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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Frost and Wagner/Hunt for mine. Wagner was quite good at the clean-up earlier, after a few games at this level. Frost for the body, height, strength, rebound with a more deliberate yet unpredictable disposal. Eyes up, Frosty. Hunt if we wanted an aggressive mid-sized runner but his endurance can lag later in the game.
  2. I seem to recall that Cox ain't getting off the ground, just reaches upwards from his tip-toed approach. Correct me if I am wrong but a mobile tall might be the answer.
  3. I cannot see either of them staying 'with' our mobile forwards for a full game.
  4. These two, in such roles, would be terrific.
  5. Strong team there, PetAtk - I am not yet even lukewarm on Frosty but that doesn't seem to matter a great deal here on DL. If Joel is picked and gets a good one in (minimum standard measure would be a dislocated Filth jaw or broken leg), it would be great - and for his dad, who was a terrific competitor although slight.
  6. Didn't bother to read their tripe, so thanks for undertaking that horrible task for us all, praha. After the game, what might they write then may I ask? Will Eddie resign on the spot? Is Buckley's time now blatantly overdue for a refreshment? We will win that game based on skills, teamwork and humility. Just watch.
  7. Others might disagree, so will you correct those people, as well?
  8. Thanks, for that information - I hadn't heard its extent.
  9. From the bench, if absolutely necessary, Pedersen could come onto the fwd line to release another (TMac, even Hoges) for CHB duties as the game progresses or worsens.
  10. Good luck to Lever with all that seems before him. Let us not forget that another very important player, Milkshake, is also injured and thankfully, to a lesser extent than Lever. We need Milkshake to have a strong and rapid recovery for the game against the Filth as I doubt that he can be effectively countered by the black and white Detritis.
  11. Interesting about Harmes' game against the Doggies. He could well be a handy utility providing support to whoever is replacing Lever (my choice would be Frosty). Harmes can get his body in the way of opponents with strength, agility and he ain't an 'observer' in close with opponents. Could be useful following in the backline in these circumstances.
  12. Despite costs by the bucket load in the US medical systems, there are techniques that streamline the recovery processes that the Yanks have been perfecting for many athletes. I guess it is a matter, for us, of weighing up the benefits and the perceptions of quality treatment.
  13. This is the big attribute that we must sustain; his link play is too valuable and so is his delivery.
  14. Balanced response ... balanced points of view. Good.
  15. Another example of the AFL (in general) not remaining as a level playing field in terms of its governance and/or standards management.
  16. Since his necessary layoff, Brayshaw's disposal is the next thing in a list to be rectified. He will be a new man and a great footballer when all is done. Learns quickly, too. Onyer, Gus!
  17. Great thought, throwing Razor but I don't think he could be thrown far enough away by anyone.
  18. Agree with you on form, but he is subject to an injurious mozzie-swat with that build and the Filth like to crush the smaller guys. Big body, big leap, strong, a two-feet 'lander' for stability and take-off. Frosty and/or Pedersen from the bench.
  19. Spargo or Salem, perhaps Garlett. Who do you think? Pedo or Frosty plus a crumber.
  20. Good one, he is the man with Frosty nearby for the clearances. Wagner can also contribute to this defensive drive. Vince can be rested, so can Harmes (a little stray for the Doggies game) and play Frost/Pedersen with Wagner and a crumber.
  21. For the Filth, Frosty and Pedo in, drop Vince, rest Harmes.
  22. From bad to ridiculous! Frosty is the go once again.
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