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Jumping Jack Clennett

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Everything posted by Jumping Jack Clennett

  1. Some of Austin's manoeuvres reminded me of the great Maurice Rioli.
  2. Fantastic if such a group of great ex-servants of the Club actually care about its future. (unlike in 1996).
  3. [quote name='demoniac' Good synopsis, Demoniac. I think the Foxtel cameramen were disadvantaged badly by the guernsey clash(worse in the bright sunlight).
  4. [quote name='Chooka for Charlie' date="Another bright side to the game was that we didn't risk a clash between the red and blue and white and blue, so we wore white and blue with a stripe of red. Wasn't it incredible Charlie.! Normally there's no confusion between Geelong and Melb jumpers, but they managed to design a "clash strip" that was indistinguishable(on TV) when the play was in bright sunlight(most of the time). For a start, both jumpers were all white on the back. But white dominated in the bright sunlight, such that TV viewers were left in doubt about which side had the ball.
  5. Oh No!
  6. I don't think I've ever admired a player more for sheer guts and endeavour than I did Steven Icke when he played for Melbourne. Of course it doesn't necessarily flow that he'd have good man management skills as a CEO, but in view of his experience in the West and at Carltank, I'd love to see him return to our Club.
  7. [quote name='AlphaDee' date= "supporters of other clubs to make fun of us and to reinforce the stereotype of us as wealthy upper-class business-types.Why not throw in some ski-gear as well! I think we should encourage that erroneous stereotype. It must be easier looking for sponsors if you're considered wealthy! BMW, Volvo,up-market clothes,real estate, stock-brokers, travel companies etc.. What's the good of pushing Emirates Airlines to "impoverished" battlers at Collingwood?? ? ("wood" that it were true!)
  8. If anyone can.......Dunny can!
  9. I have a drawer brimming with MFC scarves, seeing the whole family are MFC supporters. I think it's a good idea to change.
  10. [quote name='paddo' "Miller must play forward." Exactly what I think, Paddo!
  11. quote name='Clintosaurus' "Doesn't really matter ". $350000- would be useful to us. More than the sum we receive for giving up a home game, and compromising our chances of success.
  12. David Sanguinetti is a top curator. I've played on his cricket pitches(as a visitor) for 20 years, and they're first-class standard. No wonder he takes pride in them. I'm surprised his son Glen is a Demons supporter, since his on-field demeanour is more like that of a Magpie supporting ruffian. I don't blame David for being offended by burn-outs on the carpark. It's very frightening being around when some hoon behaves like that. They think they're in control of their car, then all of a sudden something happens like the disaster at Mildura. I'm ashamed of the MFC's behaviour in these incidents. We seem like a ship without a rudder to me at this stage. I presume we pay Trinity for the use of their lovely grounds. The "ground rules" should be clearly laid out , and adhered to.
  13. This is a big deal. Changing CEO's is a huge step in the administration of an organisation. Steve was a great improvement on that Ellis impostor,but he hasn't had an enormous impact. It's easy to glibly write him off (as we did with John Anderson) on the back of our disappointing financial results, but I have the feeling that the high staff turnover is a more significant factor. I presume it's a fairly highly paid position(from a footy club's perspective),but footy clubs probably find it hard to compete financially in the corporate scene when looking for effective business administrators. Let's hope the board can come up with someone with a good track record in business, who wants the job as a challenge(perhaps a lifelong Demon supporter retired from big business???). Thanks for your efforts, Steve. Good luck in your next challenge.....will you go back to barracking for the Saints? (that's a challenge!)
  14. Trouble is, Rhino, he was just as scathing in 2004, 2005 and 2006, when we did well. By the way, St Kilda shafted him too,more ruthlessly than we did, but he obviously still has a soft spot for them, and constantly talks them up. I don't want him to favour us, I just get sick of a guy who's so enthusiastic and positive about most things,continually writing us off as a basket case.
  15. They won't have any trouble with Vin Couttie. His(?great)grand-daughter, Jill Spargo, is married to the MCC Committee member, and keen MFC man, Stephen Spargo. Her brother Leigh Couttie is also a keen MCC/MFC man.
  16. 'Rhino Richards' I agree , Rhino, we want no favoured comments. I just want him to get that chip off the shoulder and stop belittling the club that made him famous.
  17. "Well done Stan." I agree, but please, Stan, for a change,could you say something positive about the MFC, the team where you became a top player.
  18. Thank heavens Carroll wasn't driving!!! But it still won't help our cause. I presume "Grey Global"is Paul Gardiner's ad. coy. Good get, Adrian!!
  19. Watch out, Demonlanders! That mafia-boss lookalike that North poached from Collingwood, Eugene Arocca, will bring the TAC sponsorship( that we should be earnestly chasing) across to the Kangaroos, despite lack of members, and guernsey advertising space!
  20. What's "incedent" (???indecent) about that. Please explain what it has to do with tanking.....are those weights tanks?
  21. I really can't believe how any true Demon supporter could suggest we shouldn't put ourselves in the running for big money from the TAC.
  22. If only one of us had suggested it, perhaps we could have out-tanked them.
  23. Good thinking,Bob. We could lose the 5ook. and end up where we are now! Heaven forbid!
  24. All the Clubs have their major sponsors organised, so I presume the TAC knows that it won't be emblazoned across the front of the successful applicants' jumpers. If there's up to a half-mill. a year up for grabs, I have full confidence in our Club's admin. to be in there negotiating. They will have the expertise to avoid disenchanting sponsors already signed up. I'm sure they won't have Hard's and Rhino's "it's all too difficult, let's give up" attitude.
  25. quote 'Hards' " take off what we're getting from the sponsor we have at the moment that you're going to replace..." You win, Hards.I can't compete with this hide-bound negativity. Take your half-mill., TAC, and get out of our hair!
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