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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. True - I didn't get it across well but I meant more in terms of being their #1 midfielder right now. Even with a few of those guys coming through they will need Jack Steven to lead the line, and after losing Goddard and Dal Santo over consecutive seasons they would be mad to do it 3 years in a row, particularly with Steven still having a decade of footy in front of him.
  2. 4 years at a minimum, but Steven will still be a major part of the line up even then. But, outside of a few players in the league, never say never I guess. I would hope the club pushes hard during trade week(s) and we can nab a star if possible.
  3. They are almost a cert to get the #1 pick, which will get them a tall. Jack Steven is basically their only young midfielder with any talent - unless he wants out there is no way they will part with him. Someone like an Armitage might be available but the Saints need all the class they can get and Steven has it in spades.
  4. True, although Prestia had a chance last season to do just that and didn't go for it. The only thing in our favour would be that he signed a 2 year deal and not something like a 4-5 year deal. However with Prestia being in career best form and GC being on the up I can't see him wanting to move at this stage. If GC were still struggling then I could see it, but not now. We can dream though...
  5. Exactly - so why on Earth would the Swans even look at trading him? If he was on our list we would laugh at every club that came our way with an offer of a trade.
  6. Prestia signed a contract last year and is, clearly, their second best mid. No chance they trade him back to us when he is still young. Dangerfield is slightly more realistic, especially if the Crows go into panic mode, but we need to be realistic about our targets. GC would have no reason to look for more picks right now, their list is already young enough as it is (same as GWS unless their unsigned players want out).
  7. Only recently signed a new deal, no chance IMO. As GGR Martin said above North are worth a look - Ziebell might be out of our reach, but what about a Cunnington? Greenwood? Probably also out of our reach and a little unrealistic but I think it's not far from the mark to suggest they could use another tall down there. At the very least this tall player rich draft will help our cause in looking for trades. A number of teams out there need another tall or two and could be tempted into making a deal. I'd look at the Lions as well - Jack Redden maybe?
  8. I'd be one, but apparently he is pretty close to re-signing with the Blues.
  9. Nathan Jones is. Dom Tyson and Jack Viney, two blokes with not many games to their name, have the ability in time to get there. They need the outside support so their grunt work is then rewarded, something that Stretch (and Salem and, hopefully, Toumpas) bring to the table.
  10. We have ball winners though. Jones, Tyson, Viney, Cross, Michie... even Riley... who are the outside players with the footskills to then use the football? A guy like Salem is someone, in time, that will fill this role, but we lack class around the ground. You say we need to focus on the midfield yet Stretch is someone who plays in that exact role. Winning games isn't all about grunt work, it's equal amounts of skills, finesse and brains as well.
  11. I've loved every minute of Allison's reports. Been one of the highlights of the season for me - gives us a clear understanding of where these players are at. It's frustrating to hear they are doing poorly, but for the first time in ages we have accurate reports being given to the fans.
  12. You're a pill PF. He asked you for the reasons behind your belief he is only worth a third rounder and you reply like a petulant child.
  13. Didn't realise you were so enamored with your own thought process that you needed to post the same thing 3 times. The Toump will get there in time.
  14. This alone makes what you have to say irrelevant. At no point has Blease ever been very good, otherwise he would be getting a game. Jones, Tyson, Viney, Vince, Cross.... all midfielders with grunt to get the football. Who are our true outside runners who can use it well? Our drafting of 'outside' mids hasn't been flash in the past but we still desperately need some class, and a guy like Stretch can potentially bring that to the club.
  15. I don't think there are too many posters on here that don't agree in this regard - Roos and co. have given us hope in many ways so far this year and we can, for the first time in a while, see some light at the end of the tunnel, even if it still is a little bit dim. What is still painfully obvious though is a lack of talent and class on our list. We do have it in some areas but it's clear that it can only be stretched so far. We have some young kids that have this but they still need time to develop it, and we also have some senior players that are very handy as well. What we are then left with are players who lack some skill, finesse, maturity etc that don't seem to be improving, and they won't take us to the next level. That should be clear to everyone. There is light and it's flickering, but there is still plenty of work to do in regards to our list.
  16. No argument from me there, although I'd like to think we could nab a player or two in the Daniel Cross mould to help fill a few roles with experience for a year or two with either those later picks or through FA. But we can't take too big of a gamble, we simply can't afford the risk.
  17. Spot on 'bub, and we all know that we won't delist/trade THAT many players. It's a process that will take 2-3 years to do, but the point is that our list is still light on for talent and, while we have a gameplan and FD that is FAR better than what we've had previously, we still need to re-shape the list to get it up to pace with the rest of the competition.
  18. Very true, and I guess my point is that because of this we lack a great deal of depth within the side at the minute. Clearly someone like Salem needs a rest, Dom Barry is not really ready etc. but we don't have the cattle to replace them right now. We need more depth and we need better overall footballers on our list to put pressure on our current 22 and to help improve our fortunes. I don't see anybody down at Casey right now that has the ability to do that.
  19. What I've seen of Hunt hasn't filled me with confidence, but as I said it's harsh on him in his first year. Byrnes is finished and you know it. Riley has been given a few chances and can't get near it. Tough, yes. Skilled.... no. Spencer got a new deal which he never should have been given. I listed players that are not up to scratch for us as a club going forward. We don't need list cloggers anymore, and we finally have a FD that can make the right decisions this time in who can now come in and fill those gaps. If you only have 3 players on shaky ground then you are delusional and I thank my lucky stars you have nothing to do with the FD. Our list, outside of a core number of players, is not up to it and most people are smart enough to see that. I want the best for my club and, while it's nothing personal, we have many players on our list who don't have the required talent and skill to take us forward in the direction we want to go.
  20. Good analysis of where he is at, but he is one that I think could become a very handy midfielder/half forward for us down the line when he gets more experience and a better tank. His left foot is a weapon and he is quicker than he looks. Plenty of upside to work with.
  21. Alright, I'll have a stab at 20 players on our list, currently, who aren't up to AFL standard IMO for us going forward. I may not make it to 20 but here it is: Shannon Byrnes Mitch Clisby Sam Blease James Strauss Daniel Nicholson Aiden Riley Michael Evans Luke Tapscott Jake Spencer Dean Terlich Jack Fitzpatrick I could also happily let Jordie McKenzie, Jayden Hunt and Ro Bail go as well and not really be worried about it, although Bail and McKenzie have at least showed something, and while I don't see anything in Hunt it is only his first year after all and that may be a little harsh. That's 14 players. Reasoning? To me, and this is only my opinion, none of the above will help us not only reach the finals but our ultimate goal of a premiership. I know we can't delist that many in 1 season but we have so much dead wood on our list that it's infuriating. Players, particularly the younger types, are getting tired and need a break yet there is no one knocking on the door for regular selection in the magoos. This hurts badly and is reflected in our current results. I like the direction we are heading in overall as a club, but WYL isn't that far off the mark.
  22. Jesus H. Christ, another lazy kick from Vince. Infuriating!
  23. Yeah, because Dawes is the only one to spill a mark so far tonight....
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