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Everything posted by biggestred

  1. US Cycling Athlete, Baker, Accepts Sanction for Anti-Doping Rule Violation So this guy gets 2 years just for not filing some paperwork - if the Bombers get nothing ...
  2. jake king hangs out with a bikie and they are talking about delisting him Essendon are under investigation by the ACC no less for getting illegal performance enhancing drugs possibly through criminal organisations and its fine
  3. http://m.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/essendon-set-to-start-season-without-asada-action-but-infraction-notices-could-yet-come/story-fni5f6kv-1226805329872
  4. Unknown substances in some ways are worse than steroids or other known illegal substances and should be treated as such.
  5. I understand it is physically demanding. so why not do short skills based sessions in between longer competitive sessions?
  6. can anyone explain to me why they do football sessions only 3 times a week? why not 5?
  7. don't forget, their own report (which no doubt included a touch of bias) said it was an "uncontrolled pharmacological experimental environment". that seems to have been totally forgotten about
  8. Essendon are going to need 30+ players too
  9. "surely the dees will be more competitive" then has us losing to the saints, gws and the gold coast.
  10. Theres a reason ive got these two blocked. Poor guy. Meant to be very painful.
  11. still getting over jeep booking every charter helicopter in the region to fly their "key guests" down. YOURE A CAR COMPANY. PUT THEM IN A FLIPPIN CAR
  12. His statement reads like something Hird would say. Or Lance. "I didnt do it, the investigation was corrupt and I'll see you in court". I dare say he won't.
  13. Given he could have been big noting himself at the portsea polo today with the likes of dane swan Dustin Martin and Harry kewell...
  14. Who cares. Can we get back to talking (fantasising) about how stuffed the bombers are??
  15. The players have no choice. They have to believe the lies... no one else wants them. Crameri was the only player to leave at the end of last year. Its afl career over for lots of them if they get infraction notices
  16. Didn't his son just finish Year12? Fair enough if he wants to take his kids on a holiday - he won't get to until next Christmas!
  17. That would explain a LOT. Thanks jazza. Its a pity journos cant do any research
  18. I would imagine that those players who were given substances which cannot be proven what they were would be treated as if they had taken banned substances?
  19. Essendon has forever stained this great game of ours. They must be punished and punished hard.
  20. Driving up a particular road today amongst a lot of traffic. So much so it took me 3 sets of lights to get to the front of the que to cross the intersection as the other side was packed with cars. I was sitting in the left hand lane. All the cars that wanted to turn right had turned right but no one moved up, as we were all one que to get through the intersection. Suddenly I see a car come from 8-10 cars back (no indicator to turn right) and I think to myself who is this fuckin cheat cutting infront of everybody else? Well this guy pulls up and its none other than our very own James Hird. He then parked in a bus stop 200m up the road.
  21. Didn't hird miss exactly a year with stress fractures?? Interesting
  22. the afl has plenty of integrity. this can be seen by the fact that they have employed an integrity officer.....a person to ensure integrity. because you need an integrity officer if people have integrity. hrm. wouldn't wanna play golf with these guys!
  23. the worst thing is that the Essendon members wont revolt against the club when ASADA smack them down a few pegs by giving them infraction notices - they will just say that ASADA are useless etc etc
  24. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-12-16/doctor-warns-of-deadly-supplements/5159842?section=sport lets not forget just how serious this whole thing is
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