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Everything posted by Wiseblood

  1. Quick look at the stats suggests you are not wrong there, GC. It also looks as though we had more than our share of the ball AND more inside 50s, yet we couldn't put a score on the board as well as the Pies did. Did Hogan's injury hurt, or not really change a thing?
  2. Just got home, haven't seen a second of the game, but it's clear that we went with the choke this afternoon. So terribly deflating and disappointing. I know our season isn't over just yet, but at the same time, I'd be shattered if it was as I'm not ready for it to be at all. If this does end our season it will leave a very sour taste in the mouth. For those who watched the game - what was the problem today? Did we look nervous early and couldn't claw our way back in? Or did the Pies simply want it more?
  3. Maybe. He might still harbour a little annoyance at how his last contract was handled as well. It sounds like the Tigers aren't exactly lowballing him in their offer though. If a Carlton, for example, was offering the same money then I might understand the change. But North are the worst Victorian club in so many areas that surely you would rather stay at Richmond than go there.
  4. Is the money really worth going to a small, insignificant club like North? He might give them a couple more wins but he is potentially giving up some serious success for some extra coin. Makes little sense to me.
  5. They are probably asking for too much. Well, more than we are comfortable with paying. Lever will still cost us some coin, but will come across at a cheaper price and probably not unbalance the list too much.
  6. Can't wait to talk about some trade rumours... once our finals campaign has been completed. Feels good to actually type that. This thread is also proof that there is one poster, and one poster alone, who cause threads to go off topic. It's rare that this happens these days as everyone is up for some good, robust discussion. The next time someone tries to defend this poster they need to take a good, long, hard look at this thread to see the negativity he brings to the board.
  7. Go on Chook, give us a little more. You know you want to!
  8. There is certainly a little more noise about Lever not just wanting to come back to Vic, but wanting to play for us as well. Not sure if it's smoke and mirrors but there have been a few in the media who have been on this bandwagon.
  9. Absolutely love the changes. Very strong side, even without Viney. On paper it looks like a very well balanced side that can score through multiple options. I would love to see us put them away early and hold them at arms length for the rest of the day.
  10. I might be in the minority, but I like that. He can pick his moments in the media, otherwise just play a straight bat and do the talking behind the scenes and on the field.
  11. Hardly. One more year as coverage is not going to hurt us in the slightest. I'd rather him there than have to potentially put faith in an unknown draftee. Having said that, if Frost was still on the list then fair enough. But if Frost were potentially used in the deal then I can see more benefit in keeping Garland on the list.
  12. Bolded ones are no chance. Bring Spencer in? We don't want to go backwards.
  13. I agree, but it may come down to this: Lever or Frost. I know who we would all take.
  14. Possibly, but what harm does it do to have him there for another year? He has enough experience that he could come in and fill a gap for a few weeks if we have an injury or two. We will have rookie list spots so you could theoretically stick another tall player there if you needed it.
  15. I'd prefer to hang on to Frost, but I guess he ends up being the odd man out with the two McDonald boys and potentially Lever. We would also have Garland for another year and Keilty on the rookie list.
  16. It's decent, but without Pendles, De Goey and Greenwood they lose some midfield depth. Wells out hurts in that area, as does Varcoe. What it should mean is that our mids can get on top and dictate the pace of the game. Our backline has been terrific this year as well and the Pies don't score with ease, so if you turn up and play good footy we will have them covered.
  17. Dees by 5 goals. The Pies will want to spoil the party, but we know what we're playing for and we'll want it more. It might take us a little time to settle with plenty of nervous energy hanging around - a few scrubbed kicks, a dropped mark, a missed set shot - but we will settle in no time and keep them well at bay.
  18. To all new posters - Jack Watts, Dom Tyson and Oscar McDonald are all revered here and you should never pot them, no matter what they do. Welcome aboard.
  19. Lever was named at CHB in the AFLPA Under 22 squad today. While not making the 22, Oscar McDonald was named in the squad of 40. They could combine to form a super backline for the next 10 years. We'll just have to put up with 10 years of STMJ talking about him in every thread.
  20. Apart from this SEN caller, who could be anybody, there has been no indication at all that we have any interest in him. I'd say that more than likely means we aren't chasing him, or we have decided his asking price is too high. Either way I think he stays at GWS. He can win a flag or two there and then come home.
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