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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. The forwards worked hard, built their confidence, got a handy but well-deserved (and earned) lead in the game against the Crows. Then the Crows began a series of mini-rallies, chipping away at the Demon lead that they were confronting. An avenue to goal was required to improve their scoring chances - and they took it with reliable frequency. Just as several coaches and senior players in Demon opposition teams have done across the past few years. Our players chip in during the hard, injury-riddled times, attempting to provide gap coverage down back, support and risky teaming across the weaker spots. The balance of the game changes. The forwards begin to see less of the ball and the rest of the team become desperate to get the ball 'down there' for a score. Forward delivery wanes in quality and quantity. Another loss looms large. When just one opposition forward blossoms in a game - but often two or three as a nett effect - the avalanche of scoring freedom results. We lose.
  2. I suspect you actually know where the weak spot was on the field that allowed opposition goals to result - as the ball passed through it. A tactic many coaches are using when scoring is so vital to save a game against the Demons.
  3. By stating that bad kicking for goal lost us the game is not the full story. Those goals would not have been so necessary if we exercised a defensive capability. Almost 8 goals were leaked through OMac's inaction and weakness and mistakes across the game. This is a typical pattern of his play since he started with the Dees, sometimes improved (slightly lesser in frequency) but mostly impossibly costly to the team. OMac, plus poor kicking for goal are a recipe for absolute mediocrity and a mounting toll of losses.
  4. In the tight games that we have lost over the past 3 years, OMac has generally been the reason. When we have been easily defeated, OMac has been an opposition 'surety' to ramify forward dominance. In the games we have won, OMac has been unsighted except for clangers. Get him off the field immediately. He is targeted, weekly, by opposition coaches and players as an easy-beat; he is an avenue to goal for all of the teams we have played this year. Goodwin, we do not need him - and after all of these losses, he still gets a game to weaken our few onfield advantages.
  5. In the first half he leaked 4 goals. Three more later in the game. OMac is a guaranteed pathway/avenue/ for opposition goals. Always has been. Opposition mantra: Wherever Oscar is, kick it there. Too great a liability for this Club. Full stop.
  6. Todd did kick a fair distance, with every kick. Although not true, you'd reckon that he invented the 'bomb' for the forwards to have a grapple at - but in those days, the forwards were pretty good in comparison to this year. Todd, unfortunately, was seldom an accurate kick. A great 'ball-getter', without doubt and tough as nails going into the pack, and through the opposition to 'get ball' once 'see ball' had been achieved. He had a beautiful, long drop punt, one of the best in its day. He'd create a clearance with his kicking that most footballers would be proud of, in terms of distance. The more experienced team members on the receiving end of his 'intended man-to-man deliveries' learned to read his kick quite well and moved into space to receive - usually the correct space. For less experienced teammates, it was sometimes a more arduous task to receive from Todd's kicking. It must be said, he did adjust his passing well and became more accurate with the process, less concerned about distance alone. We could do with him, now!
  7. Fact 3: Goodwin and the selectors do not really care, this week.
  8. He has always been 'underdone' physically and is very pale, almost sickly up close. That aside, he also looks very manageable lacking a physical presence. These characteristics may assist his game, his fitness or something similar, but in honesty, he does not look like a footballer at all. I'd reckon he was a badminton champ, instead. Even Tulip looked more aggressively adept.
  9. When is this simple and effective plan going to emerge? Our smalls and bigs, so to speak, recover well - it is not as if they are all ageing, handicapped veterans, nor is it the case that they are asked to run in such a manner to and fro for 100 minutes. No-one is looking into their zone for spaces at all. The players are locked into the mentality of combat football, and lose it and themselves repeatedly. The mantra of see footy, get footy, keep footy has now totally disappeared because footy space is not being exploited.
  10. Talia will struggle on Preuss, he is too big for him.
  11. Corey should get in - possession and a week of reflection can only continue to improve. He does want the ball.
  12. Risk. Lever is not a silver bullet. He needs another Casey game at least if he plays at all. IMO May and Preuss in - we must have Gawn supported in the ruck and backline. Build the team up from there. Jones to the wing with strong 'no bombing' instructions.
  13. Of course it is, BBP. Absolute coincidence and that is what is so fascinating. Don't you think? No-one can accuse our beloved Gary at this crisis point.
  14. This is really a matter that Pert has to concentrate upon. It's great that he may be working on a new ground and facilities, it's great that he has enriched his profile, it's great that we have continued to slide into the doldrums for one reason or the other since he has taken 'control', yet one might expect that our 'leader' and 'mentor' is working in a capable manner, fully multi-tasking on a range of processes to ensure Club success both now and in the shorter-term future, but where is the evidence? What have been the runs on the board? A public/members' statement or six, please Gary! Stop the descent, now!
  15. Agree with this Farmer. It is simplistic but a clear picture emerges that this has been the case and will continue to be so until TMac is supported - this will most likely come from Preuss - and should come from Preuss as he is a pre-occupation that opposition teams will continually struggle with to block, dismantle and foil. We have spent a long time preparing the Weed. It has been costly so he must bite the bullet as a Team man. All deep forwards additionally need support from the ants at ground level, as well; particularly those who show some guts and determination.
  16. Badly injured but recovering? I had a conversation with one of our better forwards, who left me in no doubt that he considers this kid to be an exceptional recruit, and once his injury is over ....
  17. That was a handy feature of Lyon's game - he kept moving towards the incoming pill and was smart and athletic enough to respond to the vagaries of bounce with the pointed ball. It can be seen on the Dunkley vision ... nice.
  18. I see it the other way around. Frosty in a stronger backline will be a real advantage. OMac in a stronger backline will hide.
  19. Not much point in this DV8, as in using his height, OMac has to be up against his opponent to clear with a punch at the ball or surprisingly mark the thing. He is always many paces behind, never catching his opponent - this gives the opponent a free reign at the ball and OMac finds himself as the man on the mark. He is also knocked out of the way and the play, very easily, very often by his opponent, sometimes with the very gentle bumps and his recovery from that is always slow - providing enough time for the opponent to reset and take the ball. OMac gets up very slowly, as well. His pace to compete is absolutely minimal, even though he does have the height to intercede. Frosty, on the other hand, is nearly always with his opponent so the frequency of his punching clearances is higher in number. Moreso, recently as familiarity with that backline role continues. His athleticism and breakaway speeds (should possession of the ball take place) are tremendous assets to his game and the reset of our whole Team up and down the ground. Frosty's strengths against the talls is far greater, as well.
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