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Bay Riffin

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Everything posted by Bay Riffin

  1. So if a Patton or O'Meara type became available, would we want to take Viney instead ?
  2. Also one of the few blokes under 20 to have continuity in his game instead of being injured. Then loh and behold he is already playing AFL in his second year. Will be tested to the maximum next week, but he deserves his spot after that game.
  3. It was quite a good game by any standards and for a 19 year old with a dozen games, it was excellent. Reiwoldts early goal where he marked by himself was because Tom ran ahead to create a 2 on 1, but we turned it over and the kick found Reiwold with no opponent. He will learn from that. But it seemed to me the contest was decided on Toms actions and he started to play more tightly and when he did, he won the contest at the end of the day. Its very important we develop a tall or two from the 2010 draft as we went for talls. 2 are currently travelling ok in McDonald and Howe and reckon Davis looks a likely type as a big bodied half back. But Tom is the one body out of that draft who i can definitely see playing key position. His draft position also dictates if he plays 10 games + he will be well above average.
  4. Sellar provided a contest. Next week we CANNOT have Rivers playing on bloke twice his weight like Hawkins. Bailey would do it basically due to having no other options. We will need bigger bodies next week.
  5. This is a critical point. We seemed to have recruited guys who weren’t made for key position. Take away their abilities for a moment, only Newton and Molan were of real size to take on a key position role. Even Cook does not look the right size for a key position. Collingwood ended up getting Dawes who has no more talent than Bate or Dunn, but can play a role in a premiership side because he is big enough. I think i would put more money on Williams plucked from the lower leagues to make it ahead of Cook, even with Cooks ability.
  6. nice article of 'convenience' raising the tanking issue, then cowardly suggesting it can't be called tanking at round 3 right at the end of the article. make the big headline then retract the insinuation right at the end. pathetic article. Mark Stevens is apporaching the Jon Ralph school of utter gutter journalism, saying anything just to sell some papers whether its true or not. Then in this case not even standing by your thoughts.
  7. Interesting. I recently watched the replay of last week and thought our generAl play in the first half was ok. We showed some confidence before the avalanche started. It provides some hope perhaps the season isn't a right off yet. I still think this seasons story is yet evolve. I still watch to see what his coaching grouP can do.
  8. interesting Jack Fitzpatrick has made it to emergencies. looks like he might be putting pressure on the rucks. Will be watching Morton. I hope the coaches are convinced he can now stick his tackles at least and not become a liability in traffic. If not, he should not be playing.
  9. I got one more thing out of it, Lyon spoke about himself in the 3rd person.
  10. Hit the nail on the head with thread. Was saying this on Saturday. So many times we had 3 blokes go in for the pill, win it the have no way to pass it inn under pressure. Just looked like amateur hour, at one stage we had 5 players with no lions player within 20 meters and turned it over by throwing the ball to a teammates right next to them. Just circa 2007 stuff. Malt house commentated on this last year. We played the eagles and were beating them then started to get sucked into the contest whilst opponents got in dangerous positions. He was saying this before we started losing the game or turning it over!!! Point is this does rely on players tackling well and having decent extractors and top defensive pressure. This is why I am loathe to bring in Morton and bennel who spread well but let us down in this area. Tapscott petterd mcdonald davis are the options
  11. Well if you spent the year at Casey in the prime of your career, would you be looking? Neeld will give him a go. It's up to Bate to take the chances.
  12. Yes just got back myself and I don't think they could have done it any better. Just then, at Fed square the 3 cheers went up as Jimmys number 37 and his coffin were brought outside. It was an amazing experience, i thought it was great how they included plenty of personal touches with speeches from his brother Brian, Gaddy Lyon and even Sam got up and spoke as Jimmy asked her to. Actually after a solemn, peaceful hour standing at Fed Square watching the big screen, the biggest cheer from Fed Square at the end came when Sam waved and blew kisses thanking everyone before hopping into her car. It was a great send off for Jimmy.
  13. If Jamar can beat Leunberger we will be well on our way. he was very dangerous up forward against us at the 'G last time so Sellar may get the job on the mobile resting ruckman who goes forward. Brisbane do go in hard at the contest, but if we can match that, we should beat them around the ground.
  14. I agree with Malthouse, play Watts at CHB, get him in amongst it. he has done some very good work down back. no harm in doing that. Garry Lyon, Pavlich, Glendinning etc gained confidence early on in their careers and excelled down back. Watts is capable. Grimes Watts Garland at half back releasing Frawley as an attacking full back would be a salivating thought for this year.
  15. I agree. The idea was right, something had to give or we would have to chop one of these youngsters. It was the execution afterwards which left us so frustrated. James was a good leader, but was getting injured and kicking was below par lets face it. One decent game in round 1 doesn't change things. I wonder who supporters would have chopped at the time to keep McDonald ?
  16. Great questions. I too was very sceptical of point 3. Camerons private loan from the club, and would love to know the answer. I let the club know at the timeand they got a member of the finance committee (i may be using the wrong term there) to call me straight away. We played phone tag for quite a while, so much so i let it go and got on with life, but I still would like to know the answer. To me private loans are a no-no, even if the deal ‘appears’ incredibly good for the club.
  17. I wouldn't say 'hung out to dry' as they are hoping on youngsters and as a collective we seem to be missing continuity in playing with some high draft picks, Tapscott, Grimes, Blease to name a few. Overall we would have expected more from all these high draft picks. most like tapscott have that as an excuse as they showed really good signs but I thought Gysberts in his thrid year should be aiming to play each week in what is an average midfield.
  18. right at the end of a NAB CUp game. dammit.
  19. hang on ? what action. Are you suggesting we would have changed our mind and taken Martiin based on an interview? I am wondering how good an interviewer he is to make us change our mind on a standout number 1 at the time and a bloke who tore it up in the SANFL finals !! remember hinsight only shows now what Martin has done. 2009 draft will be the least of our worries fellas. we have got some great quality in it. Crying over not interviewing Martin because Scully left is a waste of time. i wish they just didn't interview Fitzpatrick but the rest will be fine.
  20. hinsight? they thought they were the two best footballers and interviewed well. Why would we bother doing something where no further acton was needed or could be taken.
  21. If Scully and Trengove interviewed well and were considered better footballers, why bother? What could happen in an interview to change your mind?
  22. In summary we drafted some good players, had too many injuries but in my opinon drafted too many light weights who weren't natural footballers.
  23. I am not convinced. I have seen many a match under Bailey with this same outcome.
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