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Everything posted by Dante

  1. My response was to your post but could have been to many before, I picked yours because it was closest to the end of the thread. I have no love for Don and couldn't give a rat's about him or the USA, I probably should have responded to one of the digs at Morrison, I'm a bit over all the armchair experts blaming him for the way it's been handled. I dare say that none of those that have had a shot at him, wouldn't have done so if it was the Labor party in charge and Elbow making the very same decisions.
  2. There's a lot of wouldn'ts there but not too many woulds. What about what you would do to fix the problem. I see, none. I think that the hatred of Trump is a requirement of the left. My comment was about the overall discussion that includes Morrison as well. Morrison takes advice from the Chief Medical officer, not Karl Stepanovic and the other buffoons on morning television. BTW, do you think "creepy" Joe Biden would make a better President than Trump? If you don't know what I mean, look that up.
  3. Tell us all what you would do if you were in charge? I await your words of wisdom. Albanese
  4. Care to share the plan you have to stop the virus and keep the economy afloat and enable people to earn a living and support themselves? I'm sure the Word leaders are waiting for your advice, for that matter the advice of all those on here that have cut and pasted the words of journalists telling us how we should go about it. As was said earlier there are plenty on here that want to turn this in to a right wing bashing competition. What has Elbows plan been, i must have missed it in amongst all the garbage in the papers.
  5. Imagine if there was an outbreak of Man-flue?
  6. You will be out before the first match, won't you?
  7. Yes, that was mentioned, in fact I think he sponsors him ?
  8. Was told yesterday that when Mitch Brown was with Essendon, his shoulders and hips were shot, that's probably why he was delisted. He was training once a fortnight with them, since he's been with us he hasn't missed a training session. Amazing what a different outlook can do to a player.
  9. Can't say exactly when, that's still up in the air, but it will be around the MCG precinct and I'm sure that the fans will be happy with it when it happens. It won't be at Docklands or Port Melbourne that's for sure, it will be near the MCG.
  10. The club have a couple of places in mind and when the final decision is made it will be near the "G" and will include help from both the Government and the AFL. I wouldn't expect it for a few years yet though, there is a lot of work to do in settling on a spot and the construction of the facility. The club are looking at something that will set them up for 50 years, not just a stop gap that will be outgrown in 10 years.
  11. Jack is very well respected by the club and that's why he's Vice Captain, he understands and accepts what has happened and as a young player it will give him the opportunity to hone his skill and maybe in a few years time he will have another shot at it. The club settled on a two man leadership system rather than a large leadership group because it allows the other players to step up and doesn't mean they are in some sort of pecking order, meaning that leaders 5 and 6 are really peripheral anyway. If there is a need to replace either or both of the leaders in case of injury, that will be looked at if and when needed. There may be some on here that have a low opinion of Jack's ability but rest assured they don't speak on behalf of the club.
  12. The boys are loving the new training regime, not as much long distance running and more time with the ball. They are used to doing an 8k run and then start training, now they are using the ball a lot more and love it. All players are given a job and they just have to do that, not just stand in a spot, but a specific job and if every player does his job they should perform well as a team. The club is quietly confident about the coming season. I spoke to Richo and told him the supporters are proud of the club for taking the chance with Harley and he was quite surprised at the level of enthusiasm his signing generated, quite happy about it though.
  13. Went to a lunch today and a couple of players were there, Max and Tommy. When asked who they thought would be big improvers this year, Tommy said Bedford and Spargo and Max said Corey Wagner and in fact both the Wagners. Corey was told to put on 5 Kilos and when he got back and had, they said they wanted him in a different role and he had to shed the weight. They enquired how the change in captaincy was perceived by the supporters and were told it was mainly positive, in fact mostly positive.
  14. The club think highly of Spargo, so whilst some of the supporters on here don't, the club does. He'll be ok.
  15. Unfortunately I have to agree with you about Pert, I had a fairly lengthy conversation with him last year and was less than impressed, he was still talking about the training ground in the precinct when it was already a dead duck and everyone knew it. We should do whatever possible to get, no nonsense Peter Jackson back, whatever the cost. I trust him and what he says and if he can't do it he won't promise it. The problem we have is we are still part of the MCC and, whilst that has some financial benefit, it ties us to the Private School culture which we don't need. All the successful clubs have a bit of bastard in them, but we are just too nice and our players become too nice the longer they are with us. I want results, not just words that are designed to buy time for those in charge. I applaud the club for their statement, but doubt the capacity of those in charge to deliver.
  16. I was just pointing out that having a knee drained is not a big issue, for Pickett's sake
  17. Just been to see the Doc to get the results of an MRI I had on my knee on Friday and I appear to have a Gaglion (?) cyst, It's mainly fluid, that needs draining. It's pressing on a nerve in my knee and causing me a lot of discomfort but it's not a big issue. It will take a week or so to settle down and I guess the same rule applies to Steven.
  18. Dante


    Maybe the Women should create their own competition and just call it the WFL thereby freeing themselves of any male interference. They could fund it themselves and call their teams whatever they want, eventually, maybe, they could build stadiums.
  19. I've had several arthroscopies on my knees and on one occasion i started to walk to early and my knee filled with fluid, it took quite a while and several drainings and injections of cortisone before it was ok again. It's not just a case of using an anti inflammatory you have to establish what the cause of the inflammation is and use the correct solution. I finally went to a rheumatologist and he sorted it, the other doctors didn't establish what the the inflammation was caused by, he did.
  20. Well there you go, we can all settle down now. https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/jesse-hogan-hasn-t-quit-fremantle-and-he-isn-t-about-to-20200206-p53yc9.html Jesse Hogan hasn't quit Fremantle, and he isn't about to
  21. Why? Why put him under more pressure, I'm sure he's under enough already. This will ease his mind and allow him to concentrate on his football and not have to worry every day if he'll have a job in a few weeks. Would you like to live under that pressure?
  22. The only thing I'm confident of is that you have no confidence in anything MFC. Yeah I know you've been following them for 250 years and have every reason to be lacking in confidence, but let's wait till the season starts before we call this season a failure.
  23. The ones who don't win enough games. Every year it's a new ball game and if we win enough games to get in, does it bother you who drops out? I'm bullish this year and expect to make the top eight, if not top six.
  24. Neita's family own a Farm just up the road from where my brother lives in SA and he 's told me that they highly regard him over there and one of the local legends ( long term player) told him that he is the best player to come out of Centrals in his time. Ripper kid too.
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