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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. There's always an open opportunity to whinge about any of the White Brethren umpiring games against the MFC.
  2. Just wondering folks, what do you expect to happen in our upcoming game against Freo when, half-way through the first quarter, the Mighty Dees are six goals ahead and firing in all lines with no hope of Freo curtailing the devastation? Will the White Brethren interfere once again? Consistency says: 'You betcha!' Common sense says: 'Surely not! It is impossible for that to occur in the modern game.' Hope says: 'The AFL will launch an official enquiry on behalf of the MFC if it does happen.' It may not be in the first quarter that this begins to occur but experience and review of our current season would indicate that should it occur any time before the 20-minute mark of the final quarter, it will definitely happen. What'cha reckon, folks?
  3. Cyril was a terrific footballer and was a pleasure (and education) to watch when he came into play in his many matches. However, TC, he was not anywhere near the talent of Lethal Leigh who I place in my 'best footballers, ever' at third. This will be challenged by some but 'them's the breaks' in such discussions, with so many highly offended in comparison to their estimations! Anyway, here is my ranking stated above: 1. Robert Flower 2. Malcolm Blight 3. Leigh Matthews Sheet, what have I done?
  4. And really, TMAC ain't a forward yet, either; recognised in the game as a full back. Players are played where they're needed.
  5. There is something interesting in that discussion on Hurley. Very interesting. Almost a left-wing conversation.
  6. Leigh Matthews comes to mind, first. There are others ...
  7. Playing in Darwin is nonsense! This is one fixture from which we should be removed in the future. However, it must be said, it would be a perfect venue for the Filth, Whoreform, Essendrug, Carlscum and the melodious Adelaide Farrr-kkksss to play if the AFL considered that a game up there was important. Why deny the good people of Darwin an opportunity to see the strong relationship between AFL umpires and these 'random' Clubs blossom, yet again?
  8. I can remember the U19 coach....great man.
  9. Absolute respect for the man, the player, the Captain of MFC and the inspiration that he brought to the Club and the game. Stan was the full package and for years (just because he was younger then), I dreamed on him becoming the MFC Coach after Northey as the two, as coaches, players and leaders of men had so much in common. Alves in so many regards was always one of the historical past who generated immense pride (in a continuously losing team) and respect.
  10. ...but that leakage is still just not good enough! There should be virtually no leakage - particularly in close, forcing long-shots from the opposition rather than easy feeds.
  11. Of the players we have available, I really like this team selection, AW. I would like to see Kent run into form as a deep fwd crumber with a bit of his aggro thrown into fwd defensive pressure. Once again, that bench will be critical - and so it should be.
  12. Time to take the defensive battle back to Defence. Two-way running midfielders can respond in space as a consequence. Forwards can respond in anticipation to space as an enormous asset to the game we play. We literally have almost acres of space in which to play the ball over varying distances - but currently prefer to play in a choked manner against a crowd of opponents. Richmond don't. We interpret 'contested ball' as all important, weaving like dodg'em cars between pillars. With this cramped style of play, we create space for our opponents to exploit our control and limitation of their avenues for positive ball movement and possession. When we run hot - less frequently under this pressure that we create for ourselves - we are left in a position where our available space is stolen from opponents and hence, we are at some liberty to work methodically for possession, ball progress and profitable scoring opportunities - and many of these opportunities, at that.
  13. HMR - agreed. A club develops from the top down. Remediation develops from the top down. Goodbye Goodwin and company, hello Roos!
  14. Golly, would I love to have Roos re-join as Coach. Golly, would I love to have Roos steering the FD. Golly, would I love to have Roos mentoring and guiding our team. Golly, would I like to give Roos all of our lists to develop and re-create a MFC dynasty with a record-breaking series of Grand Final wins. Ten million dollars each year from members and DL members, and the Let's Kill Collingwood Appreciation Society. Go-o-olly, in the best of Gomer Pyle traditions.
  15. A point worth remembering is Lewis' experience and recall of his great days with a great Hawthorn team and set-up; he is a good talker and mentor as a consequence and yes, he is a faded player these days yet still a mighty powerful authority on winning football for others; the MFC is lucky in this regard to have him. His knowledge of the 'new' style of football is more concentrated and modern than that of Goodwin and all of his coaching assistants. So his (Lewis) playing days are at a natural sunset; he may not play many games in the recent future; he would be a very formidable skills and tactics coach used full-time on our players, in an 'overall sense' on game day, in developmental roles and onfield instructions across the board. We would be less of a Club without him so my beliefs are that he should move to full-time player and game development roles, retiring immediately as a player himself. This will allow him to concentrate on all other games other than his own - albeit that his mentoring and communication to date with the MFC has been a prominent part of his role since joining the MFC. Surely Goodwin needs such a partner at the tactical level, and at the strategic level, and on the hard grind of week-to-week player readiness and instruction, backed by the existing coaching panels for more individual readiness amongst the players.
  16. There just has to be a message 'well attended' by so many of our players in that brief. We have had these before - but time is up!
  17. Horrible reality. Imagine Clarko in that scenario!
  18. Thought Max was great but so was Hibberd, working his way across the entire backline and manning up against them all and out-marking opponents and winning hard-ball-gets and finding teammates with passes and running here, there and everywhere within the boundaries of the specific timeframe and then returning to his position according to the state of play 'once he had achieved yet another clearance to our advantage at any given moment because OMac was drawn out of position 523 times during the game running around wrist slapping after the fact. I think this indicates that with a team of Gawn x 2 and Hibberd x 16, we could win the flag?
  19. We should gather all of these examples from across this season only with annotated, tagged video footage, and present it to Gill with a demand that it be explained, one game at a time. If there is no answer, advise that we will be 'press' conscious and pass the material over to the media for scrutiny and exposure of the rejection of an answer.
  20. MR's narrative is Clever and almost believable. All the benchmarks are there!
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