac for 'recovery' time from such little niggles. We do miss Vanders, as well, heh? Hope TMac is a rapid healer and can play unhindered for Round 1 and beyond.
  2. Great cause. Do it for Danners. That is a great tribute.
  3. I think the whole league of clubs in the AFL are looking to the MFC to take Geelong's pants down and smack'em as hard as it can legally be done. Play games with us? At their peril....
  4. Reluctantly agree. Moreso, now that OMac is steadying - and OMac needed to do so. Tom is a great source for goals up forward. In the backline clearances, for a few years, he was very 'readable' for many oppositions. It was as if he telegraphed his intentions for those few critical seconds before delivering the ball. He will be great up the front but I still feel he would be very reliable, in general, up the back when the going gets tough. Great player and very versatile.
  5. Worthy of consideration; thought a few things about those 'taps' and distances/direction - very easy for opponents to 'read' and to intercept effectively. Keenan was a great tapper both left and right, forwards and backwards, and using either hand. He kept'em guessing and unsure of where he was aiming. Great for his rovers and midfielders.
  6. Quicker than usual. Must have been the GT model.
  7. Outstanding consideration on your behalf, ET. So apt ... betcha he tries to use it, too.
  8. Like all things MFC, stuff will happen and get better. This IS 2018 and I'd reckon that Burgan is just brushing up on his superlatives prior to our best season since '64, for journalistic accuracy.
  9. Saty does a terrific job and his comments are first rate.
  10. Thanks for the update. You are correct with these 'memories'. Parke, Bourke and Dillon. Yep, Barry Bourke the decoy was just before Parke and Dillon. He did hurt it and not long after, I think it was Townsend who had to limp off.
  11. Talent. Both of them. It would be outstanding for the Club, Team and Supporters. Forget Weidemann until these two are secured and running in the side.
  12. Dillon went on to resume his SA footy career as it was at a lower level than the Vics at that time. Ross Dillon, now he was a champion at CHF. I thought that the Ox in his pre-injury days was his reincarnation, and yet, Dillon had just that little bit more with timing, skills, mobility and goal power. Both were actually entirely different players. Royce Hart got the accolades every week but Dillon was better and more reliable. Hey 'Chook', how did you know about Laurie Fowler's knickname? It was older than his football career - stemmed from the good old Chadstone High School.
  13. Poorly worded, sorry. I meant no-one from my circle of friends from that era.
  14. He was a freak with marking, Greg Parke. He took more marks than anyone and most of these were heavily contested. Lousy kick but a good handball feeder at the same time, just as long as a kick. I can remember him - a policeman - directing traffic every morning and often in the evening at the centre of the road at Camberwell Junction prior to traffic lights being installed at that 6-way intersection. We'd lean out of a tram and attempt to knock his hat off his head as the tram rattled passed. He, in return, smiled broadly and shook his finger at us allegedly disapprovingly. It was fun.
  15. Don't get me going - Tassie, Hassa, Townsend, Parke, Dillon, Hardeman, Alves, and all the others. Geez it was fun.
  16. They nick-named me 'Cass' based upon part of my surname, and every party I went to in my uni days it was always: 'Jumpin Jack Flash it's a Cass!' Never lived it down. Thank heavens no-one who can remember the 1960s lives nearby...
  17. A gentle little bump or two during the game might help Ablett to realise he made a bad decision. Are the pussycats desperate?
  18. Laurie Fowler, tremendous footballer for Melb after his stint with the Tigers. Best friend of John Nichols, I heard. And Tassie Johnston. Those great drop kicks from the Richmond goalsquare past the centre of the MCG. He just knew where the ball was going. Few ever got in his way. Two greats. Hardeman, not a tall, killing all opposition forwards, the greatest.
  19. Yes, sure do. He is so inarticulate, and has very little constructive comment; in other words, he is actually non-committal and knows that his stance is unfounded but for reasons of personal preference, bias if you like, he will say something rather derogatory such as '...I don't trust them...' as if that is a meaningful statement. Needs to do his homework because he is very low on observational facts.
  20. Who cares? So was Barassi. But I'd listen to them, both, any day ahead of what we get in the media today.
  21. Well put. Indicates a lack of attention to detail, doesn't it?
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