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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. Bit harsh jnr, it's a valid question. Clearly when the heat is on we go to water and our skills, which are poor anyway, look even worse when we are under the pump. Keeping a cool head under pressure would help to alleviate some of the errors that we make.
  2. Pretty fair assessment really. The effort is always there for us this year, something you could argue was not in 2013, but effort doesn't = skill. Until we get that into our side we will still have days like today.
  3. His pass to Viney in the third summed up everything wrong with us at the minute. We worked hard to get it there and then made a stupid decision which lead to a turnover a goal to them.
  4. You just knew he was going to miss it as well. He didn't let us down.
  5. Our tall forwards have certainly struggled in recent weeks. Dawes and Pedersen haven't looked anything like the players who were in such good form in the first half of the year. They are having a dip but simply can't get near it.
  6. Bit harsh to leave Jones out of that, but otherwise you're not far wide of the mark.
  7. He is one player who has continued to improve. Made one error in the third when he tried to take someone on and mucked it up but his spoiling and positioning was terrific all day.
  8. That's not a huge loss. He gave no explanation for his reasoning either. Happy?
  9. Need some tissues there P-man? Blease might break lines but he turns it over, can't find the footy and doesn't run both ways. He brings not even half of what Bail brings to the table and you know it. And I don't know how I'm the d-head here, if you can't handle discussion here then maybe you shouldn't post.
  10. That's your problem, not mine. You posted and I answered, which is how a discussion forum works. I'd like to know why Blease is ahead of Bail though.
  11. Should have been more specific - we would score most of the time from our inside 50s, which says when we get it in there we are dangerous. We all know that finishing it off needs no extra discussion.
  12. Saying Bail is gone yet Blease gets to still hang by a thread is one of the dumbest things said on this site for a while.
  13. This is the key part for me. Roos didn't get the chance to see this over pre-season, and now he's had 2014 to see who can cut it and who can't. He will be ruthless, no doubt about it.
  14. Screw the negative, of which there are plenty, I'll name a few positives: Jeremy Howe was terrific across half back. Nev Jetta was also excellent down there, gave Green a bath. Our efficiency once Inside 50 was good. Our backline, for the first three quarters, was resolute until being overrun in the last. Dom, Vince and Jones all worked hard as well. Plenty to whinge about but the only thing that sticks out to me is that guys like Tapscott and Blease are being given a run and showing why they need to be moved on. I'm totally ready for this year to be over and can't wait to get stuck into the pre-season.
  15. The other two are true, that one is not. Bitterly disappointing loss this one, considering we had 3 quarters of domination for very little reward. Titan predicted it pages ago - once they get the momentum we are done. Couldn't have been more right if he tried.
  16. Funnily enough our kicking for goal this year, on the whole, has been terrific. Our wins this year have all seen us kick really well for goal. It's no excuse now but not every team can do it week in, week out.
  17. Ridiculous decision. As soon as he was tackled it was dislodged, and for 100 years + that's been dropping the ball. They don't pay it anymore and it makes the game look stupid. Good finish from Tyson, we just need to keep up the intensity and we win the game.
  18. Could this be the worst game played all season by any two sides?
  19. Always a chance with us, but then all we need to do is kick a couple and we look the goods.
  20. Fair point, although it annoys me that he is the one singled out to be dropped for a bloke who doesn't even play the same role.
  21. Could have been the worst kick he's ever had, and that's saying something.
  22. 80% of our players are guilty of it. No idea why you single him out.
  23. Spot in titan, and going by what Roos is saying this pre-season will be about developing that offensive game now that we understand how to run both ways and shut a team down. He can push them harder and, hopefully, get more out of them again over the summer.
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