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Everything posted by 45HG

  1. Yeah that's right, i remember that incident. Bell looked shocking, poor kick and then poor judgement from Bell. But if that constitutes "ensuring" that we got off to a poor start, then i'm kermit the frog. It wasn't good from Bell at all, but i think his second half was pretty good and i'll be interested to see how he goes next week. If he can't maintain the glimpses he showed in the second half, then i agree he's in trouble, but i think he's one we may as well persist with because many can go before him
  2. I'm still waiting for you to make A point. Daniel Bell ensured we got off to a bad start? He ensured our midfielders didn't chase, he ensured we had shocking disposal, he ensured our team had 4, FOUR, tackles in the first quarter? Honestly, do you think before you type. Thomas had two first half goals from direct turnovers from other Melbourne players upfield, and kicked one because Buckley played on and got rag dolled. 18 touches for each, Thomas getting two goals when his team have 50 inside 50s and we have 37, i'd hardly say Bell could shoulder much blame for this loss, certainly no more than anyone else. I don't see how you can hang Bell, while defend Bruce with no argument
  3. Morton? Minus 2? Please tell me you're joking
  4. I'm glad you can assume intelligence based on one comment, and you should probably hope that most don't do the same for you. I will single out a leader if i wish, especially in a thread which leads people to state what disappoints them. Again, he disappointed me yesterday, mostly with his disposal. Are you able to understand that?
  5. I even mentioned pre-match that if it wasn't for Harvey and Grant, i'd probably hate North. First 30 seconds they combine for a goal, and it's clear for all to see. But i'm with you Chook, a lot of respect lost for what sounds like a very flippant interview. A more seasoned player should have known better. Saying he was glad he got reported, but also said it should be thrown out (or would be), what a joke
  6. The thread began about Bell but about 75% of it has been about Bruce, so you can stop crying about that part. If you're happy about his shepherding, and the level adhered to by the team, enjoy your day. I'm not happy with it, and i will express that. It should be at the forefront of each payer's mentality, to protect their team mate and i don't think any Melbourne players do it enough. The thread was titled "disappointed with" and i was disappointed with Bruce's disposal and leadership yesterday. Bell was better than Bruce yesterday, and the thread was about yesterday, so what are you whinging about?
  7. One other thing i thought yesterday that i was only reminded of when i saw the picture in this http://www.realfooty.com.au/news/news/demo...7097059784.html article was that no Demons teammates seemed to help Dunn in his job. When pushing and shoving with Harvey, a few of the other boys should've helped him out i thought. Mind you, the picture in this article really does show how ridiculous the situation is. Harvey looks like he's been shot, Dunn looks like he wants to kill him, Mclaren was ... there, Morton looks like a boy who's been caught up late watching an action movie, and that Kangas bloke reckons the whole thing is hilarious.
  8. 21 turning 22 next April, here's hoping i see a premiership before my 130th Birthday
  9. Buckley's kicking at round 17 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>. Buckley's kicking at round 12 Hopefully it continues, i have hope for him. He just needs to channel what he's doing, won't be long before teams figure out his tiny sidestep.
  10. My pet hate is him running 2 metres next to someone asking for the handball, which he gets because it's usually from a younger player, and then he fluffs the kick. He did it against the Dogs when Morton was running in, and a few times yesterday. a) provide a shepherd! B) provide a shepherd! c) see above d) move into actual space if you want the footy, and make sure you hit your target when you get the footy, and e) provide a shepherd. I swear, shepherding at melbourne, save for Whelan, must be the worst in the AFL.
  11. I would like to say i was generally very happy with our backline. I thought Martin was at every contest, and we generally held them up pretty well (except for the first quarter of course, but when you have about 6 inside 50s yourself, it's going to be near impossible to stop the other team scoring) Having Newton in, with Aussie out and a kid like Maric coming in for his debut, the forwardline pressure wasn't quite there (not that i'm saying Maric didn't chase hard, just that the Roos probably didn't need to show him much respect because he didn't have much help) Jones was good, but still has to pick his times when he's going to barge through. Sylvia is driving me bonkers, easily the most frustrating player on our list
  12. So he gets 18 touches at over 80% efficiency, Bruce gets 20 at 55%, and Bell is the main culprit? If you're going to talk of turnovers, half our team is gone. You'll need a better reason than that
  13. But if West Coast finish last, why would they sign a guy who has already stated that he wants to come to Melbourne, and would probably only sign a one year contract with them anyway, when they so desperately need to build their team. I don't see Dean Cox going anywhere soon either
  14. Not as good as the scoreboard attendants in the Olympic Stand
  15. Actually i find them interesting, informative, necessary, enlightening, uplifting and poignant. Thanks for the input Vince...Maybe you should follow the Tassie Hawks, of GC17
  16. Deanox, one goal was kicked because Mcdonald cleverly drew a late hit and the ball ended up in Newton's lap, and the other was a selfish shot at goal when he had free players further out. 8 touches and 3 frees against isn't a great game for someone who doesn't seem to be learning the defensive parts of the game
  17. Certainly has the Robbo disease of not holding his feet, and when he tackles it seems he has to really set himself for it, in that he has to go out of his way to get himsef into the frame of mind of tackling rather than it being a natural action. And that goal, i said straight away to my mate that i'd drag him for it, he agreed. Selfish play, but he can feel safe alongside Sylvia (and apparently Dunn) in that category
  18. What in the HELL was with 11, ELEVEN, tackles in the first half?!?! Two years ago we averaged 16 per quarter, today was inept. We looked better after 1/4 time obviously, save for some poor decision making/players in the half forward line, but 11 tackles in a half, 4 in a quarter you lose by 6 goals should definitely be addressed Almost fell over when i saw it on the scoreboard. And i know many people will probably have a teary over this, but Bruce's disposal of the footy today was just awful. A guy who is an awesome runner and knows how to find it, but 20 touches at 55% efficiency is just not good enough, not to mention that includes about 3-4 hospital handballs behind a player and one selfish snap around the corner from 45 out
  19. Have i missed something? How was Bell's game today utterly horrible, and the worst in history? Sure it wasn't great, but he lifted in the second half, had about 10 touches in the third quarter.
  20. QUICK, and looked to be able to find time pretty well. Good debut all in all, looked to tire a bit. I wouldn't be against resting him for a couple and bringing him back for WCE and Port, but on the other side it'd be good to keep getting games into him and see how he goes. All depends how is body pulls up. Any help, is it pronounced Marik or Marich?
  21. Redleg, you're right. Mclaren is a muppet. Unfortunately he wasn't over near me too much, but being in MCC go to hear the full sound of those in the Southern. Not too many though dissapointingly. On the Harvey issue, i'm neither here nor there on what he actually said. Dunn is still learning, and has done what i assume to be his role pretty well in previous weeks. On the matter of why Harvey said it though, i feel strongly he should pay attention to his team, and shut up about side matters that only leave him looking like a crybaby. He's a good player who lets acting get too much into his game, now he's doing it in the media. We didn't say anything about struggling 21 year old North players when we smacked them by 50 points two years ago when we were flying and they were shocking, he should shut up and pay attention to his own team IMO
  22. WE haven't played West Coast yet
  23. Excuse me? What a pity you made such an incoherent, unnecesary remark, with no dialogue or helpful insight
  24. But Davis was there for four..
  25. Did anybody know there was a "melbourne player of the year" voting system on the Dees website? It reckons it's been going for over a year, but i swear this is the first time i've seen it
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