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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Article is simple, straightforward and interesting. Runners should be eliminated, in my opinion. Too many times they change the flow of a game and appear to work to someone's disadvantage. The drink bottle routine is rubbish; so are coach's instructions onfield. Clean and untether the game.
  2. If Dangerfield plays, the more chances he has of breaking down, mid-game. So, bring him on for a Pedo bump or two.
  3. Really would expect a few hundred (or more) new memberships in the next few weeks and into the season from there. Success is a great accumulator in football and being on the bandwagon is very associative with that success.
  4. Yep, balanced and some insight yet way out of date; quite questionable in raising these alleged issues at this point of the coming season, other than to disrupt and destabilise what has been a remarkably successful pre-season.
  5. Time to stop the speculation and shut up shop in readiness for next weekend. It gives the players a full week of freedom from controversy and criticism, and the odd excess of praise. It is an opportunity for the whole team to focus on the Geelong match and little else. Mind strengthening at this point, one would hope.
  6. What tactics will be used against Ablett and Dangerfield (if the latter plays)? Who will wear them and how do we bypass them so they run all day for no benefit, collapsing in a heap in the last quarter?
  7. You would not believe how good life was when the Demons were on top and were unshakeable. Those were wonderful living memories.
  8. Bloody atrocious! A national anthem is our song - as it is! I want my grandkids to take their children to the 'G, to sit in the Sthn Stand and to listen to the victory song of the Dees being belted out as a representation of the historical recurrence of such an outcome. A new song, yeah, yeah, just won't do that, baby, baby. We should not allow Gill to dictate to us in this matter; should he go ahead, we should then be ready to substitute the historical song for the existing song on every occasion. It is our choice as members, supporters and sectional interests of the general public. The diction is too good to miss, as well. Men of Harlech stand together .... imagine.
  9. With injuries across the side, right up to today, it seems that the MFC are playing the super-sleuth game via Mission to keep the Cats guessing - in response to Geelong's mysterious Ablett/Dangerfield conundrum. Suddently this morning more 'niggles' appear in the Dees' players; suddenly the injury list is reduced to Viney, VDB, Smith and Lewis. Suddenly Clarrie has a niggle and ANB is not quite right to train normally. Think an aspirin and a good week's rest is in order.
  10. For other clubs under such an administration as the AFL, the FOI must be successful in order for those clubs to avoid the damage done in the past with full, heads-up strategies and that includes existing feedback. Commonsense must prevail. Anything else is negligence.
  11. Talk about a brain fade. Looking at the Cup and Viney's face, grip and aura, it seemed as if it was real. C'mon September. At least I know he is serious.
  12. It was encouraging; Vanders was particularly good news in terms of recovery - we could use a little of his aggression and ooomph!
  13. You would not believe how much cynicism I have for this photo...
  14. Sadly, it is probably correct. He does need to show intensity at every stage of a game in order to get those marks, handballs, kicks, goals, forward pressure opportunities and sheer MFC guts outcomes. Then, he would be valuable.
  15. There seems to be a slope in the predictions, conventionally a safety ramp for such largesse.
  16. By this stage of proceedings since recruitment, one might think that if Weideman was working well at his craft and its obligations, he might be ready now to relieve TMac for 'recovery' time from such little niggles. We do miss Vanders, as well, heh? Hope TMac is a rapid healer and can play unhindered for Round 1 and beyond.
  17. Great cause. Do it for Danners. That is a great tribute.
  18. I think the whole league of clubs in the AFL are looking to the MFC to take Geelong's pants down and smack'em as hard as it can legally be done. Play games with us? At their peril....
  19. Reluctantly agree. Moreso, now that OMac is steadying - and OMac needed to do so. Tom is a great source for goals up forward. In the backline clearances, for a few years, he was very 'readable' for many oppositions. It was as if he telegraphed his intentions for those few critical seconds before delivering the ball. He will be great up the front but I still feel he would be very reliable, in general, up the back when the going gets tough. Great player and very versatile.
  20. Worthy of consideration; thought a few things about those 'taps' and distances/direction - very easy for opponents to 'read' and to intercept effectively. Keenan was a great tapper both left and right, forwards and backwards, and using either hand. He kept'em guessing and unsure of where he was aiming. Great for his rovers and midfielders.
  21. Quicker than usual. Must have been the GT model.
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